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Variability-Driven Considerations in the Design of Integrated-Circuit Global Interconnects
Lei He, Andrew B. Kahng*, Kingho Tam, Jinjun Xiong EE Department, University of California, Los Angeles *ECE Department, University of California, San Diego VMIC-2004, Waikoloa, October 2, 2004
CMP and Fill Dishing and erosion require dummy fill insertion for metal density and CMP uniformity
Fill Design Rules Lower and upper bounds on fill dimensions
Minimum fill spacing rules Between fills Between fill and functional feature Crude “coverage” bounds (e.g., between 30-70% density) Saddle point of weak filling rules and weak filling tools
Fill Pattern Fill pattern inserted between “active” interconnects
Blue: active interconnect Gray: dummy fill Subset of potential fill patterns: Rectangular shapes Isothetic (aligned with axes) Characterized by: Number of rows (M=5) Number of columns (N=3) Series of widths (W) Series of lengths (L) Series of horizontal spacings (Sx) Series of vertical spacings (Sy)
Fixed-Dissection Fill Synthesis
Fixed set of w w windows, each partitioned into r2 tiles n n layout has nr/w nr/w overlapping fixed dissections Find the amount of fill within each tile such as to: Minimize window density variation [Kahng et. al., TCAD’02] Minimize total amount of added fill [Wong et. al., DAC’00] w/r Overlapping windows w n tile
Performance-Driven Fill (DAC-2003)
Dummy fill increases capacitance, delay, crosstalk Insert fill where layout and timing can best tolerate it Full solution: Timing path driven, multi-layer aware This work addresses: How much can the fill pattern matter?
Driving Questions How much does fill affect coupling and total capacitance? How much do dishing and erosion affect interconnect performance? Is this impact on par with that of device variability? What QOR loss is incurred by CMP-oblivious interconnect design? Where this is leading: CMP-aware fill pattern synthesis CMP-aware fill and interconnect synthesis CMP-and fill-aware routing CMP modeling drives performance analysis, layout signoff
Introduction and study goals
Outline Introduction and study goals Impact of fill insertion and fill patterns Impact of dishing/erosion on RC parasitics Impact on interconnect design Bandwidth optimization Delay minimization CMP variation vs. random device variation Conclusions Note: This talk = outline of methodology and analysis framework to drive full-chip place/route
Fill Pattern Concerns How much can fill patterns affect interconnect cap? What is the range of capacitance impact across “equivalent” fill patterns? “Equivalence” is with respect to multi-layer CMP modeling, per-feature defocus budgeting, etc.
Distribution Characteristic Function
Given a total budget (e.g., width, length, spacing), distribute the budget to a given series (e.g., widths) via a Distribution Characteristic Function Uniform Linear increasing Linear decreasing Convex triangular
DCF for Fill Pattern Exploration
Different DCF combinations for width, length, and spacing series result in different fill patterns Facilitates systematic exploration of wide range of fill patterns Enumeration is infeasible Runtime and flexibility of capacitance extraction are another limit
Simulation Experiments: Setup
Technology 90nm 65nm Interconnect Interm. Global Min-width (= min-spacing) 0.23 0.34 0.16 0.24 Metal thickness (t) 0.36 0.67 0.27 0.50 ILD thickness 0.32 0.60 0.45 Interconnect models: Microstripline (G-M), Stripline (G-M-G) Intermediate, Global interconnects at 90nm, 65nm nodes Width (w) = minimum width Spacing (s) = 10X minimum spacing Length (l) = 2000um Metal density requirement between active interconnects = 50% (strict) Three types of DCF for fill pattern exploration Uniform, Linear increasing, Linear decreasing All fills are floating QuickCap employed for capacitance extraction
G-M-G, 90nm, Intermediate Interconnect
Fill increases Cc significantly (Nominal Cc = 0.06fF) minCc/nomCc = 4.7x, maxCc/nomCc = 26.4x Fill increases Cs moderately (Nominal Cs = 86.33fF) minCs/nomCs = 1.043x, maxCs/nomCs = 1.092x
G-M-G, 90nm, Intermediate Interconnect
Different fill patterns result in very large Cc variation (maxCc – minCc)/nomCc = 21X Different fill patterns result in slight Cs variation (maxCs – minCs)/nomCs = 4.9%
G-M-G, 90nm, Intermediate Interconnect
Possible design guidelines for Cc minimization If the number of fill rows (M) is fixed, use as many fill columns (N) as possible
G-M-G, 90nm, Intermediate Interconnect
Possible design guidelines for Cc minimization If the number of fill columns (N) is fixed, use as few fill rows (M) as possible
G-M-G, 90nm/65nm, Intermediate/Global Interconnects
The left two are 90nm; the right two are 65nm The top two are for intermediate interconnect; the bottom two are for global intermediate interconnect We have similar observations. Note, these are for stripline structures.
