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Macro Objectives Talk’n’ Economics –Vocabulary: GDP, Inflation, Debt, Supply, Demand…and much, much more Economic Facts –Descriptions of the US and world.

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Presentation on theme: "Macro Objectives Talk’n’ Economics –Vocabulary: GDP, Inflation, Debt, Supply, Demand…and much, much more Economic Facts –Descriptions of the US and world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Macro Objectives Talk’n’ Economics –Vocabulary: GDP, Inflation, Debt, Supply, Demand…and much, much more Economic Facts –Descriptions of the US and world economies Economic Models –Simplifying a complex reality Economic Policy Analysis –Laissez – faire vs. activism The Economic Way of Thinking

2 Macro Concerns Jobs Growth Price Stability Government Budget Balance of Payments Exchange Value of Dollar

3 Macro Pictures: Jobs

4 Macro Pictures: Unemployment

5 Macro Pictures: Growth

6 Macro Pictures: Prices

7 Macro Pictures: Core Prices

8 Macro Pictures: Budget Deficit

9 Macro Pictures: Payments Deficit

10 Macro Pictures: Exchange Rate

11 Micro Foundations: A Brief Review Production Possibilities Frontier Quantity of Computers Produced Quantity of Cars Produced A 0 B Feasible but Inefficient C D Production Possibilities Frontier  Efficient Points

12 Supply Demand Price of Ice-Cream Cone Quantity of Ice-Cream Cones Micro Foundations: A Brief Review Supply and Demand 2134567891012110 $3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 Equilibrium

13 AS AD Price Index Real GDP Macroeconomics: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 2134567891012110 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 Potential Real GDP

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