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27/4/2006UK SuperB Factory Workshop1 The LHCb Perspective Jim Libby – University of Oxford
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 2 Outline Physics goals of SuperB and LHCb (almost) identical Indirect search for New Physics in heavy flavour decay In particular CP violating and rare B decays Is there a synergy with a Super B factory? Synergy to symbiosis LHCb detector and status LHCb core programme Comparison to SuperB An upgraded LHCb Conclusions
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 3 Symbiosis-living together In symbiosis, at least one member of the pair benefits from the relationship The other member may be: injured relatively unaffected may also benefit ( = mutualism)
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 4
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 5 Requirements for flavour physics at the LHC Triggering: 6 in 1000 inelastic pp collisions at 14 TeV contain a bb pair Average of 1 interaction/bunch crossing (40 MHz) Reduce event rate for mass storage at 2 kHz Also require standard B physics tools Vertexing Particle identification Good invariant mass resolution Neutral reconstruction Flavour tagging A large number of bb events!
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 6 100 b 230 b Pythia production cross section Acceptance and luminosity In the forward region at LHC the bb production cross section is large All types of B hadron LHCb uses the forward direction 4.9 > >1.9 Both hadrons containing the b & b quarks are likely to be within the acceptance B hadrons are moving with considerable momentum ~100 GeV/c Design luminosity L =2×10 32 cm -2 s -1 Maximises number of single interactions 10 12 B hadrons in 10 7 sec = 1 LHC year ptpt
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 7 LHCb detector Muon Detector Tracking stations Trigger Tracking proton beam interaction region
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 8 LHCb cavern snapshot Muon shielding and electronics tower HCAL and ECAL modules RICH 2 Magnet – mapped RICH 1 - photo-detector magnetic shielding WILL BE READY FOR 2007 PILOT RUN
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 9 LHCb trigger First level hardware trigger High p t hadrons, leptons and photons Veto multiple interactions If event passes 1 st level all sub-detector data readout at 1 MHz to Higher Level Trigger farm Adaptable software trigger Fast VELO tracking to identify high impact parameter tracks Match to high p t objects that fired first level 2 kHz output rate Inclusive D * (300 Hz) – PID calibration and charm physics Dimuon (600 Hz) – B→J/ψX with no impact parameter selection Inclusive b→μ (900 Hz) – data mining and calibrations Exclusive B decay (200 Hz) – physics channels
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 10 Tracking and vertexing Proper time resolution ~ 40 fs B s D s h (h=π,K) B s J/ Essential for time dependent B s measurements BsDsBsDs Channelσ(m B ) [MeV/c 2 ] B s 18 Bs Ds Bs Ds 14 B s J/ 16 B s J/ (m J/ψ constrained) 8 BsDsBsDs All performance results with PYTHIA+GEANT4 simulation unless otherwise stated
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 11 Particle ID No RICH Kaon ID: ~88% Pion mis-ID: 3% Low momentum – Kaon flavour tag (b→c→s) High momentum – Background rejection for exclusive B decay reconstruction ππ hypothesis B→h + h -
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 12 Flavour tagging Most powerful tag is opposite kaon (from b c s) Combined D 2 ~ 6.9% (B s ) or 4.8% (B 0 ) Recent multivariate approach ~9% for B s Q vtx BsBs B0B0 D l-l- K–K– K+K+ PV SV Tag D 2 = (1–2w) 2 μ±μ± 1.0% e±e± 0.4% K±K± 2.4% Jet/vertex charge1.0% Same side K ± (B s )2.1% Cut
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 13 LHCb Physics Programme Sampler B s mixing phase and lifetime difference B s J/ Several routes to γ B s → D s K – tree only B d → π + π - and B s → K + K - – tree and penguin B - →D 0 K - and B 0 →D 0 K * (892) 0 – tree and D0 mixing α with B d → ρπ Rare decays B s(d) μ + μ - B d K * (892) 0 μ + μ - B d K * (892) 0 γ and B s γ
