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1 Hottest SharePoint Buzz Ever … JPoint Fernando Leitzelar, PMP Sr. SharePoint Developer.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Hottest SharePoint Buzz Ever … JPoint Fernando Leitzelar, PMP Sr. SharePoint Developer."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Hottest SharePoint Buzz Ever … JPoint Fernando Leitzelar, PMP Sr. SharePoint Developer

2 About mindSHIFT: Fernando Leitzelar is a senior SharePoint architect and consultant with mindSHIFT Technologies, Inc., where he regularly interfaces with clients and development teams to design SharePoint-based solutions. Fernando also delivers SharePoint developer, administrator and end-user training. He has been working with SharePoint 2010 since its release, having worked extensively on designing and architecting sophisticated MOSS 2007 and 2003 applications. He maintains expertise in MOSS 2007/2010, JPoint, SharePoint Designer, ASP.NET, C#.NET, and SQL 2005/2008 reporting and business intelligence tools. About mindSHIFT: mindSHIFT Technologies is a leading Managed Services Provider (MSP) offering managed IT services, software-as-a-service (SaaS), VoIP, compliance and professional services to organizations around the world. 2 We make IT work for your business. ® Speaker Fernando Leitzelar, PMP Sr. SharePoint Developer mindSHIFT TechnologiesSpeaker Fernando Leitzelar, PMP Sr. SharePoint Developer mindSHIFT Technologies

3 3 ECMAScript, JPoint, Silverlight and Object Model for SharePoint 2007 and 2010 SharePoint Client Side

4 4 User Friendly Less reloads Better interface and improved response to events More interactive functionality JavaScript + XmlHttpRequest +.asmx,.svc, … -> AJAX Creating from scratch is costly and potentially buggy where browser compatibility problems persist What is it and Why?

5 5 OOTB Core.js, init.js, form.js,… ActiveX-control,.ocx and.dll More ASP.NET, AJAX, Silverlight blueprint, jQuery, jQuery UI, jPoint, jQuery.SPServices ExtJS, Prototype.js… OOTB Ajax everywhere, Silverlight Web Parts, ClientOM for.NET ClientOM for ECMAScript (SP.js, SP.debug.js) /SP.SOD.execute Any other SharePoint JavaScript libraries MOSS 2007 vs SharePoint 2010

6 6 FrontPage RPC / OWS var lists = new SPAPI_Lists("http://server") ; var listcollection = lists.getListCollection(); if(listcollection.status == “200”){ $(listcollection.responseXML).fin d("List").each(function() { //here we have each list }); owsapi.js Web Service XmlHttpRequest… jQuery.ajax() jPoint jQuery.SPServices Silverlight var listItems = jP.getList('/','Title').getSPItemsW ithQuery(CamlQuery,RowLimit); var itemObjects = listItems.getItemsFieldData(); Client Side 2007

7 Client Side 2010 7 Managed.NET Client with Client OM Microsoft.SharePoint.Client*.dll Silverlight Client Object Model ADO.NET Data Services (REST) SharePoint Web Service Working with HTML DOM Additional web services ECMAScript and JPoint

8 8

9 What is it? How to use it Why is it so popular? Demo 9 We make IT work for your business. ® Introduction to JPoint

10 JPoint – What is it? JQuery with SharePoint Easy Javascript / ECMAScript Downloaded at and Faster than the DOM Cross Browser Supported 10 We make IT work for your business. ®

11 Integrated with Visual Studio 2010 IntelliSense available in VS 2008 Plug-ins: http://plugins.jquery.com 11 We make IT work for your business. ® JQuery – What is it?

12 12 We make IT work for your business. ® Evolution

13 13 We make IT work for your business. ® with Ajax…

14 14 We make IT work for your business. ® Selectors  $(“#someId”)  $(“:text”)  $(“.someclass”)  $(“#sometabletr:even”) Events  click, focus  show, hide OR slideDown, slideUp, fadeIn, fadeOut  Example:  $(“.someClass”).show(“slow”, someFunction) JQuery Syntax

15 15 We make IT work for your business. ® Click here to toggle visibility of #foo function toggle_visibility(id) { var e = document.getElementById(id); if( == 'block') = 'none'; else = 'block'; } Example – Show/Hide the old way

16 16 We make IT work for your business. ® $().ready(function(){ $("a").click(function(){ $("#more").toggle("slow"); return false; }); Example – Show/Hide with JPoint

