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The Maxwell School of Public Affairs and Citizenship Syracuse University Executive Leadership Seminar: Managing In The Arena of Government Oversight June.

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Presentation on theme: "The Maxwell School of Public Affairs and Citizenship Syracuse University Executive Leadership Seminar: Managing In The Arena of Government Oversight June."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Maxwell School of Public Affairs and Citizenship Syracuse University Executive Leadership Seminar: Managing In The Arena of Government Oversight June 24, 2009

2 Executive Leadership Seminar Lesson One – The Face in the Mirror Lesson Two – They Might Be Giants Lesson Three – The Arena Lesson Four – Into the Woods

3 Lesson One – The Face in the Mirror Arena of Government Oversight Value and Risks of Professional Relationships The Politics of Being Apolitical Balancing Internal Success with External Misfortune Avoiding the Bunker Mentality

4 Lesson Two – They Might Be Giants Congress Congress Legislate for Department Oversight Programs and Activities Appropriate Funding Know the Political Landscape -- Not Monolithic Distinguish Congressional Staff vs. Member Interests

5 Lesson Two – They Might Be Giants Department Department Under/Assistant Secretary for Management Chief Financial Officer/ Chief Operating Officer General Counsel Program Assistant Secretaries EmployeesUnions Management Groups

6 Lesson Three – The Arena The White House The White House WH Personnel and Counsel National Security Council OMB: Consumer and Provider CIGIE Department of Justice Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel Office of Special Counsel

7 Lesson Three – The Arena GAO GAO The Investigative Arm of Congress OIG OIG The Troika with Dual Reporting Responsibilities Productive Alliances Productive Alliances Horizontal and Tactical Reporting Lines Management Challenges and High Risk

8 Lesson Three – The Arena The Media The Media Gives Your Issues Legs Love Them or …. Off-The-Record Is Risky Business Remember Who You Are Representing Do Return Reporters’ Calls – Promptly “In dealing with the press, do yourself a favor and stick to one of three responses: I know and I can tell you I know and I can tell you I know and I can’t tell you I know and I can’t tell you I don’t know--- Dan Rather I don’t know--- Dan Rather

9 Lesson Four – Into the Woods Final Thoughts Final Thoughts The Oversight Arena is Crowded- Know the Landscape Institutions are Not Monolithic Create Coalitions & Invest in Stakeholder Relationships Create and Sustain Your Network Truth = Reliability “The arc of the universe is long, but it bends in the direction of justice” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr




13 The Maxwell School of Public Affairs and Citizenship Syracuse University Executive Leadership Seminar: Managing Your Arena June 24, 2009

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