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Uvular “dorso-uvular” French examplesexamples –Uvular fricatives often become trills Hardman (1966) found Jaqaru contrasts palatal, velar, and uvular stops.

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Presentation on theme: "Uvular “dorso-uvular” French examplesexamples –Uvular fricatives often become trills Hardman (1966) found Jaqaru contrasts palatal, velar, and uvular stops."— Presentation transcript:

1 Uvular “dorso-uvular” French examplesexamples –Uvular fricatives often become trills Hardman (1966) found Jaqaru contrasts palatal, velar, and uvular stops

2 Pharyngeal Hebrew examplesexamples

3 Glottal Glottal stop Glottal fricatives –Sometimes considered vowels

4 Fun stuff Remember affrication? Which is more likely to be affricated: –Laminal dentals or apical alveolars

5 Laminal dentals! What about uvular stops and velar stops?

6 ♥Special Valentine’s Day phonetics thing♥ Kim Meg Bree Steve Ray Mitch Sue Jo Marge Luke John Moe

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