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A Computer Architecture For Quantum Programming (Using QC modules in a classical computer from C++) From:

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1 A Computer Architecture For Quantum Programming (Using QC modules in a classical computer from C++) From: By Tom Bersano For EECS598 Quantum Computing Thursday, December 13, 2001

2 The Goal: Quantum Programming Classical Computer Using QC Module Why? A hybrid classical/quantum system can provide advantages of both (ease of programmability/interface AND quantum speedup advantages). A hybrid classical/quantum system can provide advantages of both (ease of programmability/interface AND quantum speedup advantages).Example: Classical computer provides nice interface (data transfer, etc.) and uses convenient compilers, etc. Classical computer provides nice interface (data transfer, etc.) and uses convenient compilers, etc. Part of algorithm that would best be solved in a QC are identified, a Quantum Circuit is compiled and implemented, and used as a ‘black- box function call’. Part of algorithm that would best be solved in a QC are identified, a Quantum Circuit is compiled and implemented, and used as a ‘black- box function call’.


4 Example: Grover’s Algorithm: Find x in N … Exponential speedup over classical Qbitset run_Grover(bool(*f)(int), int n) { int repetitions = sqrt(pow(2.0,n)); int repetitions = sqrt(pow(2.0,n)); Qop phase_oracle(f,n); Qop phase_oracle(f,n); Qop invert_zero(f_0,n); Qop invert_zero(f_0,n); Qop mixer = QHadamard(n); Qop mixer = QHadamard(n); Qop invert_mean = mixer & invert_zero & mixer; Qop invert_mean = mixer & invert_zero & mixer; Qop grover_step = phase_oracle & invert_mean; Qop grover_step = phase_oracle & invert_mean; Qreg input(n); Qreg input(n); mixer(input); mixer(input); for (int i=0; i<repetitions; ++i) for (int i=0; i<repetitions; ++i) { grover_step(input); grover_step(input); } return input.measure(); return input.measure();} Define Quantum Operations Define Quantum Operations Define Q-Register Define Q-Register Invoke Q-Operation On Q-Reg Invoke Q-Operation On Q-Reg

5 Optimizations Often optimization of Q-circuit depends on code and equivalent circuit structure alone, and not on register values Solution: Generate entire circuit description as data structure, and apply algebraic simplifications before ever allocating quantum registers Solution: Generate entire circuit description as data structure, and apply algebraic simplifications before ever allocating quantum registers Qreg myreg(size); for (int i=0; i<(size-1); i++) Hadamard_2(myreg, i); Qreg myreg(size); for (int i=0; i<(size-1); i++) Hadamard_2(myreg, i); Qop circuit; for (int i=0; i<(size-1); i++) circuit << QHadamard(2).offset(i); Qreg myreg(size); circuit(myreg); size = 6

6 Program vs. Architecture: A Classical Computer Example C++ code Hardware independent Hardware independent assembly/machine code Hardware Dependent # registers, primitive operations, Speed Limitations (#cycles per instr.) Etc. COMPILED INTO

7 Program vs. Architecture in QC: The QRAM Architecture Quantum Random Access Machine Classical System void main() { Obj n1; … for(…) { … } print(result); } void main() { Obj n1; … for(…) { … } print(result); } Part of algorithm that is exponential in classical systems

8 Program vs. Architecture in QC: The QRAM Architecture Quantum Random Access Machine Black Box QRAM: Classical System Memory/ Registers (Q-Bits) Encoder/ Decoder Interface to QRAM Encoder/ Decoder Interface to QRAM ENCODES PROBLEM READS ANSWER void main() { Obj n1; … QC_call … print(result); } void main() { Obj n1; … QC_call … print(result); } CALLS RETURNS

9 Quantum Programming Black Box QRAM: Classical System Memory/ Registers (Q-Bits) Encoder/ Decoder Interface to QRAM Encoder/ Decoder Interface to QRAM ENCODES PROBLEM READS ANSWER void main() { Obj n1; … QC_call … print(result); } void main() { Obj n1; … QC_call … print(result); } CALLS RETURNS Compiler Compiled Code for Classical Computer Compiled Code for Classical Computer Quantum Circuit Description: Quantum Circuit Description:

10 Quantum Programming Black Box QRAM: Classical System Memory/ Registers (Q-Bits) Encoder/ Decoder Interface to QRAM Encoder/ Decoder Interface to QRAM ENCODES PROBLEM READS ANSWER void main() { QReg q(5); … QC_call … print(result); } void main() { QReg q(5); … QC_call … print(result); } CALLS RETURNS Compiler Compiled Code for Classical Computer Compiled Code for Classical Computer Quantum Circuit Description: Quantum Circuit Description:

11 Desirable Properties Completeness Language maps to and from every possible Q. Circuit Language maps to and from every possible Q. CircuitSeparability QC in algorithm are always separate modules. QC in algorithm are always separate modules. Classical Extension / Expressivity Example: C++ with QC function calls Example: C++ with QC function calls Hardware independence C++ works on old 386, Athlon, MAC, etc. C++ works on old 386, Athlon, MAC, etc. QC extensions must work regardless of physical impl. QC extensions must work regardless of physical impl.

