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Island evolution. Geospiza magnirostris magnirostris Geospiza magnirostris strenua Geospiza fortis Geospiza nebulosa nebulosa Camarhynchus parvulus parvulus.

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Presentation on theme: "Island evolution. Geospiza magnirostris magnirostris Geospiza magnirostris strenua Geospiza fortis Geospiza nebulosa nebulosa Camarhynchus parvulus parvulus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Island evolution

2 Geospiza magnirostris magnirostris Geospiza magnirostris strenua Geospiza fortis Geospiza nebulosa nebulosa Camarhynchus parvulus parvulus

3 land surface of the world islands: 3% mainland: 97% islands: 13.5% (35 500 spp) mainland: 86.5% higher plant species (263 000 spp)

4 Higher plant species total nrendemic nr % species species endemic New Zealand 2371 2480 81.9 Madagascar8000-10000 5000-8000 68.4 Hawaii 1180 906 89.9 Cook Islands 284 3 1.1

5 Land snail species total nrendemic nr % species species endemic Madagascar 380 361 95 Hawaii ca. 1000 ca. 1000 99.9 Canary Islands 181 141 77.9

6 Insect species Drosophila species: 511 + 300 Hawaii

7 Insect species Drosophila species: 511 + 300 spp. Tree crickets: 3 genera, 68 spp. Hawaii

8 Insect species Drosophila species: 511 + 300 spp. Tree crickets: 3 genera, 68 spp. Sarona plant bug: 40 spp. Hawaii

9 Insect species 5700 spp., 2200 spp. endemic Canary islands

10 Insect species 285 spp. Tropical Pacific Lepidoptera 100 spp. one island endemics 28 spp. regional endemics

11 Lizard species 23 genera, 100 spp. Tropical Pacific Scincidae 66 spp. one island endemics 13 spp. regional endemics 9 endemics

12 Lizard species 1 endemic genus: 7 extant spp. Canary Islands Lacertids

13 Lizard species 400 spp. of Anolis Caribbean Anolis 150 spp. on Caribbean islands

14 Bird species 10300 spp. of birds 1750 spp. confined to islands (17%) 402 threatened (23%) 1132 threatened (11%)

15 Mammal species 84 genera, 170 spp. Philippines (7000 islands) 24 endemics (29%) 111 endemics (64%)

16 Comparisons among taxa Pacific Ocean Islands (26-30 islands) regional endemicslocal endemics butterflies10% 35% birds10% 65% skinks13% 66% mammals 6% 54% large, high, remote islands + +

17 Island evolution Distribution: allopatric, sympatric and parapatric speciation


19 allopatric speciation

20 allopatric speciation

21 "sympatric" speciation allopatric speciation

22 Island evolution

23 Scaly fern trees, Cyathaceae, MadagascarJanssen et al. 2008

24 Scaly fern trees, Cyathaceae, Madagascar Janssen et al. 2008

25 bipinnate clade tripinnate clade gymnosphaera Miocene-Pleistocene

26 bipinnate clade gymnosphaera tripinnate clade Pleistocene

27 bipinnate clade tripinnate clade gymnosphaera Pleistocene

28 Laurel forest, Teneriffe, Canary Islands Laurel, Seub franco Barbusano, Appollonias barbujana Isoplexis canarienis

29 Azores Madeira Canaries

30 Azores Madeira Canaries

31 Azores Madeira Canaries

32 Azores Madeira Canaries

33 Island evolution


35 colonisation of island 1 in one event (>30ind)

36 rapid expansion, adaptive changes, drift

37 members colonize island 2

38 drift and adaptive changes to different environment

39 members of a derived population arrive at occupied island

40 competition, character displacement, reinforcement

41 Blue chaffinch, Fringilla teydea, Canary Islands

42 Island evolution

43 disruptive sexual selection disruptive natural selection discrete habitat models continuous resource models bekhoogte frequentie vruchtgrootte frequentie

44 Island evolution

45 ~ latitude island ~ age island ~ taxon

46 Island evolution

47 anagenesis progenitor species becomes extinct

48 anacladogenesis progenitor survives with little change alongside the derived species

49 cladogenesis progenitor species is partitioned in two lines and becomes extinct in its original form

50 Hawaiian honeycreepers, Drepanidinae, Hawaii

51 Anolis radiation, Caribbean Islands

52 Juan Fernandez Islands

53 148 endemic species anagenesis 71% progenitor species becomes extinct cladogenesis 5% progenitor species is partitioned in two lines and becomes extinct in its original form anacladogenesis 24% progenitor survives with little change alongside the derived species

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