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Reporting Module for Gateway Yvonne Yao. Recap: What is the Gateway? Web-base e-mail system Create, schedule, send mailings Statistics collected and presented.

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Presentation on theme: "Reporting Module for Gateway Yvonne Yao. Recap: What is the Gateway? Web-base e-mail system Create, schedule, send mailings Statistics collected and presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reporting Module for Gateway Yvonne Yao

2 Recap: What is the Gateway? Web-base e-mail system Create, schedule, send mailings Statistics collected and presented

3 Why a reporting module is needed? Only a small set of recipient interaction data is collected Little insight into recipient reaction Improvement: collect more data and provide more reports

4 Extra data collected – Link Tracking Link tracking –Scan mailing content, replace all links with unique link ID’s –Upon clicking, the action page will record the interaction performed and redirect to the original destination Click Here

5 Extra data collected – Survey Tracking Survey Tracking –Surveys are created with survey creation module –When survey is to be included in a mailing, special naming scheme is applied –When survey is submitted, interaction and answers to each questions are recorded

6 Extra data collected – Survey Tracking What colors do you like? Yellow Blue

7 Extra data collected – Forward Tracking Forward Tracking –Each mailing contains a unique recipient ID, which enables the tracking of individual interaction –Forward using the “Forward” button in e- mail program does NOT work (Why?) –Solution: A special form that asks for e- mail addresses. –By submitting this form, a new mailing is composed with a new recipient ID

8 Reports Nine categories of reports –Mailings –Delivery Statistics –Views –Click Throughs –Forwards –Contact Activity –Domains –Replies –Surveys

9 Reports – Mailings Includes all aspects of mailing performance An overview of all other categories Some reports are –Successful delivery by domain for all mailings –Mailings sent by month / week –Views by time of day

10 Reports – Delivery Statistics Measures how well the mailings have been delivered Provides total sent, successful delivery counts and bounce (soft, hard, unknown) counts

11 Reports – Views and Click Throughs Each mailing may be viewed multiple times by the same recipient, and each link may be clicked multiple times Counters are kept within each interaction record Provides counts on total / unique views and clicks

12 Reports - Forwards Each forward interaction record contains the sender and the receiver’s information Provides total number of forwards, who forwarded whom, and view rate of all forwardees

13 Reports – Contact Activity Within each mailing, the recipient can choose to subscribe or unsubscribe from all future mailings Gives the total number of un/subscribers, and the cumulative number of subscribers over time

14 Reports - Domains Domain statistics can reveal any blockage of IP addresses Further action may be needed to remove the block on any of IP’s Provides mailing delivery rates by domain, subscribe rates by domain, and top failing domains

15 Reports – Replies Replies to any mailings are also recorded Reply-To field of the SMTP message is encrypted with the recipient ID Provides the total number of replies, the recipients that replied, and the reply message

16 Reports - Surveys Similar to existing survey reports, shows the number of responses per question, and the answers for each survey Also shows the total number answers by zip code

17 Demo

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