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The 1950s-A Social History The Economy and Mass Consumerism Demographics Movin’ On The ‘Burbs Consensus and Conformity Women and the Family.

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Presentation on theme: "The 1950s-A Social History The Economy and Mass Consumerism Demographics Movin’ On The ‘Burbs Consensus and Conformity Women and the Family."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 1950s-A Social History The Economy and Mass Consumerism Demographics Movin’ On The ‘Burbs Consensus and Conformity Women and the Family

2 The Economy U.S. Gross National Product 1945- $200 billion 1950- $300 billion 1960- $500 billion 1970- $970 billion

3 The Economy Per Capita Income 1945- $1223 1966- $3000 1970- $4000 Adjusted for inflation, real wage for avg. American doubled from 1940-1970

4 1950s Automobile Industry

5 Interstate Highway Act-1956 Original Purpose- military transport and means to evacuate cities in case of nuclear attack!

6 Interstate Highway Act-1956 Original Purpose- military transport and means to evacuate cities in case of nuclear attack! Results- 1. increased dependence on the automobile, to the detriment of the RR’s. 2. Made Americans more mobile.

7 The Baby Boom

8 The Move to the Sun Belt

9 Levittown

10 The Ozzie and Harriet Show

11 The Donna Reed Show

12 Father Knows Best

13 Leave it to Beaver

14 Consensus and Conformity

15 No immigration since 1924

16 Consensus and Conformity No immigration since 1924 Influence of television images

17 Consensus and Conformity No immigration since 1924 Influence of television images Willingness to Conform across class and age lines

18 Consensus and Conformity No immigration since 1924 Influence of television images Willingness to Conform across class and age lines Organized Religion

19 Alfred Kinsey

20 Sexual Behavior in the Human Male

21 Among college-educated men, 70% had engaged in premarital intercourse!

22 Sexual Behavior in the Human Male Among college-educated men, 70% had engaged in premarital intercourse! 84% of high school grads had sex before marriage!

23 Sexual Behavior in the Human Male Among college-educated men, 70% had engaged in premarital intercourse! 84% of high school grads had sex before marriage! 1/3 of all American males had at least one homosexual experience!

24 Sexual Behavior in the Human Male Among college-educated men, 70% had engaged in premarital intercourse! 84% of high school grads had sex before marriage! 1/3 of all American males had at least one homosexual experience! 1 out of 6 men raised on a farm reported having a sexual experience with a farm animal!

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