G-M, 90nm/65nm, Intermediate/Global Interconnects
These are for micro-stripline structures. Again, The left two are 90nm; the right two are 65nm The top two are for intermediate interconnect; the bottom two are for global intermediate interconnect We can see similar observations still hold.
Mini-Conclusion on Fill Insertion and Fill Pattern
Fill insertion can dramatically increase Cc and Cs over their respective nominal values G-M-G, 90nm, Intermediate: Cc 26X, Cs 9% Cc and Cs varies significantly across different fill patterns G-M-G, 90nm, Intermediate: Cc 21X, Cs 5% Useful fill pattern design guidelines may be possible, e.g.: If the number of fill rows (M) is fixed, use as many fill columns (N) as possible If the number of fill columns (N) is fixed, use as few fill rows (M) as possible Additional studies needed with tighter wire pitches, more exhaustive analysis of fill patterns, etc.
Introduction and study goals
Outline Introduction and study goals Impact of fill insertion and fill patterns Impact of dishing/erosion on RC parasitics Impact on interconnect design Bandwidth optimization Delay minimization CMP variation vs. random device variation Conclusions
Modeling of Dishing and Erosion
Dishing/erosion model [Tugbawa et al., CMP-MIC 1999] Affects only metal thicknesses Is a function of metal density and metal width We assume Metal density requirement between active interconnect = 50% with fill insertion Rectangular shape used to approximate the concave shape from dishing
Impact on Global Interconnect Resistance
Resistance variation is significant From 43.73% to % Rf due to dishing/erosion is large: less cross-section As width (w) grows, R variation also increases 90nm: 43.73% to 63.16% 65nm: 74.58% to % Width w (μm) Nominal Ro (kΩ) Real Rf (kΩ) 90nm technology 0.34 39.2 56.35 (+43.73%) 3.69 3.6 5.49 (+54.03%) 6.70 2.0 3.20 (+63.16%) 65nm technology 0.24 78.0 (+74.58%) 2.61 7.1 13.50 (+90.32%) 4.75 3.9 8.02 ( %)
Impact on Global Interconnect Capacitance
Three scenarios: S1: Interconnect with nominal value S2: Interconnect affected by dishing/erosion, WITHOUT fill insertion S3: Interconnect affected by dishing/erosion, WITH fill insertion QuickCap is used for capacitance extraction Coupling Cc, total Cs Fill pattern is chosen that results in minimum Cc
Impact on Global Interconnect Capacitance
(Eye chart omitted) Dishing and erosion have comparatively smaller impact on capacitance The fact of fill insertion itself has much larger impact on capacitance
Mini-Conclusion on Dishing/Erosion Impact
Dishing and erosion significantly increase interconnect resistance Dishing and erosion impact on capacitance is ignorable Is this really the case? Any such assessment is design- and methodology- dependent Fill insertion has much larger impact than dishing/erosion on capacitance
Introduction and study goals
Outline Introduction and study goals Impact of fill insertion and fill patterns Impact of dishing/erosion on RC parasitics Impact on interconnect design Bandwidth optimization Delay minimization CMP variation vs. random device variation Conclusions
Interconnect Design Concerns
How do CMP effects change conventional (CMP-oblivious) interconnect design ? How do we take CMP effects into account for a better (CMP-aware) design flow? Compared to random device variation, does CMP-induced variation really matter (e.g., should the EDA vendors focus on Device-aware or on CMP-aware analysis and circuit optimization)?
