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Para terminar…. To provide students with the training to explore historical and linguistic connections in the Spanish language Presentations – Collect.

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Presentation on theme: "Para terminar…. To provide students with the training to explore historical and linguistic connections in the Spanish language Presentations – Collect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Para terminar…

2 To provide students with the training to explore historical and linguistic connections in the Spanish language Presentations – Collect the main points of a unit Readings – To explore the historical context of the language – To provide a link to the modern world Grammar and materials – To view the similarities between own language and historical development

3 To compare the above connections to their own brand of Spanish. Problems with pronunciation – Seseo/ceceo-yeismo- Problems with verb forms – Subjunctives – Voseo Problems with the pronominal system – La/le/lo Problems with Preterite – Preferences

4 To foster in students a practical awareness of register, styles and rhetorical aspects of Spanish prose. oWritten Spanish oNorma culta oSpoken Spanish oDialectos oSociolectos oRegistros oUse of proverbs/sayings o lo que Natura non da oHacerse la América oetc

5 To encourage students to adopt autonomous learning skills and an investigative approach Students must – Take decisions about topics – Take decisions about type of assessment – Choose project – Research on their own

6 To give students the opportunity to apply their knowledge, understanding and skills to various language tasks. Students must do – Tasks like Writing various prose pieces Do presentations Do conversations Write a project Work in groups Work individually

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