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04 Human Resource Management
P ERSONNEL M ANAGEMENT It is management science of Person or Human Being. It is applicable to a person before his /her joining up to Departure.(Retirement) Related to “ People At Work ” It can be defined as “ The planning, Organizing, Directing, & Controlling of Requirement, Development, Compensation, Integration, of people for purpose of Contribution to the organizational Goals ” It applies industries as well as all field of Employment
F UNCTION O F P ERSONNEL M ANAGEMENT MANPOWER PLANNING:- Obtain Manpower requirement Advertisement of interviews Induction Training Offering positions Employee Appraisal Transfer if required Create New Vacancies TRAINING:- Induction Training for new Comers Skill Enhancement Training Provide Training material On JOB Training Seminars & Conferences Visits & Tours of continuous Learning
F UNCTION O F P ERSONNEL M ANAGEMENT Employee Relationship:- Keeping Records & Statistics Handling CONFLICTS Merit rating of employees Appreciation of Employees Provision of Feedback / Suggestion of Employees HEALTH & SAFETY:- Medical check-ups Medical Facilities Maintain safety standards Awards of safe workers Prevention of accidents Record keeping for health & safety
F UNCTION O F P ERSONNEL M ANAGEMENT Welfare:- Group insurance plan Pension schemes Common function / Gathering Housing schemes Plans for children of employees Record keeping:- Record of each employee Application forms/ resumes Appraisal forms Memos Pay details Resignation / Dismissal letters Time records (IN / OUT) Leaves applications
S TAFFING It is the function of management Defined as “ Filling and keeping filled, positions in the organization structure”
R ECRUITMENT PROCEDURE Defined as “ Any activity / practice carried out by the organization for attracting Potential employees Planning Recruitment Selection Main objective is to appoint qualified person at various positions
R ECRUITMENT PROCEDURE Generation of Requirement / Vacancy Application of Candidates Scrutiny of Applications Call for Recruitment Initial Interviews Employment Tests Final Interviews Checking References Medical / Physical Tests Selection & Induction
G ENERATION OF R EQUIREMENT / V ACANCY Various department information to HR Department about Vacancies Exact number of vacancies, kind of people, expected qualification, experience etc to HR Department
A PPLICATION OF C ANDIDATES Application forms are called up by the HR Department To inform about the vacancies by Newspapers, Employment Exchange, Media, Colleges, Universities etc Accepted by Post (Hard copy) or Internet ( Soft Copy) TPO
S CRUTINY OF A PPLICATIONS As per requirements ( Experience, Qualifications etc) Non eligible forms are removed Those who are eligible are shortlisted for next process
C ALL FOR R ECRUITMENT Short listed candidates are called for First Round of Interviews Date, Day, Venue, Time of Interviews are mentioned in call letter Also on Websites / E-Mails Instructions about interview schedule, Rules, required documents etc are mentioned in the call letter.
I NITIAL I NTERVIEWS Number of candidates more than expected, go to initial interviews ( Screening or Aptitude Tests) Objective type Questions Short listed candidates are called for next Round Some times they take Group Discussion, Kind test After the initial interviews / tests
E MPLOYMENT T ESTS Test related to concerned post are conducted in next round Technical interviews is conducted by a panel of technical experts Objective is find Sound candidate in technical filed Sound candidate in technical filed are called for next round
F INAL I NTERVIEWS Only few members are short listed In this round they check her / his Work Abilities, Attitude, Personality, Career Objectives Also Trace out Candidate’s Willingness to join Which Department
C HECKING R EFERENCES Mentions their references in Bio-Data HR Department Communicate with these references for his Background, Public Relations, Past History, Intentions
M EDICAL / P HYSICAL T ESTS To check physical fitness of candidates Eye Sight, Hemoglobin, previous Surgeries, Symptoms of few Diseases, Fitness of the Body
S ELECTION & I NDUCTION After completion of medical test, they are get selected Offer letter are given to the selected candidates Selected candidates then undergo Induction / Training phase
P ERSONNEL – T RAINING & D EVELOPMENT Plan / Design Training to meet needs Implement Training Evaluate Training Outcomes Identify Training Needs
P ERSONNEL – T RAINING & D EVELOPMENT It gives knowledge, improves skills, Develops attitude Enhancing abilities of person’s Clears vision & direction about work Develops Sense of Responsibility Creates interest in works & improve morale of Employees Reduces Accidents, Conflicts, Wastages Improves Quality, Productivity of Organisations
T YPES O F T RAINING Motivation Induction Skill Enhancement Training Programmes Types of Training
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