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 14 B s analogue of B d →J/ψK s measures the B s mixing phase s = –arg(V ts 2 ) = –2 2 ~ –0.04 in SM Large CP asymmetry would signal Physics Beyond SM J/ is not a pure CP eigenstate Admixture of 2 CP even and 1 CP odd amplitudes Need to fit angular distributions of decay final states as function of proper time Requires external m s from B s →D s π Exploits excellent proper time resolution 1 year predictions with m s = 20 ps -1 125k events with B/S~0.5 (sin s )~0.031 ( s / s )~ 0.011 3σ SM sensitivity to sin s after 5 years Also add pure CP states B s J/ η (‘) s and s from B s J/
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 15 from B s D s K 2 amplitudes (b→c and b→u) of same magnitude (~λ 3 ) interfere via B s mixing insensitive to new physics large interference effects expected 2 time dependent asymmetries B s (B s ) D - s K + and B s (B s ) D + s K - 5400 signal events/year with B/S<1 PID and mass resolution reduce contamination from B s D s π ~ 10% BsDsKBsDsK BsDsBsDs
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 16 D s K asymmetries (5 years, m s =20 ps –1 ) Ds–K+Ds–K+ Ds+K–Ds+K– from B s D s K Fit 2 time-dependent asymmetries phase of D s K = s ) phase of D s K = s ) s from B s → J/ψ to extract Δ and γ 1 year sensitivity: Assuming Δm s = 20 ps -1 and - 20°<Δ<20° ~ 14° Statistically limited 8-fold ambiguities in can be resolved If s large enough, or B 0 →D and U-spin symmetry
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 17 from B and B s K K Large penguin contributions in both decays Sensitive to New Physics Measure time-dependent CP asymmetry for B and B s K K A CP (t) = A dir cos( mt) + A mix sin( mt) A dir and A mix depend on , mixing phases, and ratio of penguin-to-tree amplitudes (d e i Exploit “U-spin” symmetry (d s) d = d KK and = KK Mixing phases from golden modes 4 measurements and 3 unknowns, 1 year yields and sensitivity: 26k B and 37k B s K K , ° ( ) d B s K K (95% CL) B (95% CL) B d/s /K R.Fleischer, Phys.Lett. B459, 306 (1999)
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 18 Dunietz variant of Gronau, London and Wyler method Exploits interference between two colour-suppressed diagrams Measure 6 decay rates: B 0 D 0 (K , K,KK)K* 0 + CP conjugates Allows and other parameters to be extracted without flavour tagging or proper time determination 8 0 precision on γ with one year’s data from B 0 D 0 K* 0 A 1 = A(B 0 D 0 K* 0 ): b c transition, phase 0 A 2 = A(B 0 D 0 K* 0 ): b u transition, phase + A 3 = 2 A(B 0 D CP K* 0 ) = A 1 +A 2, because D CP =(D 0 +D 0 )/ 2 = strong phase
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 19 B →DK Similar to B 0 -two interfering tree processes Now one diagram colour suppressed – b→u, b→c interference r B – the ratio in magnitude of two diagrams (0.1 – 0.2) δ B – a CP conserving strong phase difference Look for decays common to D o and D o to access interference effects, which depend on 3 parameters: 1.Cabbibo favoured self-conjugate decays e.g. K s , K s KK, KKππ Preliminary K s studies 6k events/year with B/S ~O(1) 2.Cabbibo favoured/doubly Cabbibo suppressed modes e.g. K , K One year γ sensitivity 5 0 Two types of D 0 decay understudy :
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 20 Angle from B d 0 – + decays Dalitz plot analysis (Quinn Snyder method) B d 0 – + selection based on multivariate analysis Use resolved and merged 0 Expect 14k events per year, B(bb)/S < 1 Toy MC study: 11-parameter likelihood fits performed in time- dependent Dalitz space B/S = 0.8 (flat and resonant bkg) 0000 –+–+ +–+– m2(0+)m2(0+) m2(0–)m2(0–) Combined discriminant variable 1 year ( ) ~10° gen =106°
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 21 s = (m ) 2 [GeV 2 ] A FB (s) for B 0 K *0 Rare decays with leptons B s →μ + μ - BR ~ 3.5 10 –9 in SM, can be strongly enhanced in SUSY LHCb has prospect for significant measurement ~30 events/year Full simulation: 10M incl. bb events + 10M b , b events (all rejected) B→K *0 μ + μ - A FB very sensitive to new physics Expect 4.4k events in 1 year B/S < 2.5 In 5 years 13% sensitivity to s(A FB =0)