17 17 We make IT work for your business. ® function GetXmlHttpObject(handler) { var objXmlHttp = null; //Holds the local xmlHTTP object instance //Depending on the browser, try to create the xmlHttp object if (is_ie){ var strObjName = (is_ie5) ? 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP' : 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP'; try{ objXmlHttp = new ActiveXObject(strObjName); objXmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handler; } catch(e){ //Object creation errored alert('Verify that activescripting and activeX controls are enabled'); return; } else{ // Mozilla | Netscape | Safari objXmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); objXmlHttp.onload = handler; objXmlHttp.onerror = handler; } //Return the instantiated object return objXmlHttp; } Example – Ajax the old way

18 18 We make IT work for your business. ® $.get("update_actions.aspx", {st: "yes", f: $(this).attr("ID")} ); Example – Ajax with JPoint

19 Increases dynamic content display Add interface enhancements without access to the Server Lightweight – 14kb (Minified and Gzipped) Cross-browser support (IE 6.0+, FF 1.5+, Safari 2.0+, Opera 9.0+) CSS-like syntax – easy for developers/non-developers to understand Active developer community Extensible - plugins 19 We make IT work for your business. ® Why is it so popular?

20 ECMAScript – What is it ? 20 Standard for Jscript, JavaScript, ActionScript Implemented in SharePoint 2010 OOTB More functionality than JavaScript Backbone of the Client Object Model Reference _layouts/sp.js using

21 ECMAScript in 2010 21

22 JQuery in 2010 Controls rendered by functions as opposed to HTML Migration from MOSS 2007 Nightmare Shift in development paradigms 22

23 JQuery in 2010 function loadScript(scriptSrc, callbackFunction) { var headSection = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = scriptSrc; script.onload = callbackFunction; script.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 'complete') { callbackFunction(); } headSection.appendChild(script); } function runScript() { $(document).ready(function() { // Your code here }); } _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames.push('loadScript(\'\', runScript)'); 23

24 24 We make IT work for your business. ® Auto Complete - SP, ECMA and JQueryAuto Complete - SP, ECMA and JQuery 1 SharePoint as a Document InterfaceSharePoint as a Document Interface 2 Document Search - SP, ECMA and JQueryDocument Search - SP, ECMA and JQuery 3 Today’s Demo

25 SharePoint, ECMA and JQuery 25

26 SharePoint, ECMA and JQuery var clients; $(document).ready(function() { var ClientName = $('input:[title=ClientName]'); $(ClientName).keyup(GetClient); }); function GetClient() { var ClientName = $('input:[title=ClientName]'); if($(ClientName).val().length > 2) SuggestClients(); } function SuggestClients() { var ClientName = $('input:[title=ClientName]'); var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current(); var web = clientContext.get_web(); var ClientList = web.get_lists().getByTitle('Clients'); var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery(); camlQuery.set_viewXml(' ' + ' ' + $(ClientName).val() + ' 10 '); clients = ClientList.getItems(camlQuery); clientContext.load(clients); clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQuerySucceeded), Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQueryFailed)); } 26

27 SharePoint, ECMA and JQuery function onQuerySucceeded(sender, args) { var ClientName = $('input:[title=ClientName]'); var myArray = new Array(); var listEnumerator = clients.getEnumerator(); while (listEnumerator.moveNext()) { myArray.push(listEnumerator.get_current().get_item("ClientName")); } $(ClientName).autocomplete(myArray); } function onQueryFailed(sender, args) { alert('request failed: ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace()); } 27

28 SharePoint Document Interface 28

29 SharePoint, ECMA and JQuery 29 Filename contains:

30 SharePoint, ECMA and JQuery var selectedDocs; $('#txtFilenameContains').keyup(function (event) { filterDocs(); }); function filterDocs() { var ctx = new SP.ClientContext.get_current(); var docLib = ctx.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle('Shared Documents'); var query = new SP.CamlQuery(); query.set_viewXml(" " + $('#txtFilenameContains').val() + " "); selectedDocs = docLib.getItems(query); ctx.load(selectedDocs); ctx.executeQueryAsync(getDocsWithQuerySuccess, getDocsWithQueryFailure); } function getDocsWithQuerySuccess(sender, args) { $('#demo3Result').empty(); var listEnumerator = selectedDocs.getEnumerator(); while (listEnumerator.moveNext()) { $('#demo3Result').append(listEnumerator.get_current().get_item("FileLeafRef") + ' '); } function getDocsWithQueryFailure(sender, args) { alert('Failed to get list items. \nError: ' + args.get_message() + '\nStackTrace: ' + args.get_stackTrace()); } 30

31 31 Q&A Thank you! Fernando Leitzelar @FLeitzelar 631-864-0264 We make IT work for your business. ®

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