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Processing Status June 2009 Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09.

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Presentation on theme: "Processing Status June 2009 Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09."— Presentation transcript:

1 Processing Status June 2009 Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09

2 Talk Outline Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 Archive status Data flow New Status Reports Zero-points FP3 Stellar parameters: temperatures

3 Archive status Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 As of 9th June 2009 285,503 spectra Last date in internal and reduced archives: 20090328 Last date in raw archive: 20090328

4 Sky Coverage Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 First year data 25,689 RVs, ~4,500 deg 2

5 Sky Coverage Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 Second year data 26,906 RVs, ~5,000 deg 2

6 Sky Coverage Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 Third year data 37,292 RVs, ~8,800 deg 2

7 Sky Coverage Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 Fourth year data 87,261 RVs, ~17,200 deg 2

8 Sky Coverage Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 Fifth year data 41,002 RVs, ~11,000 deg 2

9 Sky Coverage Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 Sixth year data 59,945 RVs, ~11,000 deg 2

10 Sky Coverage Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 Full database 218,100 RVs, ~32,000 deg 2

11 Current data flow Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 SSO AAO (Warren) Padova Reduction (Alessandro) AIP Archive AIP Pipeline (Mary) AIP Processed Data Archive Problem fields Fortnightly 3-4 days Internal release (at AIP) Reduction problem fields Fortnightly Weekly Eyeballing of spectra (Rachel, Tomaz, Gal, Paola) Complete to Dec 2007 1/2 week Irregular AIP archive Last release complete to March 2009

12 New status reports Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09

13 New status reports Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09

14 New status reports Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09

15 New status reports Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09

16 New status reports Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09

17 Zero-points Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 What are they? Temperature fluctuations cause shift in wavelength between science frames and arc frames Mostly of the order of a 1-5 km/s We correct with zero-point RVcorrection ZeroPointQualityFLAG denotes quality of zero- point correction - mostly!!

18 Zero-points Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 How do we calculate the correction?  Un-sky subtracted spectra from single fibre Sky template SkyRV, eSkyRV, R for single fibre THEN….

19 Zero-points Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 THEN we do a polynomial fit across the field SkyRV and eSkyRV Exclusive sky fibre (weight=5xR) Weight by R value Threshold of R=5 The fit gives RVcorrection

20 ZeroPointQualityFLAG gives the quality of the fit 1st character: FIELD fit quality Dispersion between SkyRV - RVcorrection 2nd character: Sub-group fit quality Dispersion between SkyRV - Rvcorrection for regions 1-50, 51-100, 101-150 *: If interval between usable sky velocities > 15 Zero-points Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09

21 Zero-points Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 The fit can sometimes be very bad… Fiorangela La Forgia It can become unbound if there are insufficient fibres with R>5

22 Zero-points Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 Sometimes bad zero-points are hard to spot X-correlation with sky has |50| km/s limit If outside those bounds SkyRV=0, eSkyRV=0 or large, R<0.1 The RVs for such spectra can be wrong by as much as 100 km/s! Affects small number of fields These data are removed from the database

23 Zero-points Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 The other bad fits are hand corrected All zero-points fits are eyeballed Those with unbound fits are manually corrected New flagging of affected spectra: ZeroPointQualityFLAG=‘M’ However, there has been an increase in problem fields… Fiorangela La Forgia

24 Zero-points Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 There were a number of causes of this increase Shift to brighter stars, lower exposure time  Exposure times increased back again Poor placement of sky fibres  More care taken Deterioration of fibres meaning lower S/N  FP3 There is a backlog of correcting these fits manually Be wary if |RVcorrection| > 10 km/s or *! If find some high RV stars, check fellow fibres

25 Zero-points Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 Correlation between RV and SkyRV Caused by underlying stellar spectrum “tugging” on sky correlation Not a problem for zero point calibration IF there is no mean offset in stellar RVs for one field…BUT…

26 Zero-points Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 There might be such a issue Whole fields have have a non-zero mean RV Causes shift in Rvcorrection of the order of a couple of kms -1 Work in progress

27 Field Plate 3 Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 The first 8 FP3 fields New stiffer cabling used - potential problems! Check stability of SkyRV Grey : R < 5 Black: R > 5

28 Field Plate 3 Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 Stability of SkyRV for R > 5 FP3:  (SkyRV)=-0.5 kms -1,  (SkyRV)=1.9 kms -1 FP1:  (SkyRV)=-0.4 kms -1,  (SkyRV)=2.9 kms -1 FP2:  (SkyRV)=-0.4 kms -1,  (SkyRV)=2.2 kms -1

29 Field Plate 3 Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 Some of the fields include repeat observations All but one field look good

30 Field Plate 3 Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 The problem field was one of the earlier ones So ignoring this field and |RV(FP3) - RV(previous)| < 20 kms -1

31 Field Plate 3 Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 Stability of SkyRV for R > 5 FP3:  (RP3 RV-previous RV)=-0.5 kms -1 68.2%:  =1.1 kms -1 95%:  =2.3 kms -1 ALL:  (RP3 RV-previous RV)=+0.2 kms -1 68.2%:  =1.4 kms -1 95%:  =3.8 kms -1

32 Stellar Parameters Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 Comparing RAVE temperatures to others To spot any possible systematic in RAVE temperatures Use a variety of reference temperatures: PPhotometric: V-K using Ramirez calibrations with reddening corrections and constraints PJon’s spectroscopic temperatures: excitation balance PSoubiran and Girard temperatures: photometric, excitation balance, H  PCayrel compilation temperatures: photometric, H  Thus we have a broad range of methods to compare our temperature calculations to

33 Stellar Parameters Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 There is a significant systematic for the dwarfs GREEN - V-K photometric BLACK - Jon’s calculation CYAN - Soubiran and Girard PURPLE - Cayrel

34 Stellar Parameters Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 It remains at higher S/N values GREEN - V-K photometric BLACK - Jon’s calculation CYAN - Soubiran and Girard PURPLE - Cayrel

35 Summary Mary Williams Padova Meeting, 11/06/09 Processing continuing as normal New status reports to aid dissemination of data and identification of problems Zero-points  Removal of bad fields  Manual refitting backlog: watch out!  Possible problem with star RV correlation - investigating FP3  Sky RVs good  Repeats good, apart from mean offset - investigating  New report out soon Possible temperature systematic

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