12 Quantum Programming Data Structures: Q.Registers:Declaration: Qreg a_register(5); //allocates a register with 5 qubits int the size = a_register.size() ; //gets size of the register Addressing: Qreg a_qubit = a_register[3]; //selects the 4 th qubit from a register Qreg a_subreg = a_register(2,5); //selects 5 qubits starting at the 3 rd one Concatenation: Qreg new reg = a_subreg & a_qubit; //concatenates the two registers Resizing: a_register += 5; //adds 5 qubits to my register a_register -= 3; //drops 3 qubits from my register

13 Quantum Memory: The Qreg Object

14 Quantum Register Management from Classical Side: Q-Bit Swapping Another Advantage of Hybrid System: Swapping bits in Quantum Registers can be difficult and unnecessary… just use classical computation to keep track of bit permutations for the final solution. Swapping bits in Quantum Registers can be difficult and unnecessary… just use classical computation to keep track of bit permutations for the final solution.

15 Quantum Operator Primitives High Level Primitives (HLP) are implemented out of any chosen set of Low Level Primitives (LLP) at ‘compile/run’ time. List ctrls = (0,4,5); List targets = (1,2,6); Qop my op = QCnot(ctrls, targets); Example of complete set of Quantum Low Level Primitives:

16 Computational Primitives

17 Quantum Programming Data Structures: Q.Operators: (list not complete) Application: an_operator(a_register); runs the circuit onto the register Fixed arity quantum operators: Qop my_op = QHadamard(7); Hadamard gates acting on First 7 qubits Qop my_op = QCnot(ctrls, targets); Controlled operators: Qop a_controlled_op(U, 5); creates a U conditioned by 5 qubits Operators for classical functions: Qop an_oracle = Qop(f,3,5); oracle for f with n = 3 and m = 5 Qop a_phase_oracle = Qop(g,4); phase oracle for g with n = 4 (m is 1) Operators Composition: Qop composed = part_1 & part_2; composes two Qops into a third Qop my_operator &= an_operator; extends my operator with an operator my_operator << an_operator; moves an operator into my operator

18 Quantum Operators: The Qop object

19 Addition using QFt and composition N4N4N4N4 N 4 +M 4 F -1 F

20 Addition using QFt and composition Qop build_three_adder(int size){ Qop phase_shifts; for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) phase_shifts << QCondPhase(size-i, i+1).offset(i); Qop transform = (QFourier(size) & QSwap(size)).offset(size); Qop adder_2 = transform & phase_shifts & (! transform); Qop adder_3 = (adder_2 >> size); adder_3 << adder_2.split(size, size); return adder_3; }

21 Creating Oracles/Pseudo-Classical Operators: Any classical non-reversible function has an equivalent reversible function Any reversible function can be converted efficiently into a quantum mechanical function Thus, in theory, we can build a quantum mechanical oracle on a q-register for any given classical oracle function, but we must use it appropriately to get any speedup advantage… My opinion: no straightforward way (yet) to build Quantum Oracles that implement classical functions (without being explicitly ‘called’ for each input combination and thus losing speedup adv.)


23 Assumptions about Q.Hardware Classical Case Example: if ALU doesn’t have multiplication or permutation, their complexity is linear in #bits Example: if ALU doesn’t have multiplication or permutation, their complexity is linear in #bits Bus size, cache size, etc. matter Bus size, cache size, etc. matter Single and 2-QBit primitive gates can be executed in constant time For non-adjecent QBits time complexity may scale linearly by distance (e.g., number of swaps required) so complexity is worse than algorithmic one. For non-adjecent QBits time complexity may scale linearly by distance (e.g., number of swaps required) so complexity is worse than algorithmic one. Parallel quantum execution assumed but only exploited in homogeneous gates

24 Conclusions – part 1 C++ Library for Q.Programming already implemented QC hardware not ready, can work with simulator for the moment. Accomplishment: Allows rewriting algorithms in formal language Allows rewriting algorithms in formal language Provides a general Framework for: Provides a general Framework for: Comparing/Testing different implementations/algorithms for: high level simplification and optimization routines for quantum circuits high level simplification and optimization routines for quantum circuits schemes for high level to low level and hardware independent to dependent translation routines for quantum circuits schemes for high level to low level and hardware independent to dependent translation routines for quantum circuits hardware architectures for the execution of quantum code (with timing simulations); hardware architectures for the execution of quantum code (with timing simulations); robustness of error correction codes and fault tolerant quantum computation with respect to generic error models robustness of error correction codes and fault tolerant quantum computation with respect to generic error models Algorithm design: having an high level interface for the specification of algorithms which are to be fed into quantum simulators; having an high level interface for the specification of algorithms which are to be fed into quantum simulators; quantum programming (when quantum computers will be ready) C++ Library for Q.Programming already implemented QC hardware not ready, can work with simulator for the moment. Accomplishment: Allows rewriting algorithms in formal language Allows rewriting algorithms in formal language Provides a general Framework for: Provides a general Framework for: Comparing/Testing different implementations/algorithms for: high level simplification and optimization routines for quantum circuits high level simplification and optimization routines for quantum circuits schemes for high level to low level and hardware independent to dependent translation routines for quantum circuits schemes for high level to low level and hardware independent to dependent translation routines for quantum circuits hardware architectures for the execution of quantum code (with timing simulations); hardware architectures for the execution of quantum code (with timing simulations); robustness of error correction codes and fault tolerant quantum computation with respect to generic error models robustness of error correction codes and fault tolerant quantum computation with respect to generic error models Algorithm design: having an high level interface for the specification of algorithms which are to be fed into quantum simulators; having an high level interface for the specification of algorithms which are to be fed into quantum simulators; quantum programming (when quantum computers will be ready)

25 Conclusions – part 2 Weaknesses Says that quantum circuit optimizations can be done but doesn’t tell you how to do them Says that quantum circuit optimizations can be done but doesn’t tell you how to do them Says that pseudo-classical oracles can in theory be created but doesn’t tell you how to do so Says that pseudo-classical oracles can in theory be created but doesn’t tell you how to do so

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