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WARNING: Levels have dropped in system 365. WARNING: Levels have dropped in system 365.

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Presentation on theme: "WARNING: Levels have dropped in system 365. WARNING: Levels have dropped in system 365."— Presentation transcript:

1 WARNING: Levels have dropped in system 365

2 WARNING: Levels have dropped in system 365.

3 WARNING: Action required immediately

4 System Failure Imminent. Action required immediately

5 System failure in 10 seconds

6 System failure in 5 seconds


8 A good handover system Clear identification of the information that needs to be communicated Structured shift log & handover report Procedures that support people in carrying out handover Covered explicitly in training and assessment systems Audited and reviewed Address behavioural requirements

9 An example Handover Report

10 Safety Concerns? Disturbance of circadian rhythms Reaction time, motivation, concentration Lack of sleep and mental performance Do shift workers have a greater risk of injury?

11 Buncefield In the early hours of Sunday 11th December 2005, a number of explosions occurred at Buncefield Oil Storage Depot in Hemel Hempstead. At least one of the initial explosions was of massive proportions and there was a large fire, which engulfed a high proportion of the site. Over 40 people were injured; fortunately there were no fatalities. The fire burned for several days, destroying most of the site and emitting large clouds of black smoke into the atmosphere.

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