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Words of Wisdom from Dr.Spielhagen Students and teachers alike should engage in active learning… Inquiry based pursuits of ideas and concepts. Back to.

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1 Words of Wisdom from Dr.Spielhagen Students and teachers alike should engage in active learning… Inquiry based pursuits of ideas and concepts. Back to Electronic Portfolio

2 Background Information Name: Frances R. Spielhagen, Ph.D. Address: 9 Ridgeway Loop, Warwick, NY 10990 Date of Birth: 2/01/1946 Place of Birth:Brooklyn, NY Number of years teaching38 years What is she doing now:She is a teacher-educator and educational researcher. She is currently completing an AERA postdoctoral fellowshipAERA Back to Electronic Portfolio

3 What are some of the highlights of your career ? There are so many wonderful memories. I hardly know where to begin. My students and I engaged in a creative problem solving exercise that ultimately led to the creation of a soup kitchen that still feeds 35-50 people each day. We won national awards for that, but the longevity of the results in the biggest reward.soup kitchen I was named District Teacher of the Year. I was nominated three times by my students for Disney Teacher of the Year (but never placed.)Disney Teacher of the Year I won several awards from the NJ Department of Education. My students regularly won awards from the National Latin Examination competition. Lifetime television did a half-hour show on me because of my students’ prompting. Most important: My students regularly contact me, keep in touch, and tell me what they are doing. Their lives are a source of satisfaction to me Back to Electronic Portfolio

4 Advice for Future Teachers Take it a day at a time. Keep a journal. Plan, plan, plan, and over plan – it’s pre-emptive classroom management to have your plans full of options. Be kind to yourself. Don’t expect much of a social life, but do make time to see friends at least one night on the weekend. Network with other teachers to share your stories. Back to Electronic Portfolio

5 What keeps her motivated? This sounds corny, but I think it is a sacred trust to interact with students and to help them grow in knowledge, both of content and of themselves. Back to Electronic Portfolio

6 Teaching Philosophy I believe all children can learn and that it is our responsibility to help each student advance while in our care. That means the bright kids as much as, if not more so than, the students who struggle. bright kids Back to Electronic Portfolio

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