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2008-9-5EGF2008 Poiana Brasov1 Tuning and Physics Benchmarks Comparison of Benchmarks for Physics Bachelor degrees in Europe  Working Group 1 Fernando.

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Presentation on theme: "2008-9-5EGF2008 Poiana Brasov1 Tuning and Physics Benchmarks Comparison of Benchmarks for Physics Bachelor degrees in Europe  Working Group 1 Fernando."— Presentation transcript:

1 2008-9-5EGF2008 Poiana Brasov1 Tuning and Physics Benchmarks Comparison of Benchmarks for Physics Bachelor degrees in Europe  Working Group 1 Fernando Cornet ES, Eamonn Cunningham IE, Lupo Donà dalle Rose IT, Leif Johansson SE, Jan Klosinski PL

2 2008-9-5EGF2008 Poiana Brasov2 Eupen & Tuning Eupen survey of physics courses (1998) 75 universities/21 countries Fundamental physics courses dominate early years of degree (Bachelor degree) Very similar contents across Europe (Proceedings of EUPEN General Forum 98) Tuning (2002) Study of physics course across 15 countries Identified core of Physics common to all programmes

3 2008-9-5EGF2008 Poiana Brasov3 Tuning syllabus Maths & Computing Basic maths, mathematical methods, computing Basic Physics Classical, quantum physics, laboratory Theoretical Physics Analytical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics. Statistical physics Modern Physics Atomic, nuclear, solid state, astrophysics Applied Physics Electronics, chemistry etc. Laboratory Laboratory work, physics projects, Bachelor thesis project

4 2008-9-5EGF2008 Poiana Brasov4 National Benchmarks Most countries are adopting subject benchmarks Introduction of Bachelor degrees Quality assurance systems Using the methods adopted by Tuning Subject and general competences, learning outcomes etc. Concentrating on physics content not other general quality indicators

5 2008-9-5EGF2008 Poiana Brasov5 Italy: Laurea in Physical Sciences & Technologies Only 90/180 ECTS credits are compulsory Basic activities 40 Maths & computing 15 Chemistry 5 Experimental & Theoretical physics 20 Characterising activities 50 Experimental & applied Physics Theoretical Physics & foundation of Physics Micro-physics & structure of matter Astrophysics, geophysics & space physics

6 2008-9-5EGF2008 Poiana Brasov6 Germany: Bachelor degree ASIIN document (Quality agency) 130/180 specified Maths 30Experimental Physics 30 Theoretical Physics 30Laboratory 30 Other subjects 25Bachelor Thesis 12 Conference of Physics Faculties Similar breakdown of subjects Clear distinction drawn between theoretical and experimental physics

7 2008-9-5EGF2008 Poiana Brasov7 Spain: Título de Grado en Física National Quality and Accreditation agency For 180 credit degree (240 also possible) 135/180 specified Fundamental physics 15 Mechanics & waves 12 Electromagnetism 12 Optics 6 Thermodynamics 12 Quantitative physics 12 Structure of materials 9 Experimental techniques 18 Mathematical methods 30 Computational physics 9 Slightly more detailed specification of subjects and weightings

8 2008-9-5EGF2008 Poiana Brasov8 Lithuania: Bachelor degree 140/180 credits specified General university education 12-28 General/basic physics 38 Maths 12 Information technology 10 Specific physics courses 35 Laboratory/practical 10 Bachelor thesis 8

9 2008-9-5EGF2008 Poiana Brasov9 UK (& Ireland) QAA (UK quality assurance agency) General document which does not go into subject details Applies to 3 & 4 year degrees (5 in Scotland) IOP (Institute of Physics) voluntary accreditation scheme Also includes Ireland Detailed “Core of Physics” Does not conflict with QAA document

10 2008-9-5EGF2008 Poiana Brasov10 IOP “Core of Physics” “Core of Physics” (more detailed IOP document) MathematicsMechanics & relativity Quantum PhysicsCondensed matter Oscillations & wavesElectromagnetism OpticsThermodynamics Project work (Bachelor Thesis) No specific allocation of credits Topics could be grouped differently – this is not a set syllabus

11 2008-9-5EGF2008 Poiana Brasov11 Comparison No significant differences in Physics content Different emphasis in different countries Range of approaches UK/Ireland more experimental Germany more theoretical Converging towards common benchmarks/syllabi?

12 2008-9-5EGF2008 Poiana Brasov12 European Benchmark? Given the similarities in different benchmarks, there is a good case for having a common European benchmark Needs to be flexible and non-prescriptive Contains agreed common core physics Should cover most physics degrees

13 2008-9-5EGF2008 Poiana Brasov13 Suggested structure Based on Tuning structure with modifications & suggested credits Maths & Computing20-40 Basic maths, mathematical methods, computing, Information Technology Basic Physics20-40 Classical, quantum physics, oscillations & waves, basic optics, basic laboratory Theoretical Physics20-40 Analytical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, Thermodynamics & statistical physics Modern Physics20-40 Relativity, Atomic, nuclear, condensed matter, advanced optics Laboratory20-40 Laboratory work, physics projects, Bachelor thesis project Ancillary subjects (was Applied Physics) 0-40 Astronomy, Astrophysics, Electronics, Chemistry etc Overall minimum of 140 credits in Maths & Physics

14 2008-9-5EGF2008 Poiana Brasov14 Way forward? Small group to formulate Physics benchmark document Circulate to STEPS2/EUPEN members Separate application for funding in co- operation with STEPS2?

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