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Simulation of bow tie(two pair). With Gaussian plane wave excitation.

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Presentation on theme: "Simulation of bow tie(two pair). With Gaussian plane wave excitation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simulation of bow tie(two pair)

2 With Gaussian plane wave excitation

3 Far_zone data (1)

4 Far_zone data (2)

5 Far_zone data (3)

6 Near_zone data (1) -- Scattered Field 1. Ex Scattered Field(V/m) vs. Time(ns) 2. Ey Scattered Field(V/m) vs. Time(ns) 3. Ez Scattered Field(V/m) vs. Time(ns) 1.2. 3.

7 Near_zone data (2) -- Total Field 1. Ex Total Field(V/m) vs. Time(ns) 2. Ey Total Field(V/m) vs. Time(ns) 3. Ez Total Field(V/m) vs. Time(ns) 1.2. 3.

8 Near_zone data (3) -- Current Density 1. Jx current density (A/m^2) vs. Time(ns) 2. Jy current density (A/m^2) vs. Time(ns) 3. Jz current density (A/m^2) vs. Time(ns) 1.2. 3.

9 Transient Field at z=149

10 Transient Field at x=84

11 Transient Field at y=84

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