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 22 B 0 → K 0* and B s → B→K 0* expected direct CP violation A cp <0.01 35k/year B/S>0.7 B→ TDCPV zero in SM Sensitive to same new physics as TDCPV B 0 → K *0 (K 0 s π) Selection optimises proper time resolution k/year B/S>2.5 Sensitivity studies in progress m ~ 64 MeV/c 2 B→ K B s → KK ~ 60 fs m Kπ [GeV]
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 23 …and much, much more Other CP measurements, for example sin 2β sin (2β+γ) with B→D * π α with B→ρ 0 ρ 0 s with B s (gluonic penguin) Other rare decays e.g B s μμ Other areas to be explored B baryons B c physics – 14k/year in B c → J/ψ π Charm physics (300 Hz of D *+ →D 0 (h + h - )π + ) Control samples for control of systematic uncertainties
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 24 Comparison to Super B This was shown by N. Katayama at FCPC a couple of weeks ago At first glance I’m working on the wrong experiment! But: LHCb ~2010 SuperB ~2020 Some missing LHCb info SuperB (50 ab -1 ) LHCb (2 fb -1 )
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 25 Comparison to Super B Added some information on several modes Scaled LHCb to 10 fb -1 luminosity (2015) and reordered the measurements Symbiosis! Inclusive/ ν No IP BsBs Com mon
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 26 Possible LHCb upgrades Simulation studies indicate we can run at 5×10 -32 cm -2 s -1 and gain in statistics Particularly dimuons Bo+-Bo+- B S B S J/ BSDSK-BSDSK- Vertex detector will be replaced because of radiation damage Very radiation hard technologies would allow detectors to be closer to the beam Pixels could be used in 1 st level of the trigger to improve selection of hadronic modes ECAL inner region replaced by PbWO 4 to improve neutral performance
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 27 Conclusions LHCb will be ready for data taking next year A large number of measurements will be made during the lifetime of the experiment Largely complimentary to Super B programme Performance might be enhanced with upgrades to vertexing, triggering and electromagnetic calorimetry
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 28 sin(2 ) from B 0 J/ K S “gold-plated” decay channel at B-factories for measuring the B d - B d mixing phase needed for extracting γ from B π π and B s K K, or from B D * π in SM ~0, non-vanishing value O (0.01) could be a signal of Physics Beyond SM A CP (t) (background subtracted) LHCb One of the first CP measurements at LHC: demonstrate CP analysis performance study tagging systematics Expected sensitivity: LHCb: 240k signal events/year stat (sin(2 )) ~ 0.02 (1year, 2fb -1 ) ( 0.6°) Search for direct CP violating term…
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 29 B - →D 0 (K + - )K - Both D 0 and D 0 → K + - : Doubly Cabbibo suppressed Cabbibo favoured For these decays the reversed suppression of the D decays relative to the B decays results in much more equal amplitudes → big interference effects Counting experiment Interference depends on 5 parameters : From the B decays γ, r B and δ B r D K – the ratio in magnitude of two D decay processes Well measured (PDG value 0.060) δ D K – a CP conserving strong phase difference B - →D 0 K - (colour favoured) then : B - →D 0 K - (colour suppressed) then : Atwood, Dunietz and Soni
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 30 B - →D 0 (K + - )K - Have 4 B ± →D(K )K ± rates we can measure: Two rates are favoured (1) and (3) Two rates are suppressed (2) and (4) – but suppressed rates have O(1) interference effects as r B ~ r D Taking the relative rates have more unknowns than equations – need information from other decays eg. D → K or the CP eigenstates KK, (r D KK =1, D KK =0) (1)(1) (2)(2) (3)(3) (4)(4)
27/4/2006 UK SuperB Factory Workshop 31 ADS 1 year sensitivity studies Event yields 60,000 favoured 2,000 suppressed B/S = 0.5 for both Fit robust over range of strong D decay strong phases B/S Kπ 0125 B/S Kπππ 03.9 0 4.0 0 4.1 0 14.6 0 4.8 0 5.0 0 2 5.1 0 5.3 0 5.5 0 55.6 0 5.9 0 6.0 0 6.9 0 1000 toy experiments-no background
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