Experiment Setup Interconnect design for parallel buses
Interconnect sizing (w) and spacing (s) Buffer insertion (k) and sizing (h) Figure-of-merit Bandwidth: BW = #bits/delay [Pamunuwa et al., ISCAS02] Delay Two problem formulations Bandwidth optimization Variables: interconnect (width, space, bits), buffer (number, size) Constraint: total bus area is fixed Delay minimization Variables: interconnect (width, space), buffer (number, size) Constraints: total bus area and interconnect bits are fixed Solution N (CMP-oblivious) vs. Solution C (CMP-aware)
BW Optimization Impact from dishing and erosion only
BW optimization leads to thin, dense bus lines Wrong metric? Small line space prohibits dummy fill insertion Technology Layer Solution N Solution C w (μm) s (μm) est. BW (Tb/s) act. BW (Tb/s) # buf buf size act. Δ BW (%) Δ k (%) Δ h (%) Total Buffer Area Unconstrained 90 nm global 0.335 0.931 0.857 3 168 0.233 -7.74 interm 0.225 4.38 3.70 1 96 0.804 -15.6 65 nm 0.238 0.945 0.840 4 124 0.357 -10.5 0.16 4.46 3.39 71 3.24 100 -21.1 Total Buffer Area Constrained to 50% 0.893 0.821 2 126 0.889 82 Animations: BW maximization prefers minimum spacing (and width). Therefore CMP impacts only come from dishing and erosion. Without considering CMP can cause up to 24% over-estimation in BW. Considering CMP during design can gain up to 3.24% in BW. The gain comes from more suitable buffer insertion for CMP-perturbed RC. When total buffer area is constrained, both CMP-aware and CMP-unaware design maximizes the use of buffer resource until it reaches the bound. Therefore both designs give the same buffer insertion solution and hence CMP-aware design achieves no improvement.
Delay Minimization Impacts from dishing, erosion and fill
Assuming optimum fill pattern Wires tends to be wider and sparser Technology Layer Solution N Solution C w (μm) s (μm) est. delay (ps) act. delay (ps) # buf buf size act. Δ delay (%) Δ k (%) Δ h (%) Total Buffer Area Unconstrained 90 nm global 2.68 1.34 61.4 69.5 1 510 3.02 1.01 -1.16 1.96 interm 1.35 0.675 27.7 31.8 264 -0.943 -17.8 65 nm 2.14 0.95 83.9 95.8 2 404 -0.522 -13.1 0.96 0.48 34.0 43.0 190 0.8 0.64 -2.56 -36.8 Total Buffer Area Constrained to 50% 2.01 66.2 73.5 255 84.1 100 -0.900 Animations Wire spacing is much larger due to delay minimization, therefore CMP impacts include dishing, erosion and dummy fill. Delay under-estimation can be as large as 26% when CMP is not considered. CMP-aware design achieves up to 2.56% improvement over CMP-unaware design. The gain comes from both using a different width/spacing combination and more suitable buffer insertion. When buffer area is constrained, the gain from CMP-aware design is limited when buffer resource max out.
CMP Variation vs. Random Device Variation
Device random variation An important manifestation of process variation CMP variation vs. device random variation? Random device variation modeling Buffer output resistance has Gaussian distribution Standard deviation = 15% of mean value Experiment setup BW optimization: device-aware vs. CMP-aware Device-aware: 0.176% improvement over device-oblivious CMP-aware: 0.295% improvement over CMP-oblivious Delay minimization: device-aware vs. CMP-aware Device-aware: % improvement over device-oblivious CMP-aware: % improvement over CMP-oblivious CMP induced variation is at least as important as random device variation! Intrinsic delay and input capacitance comparatively insensitive to Leff variation, therefore are not considered variable
Mini-Conclusion on Interconnect Design
CMP-oblivious design’s nominal values overestimate interconnect bandwidth Up to 24% CMP-oblivious design’s nominal values underestimate interconnect delay Up to 26% CMP-aware design can achieve up to 3% improvement for both BW and delay, compared to the “adjusted” CMP-oblivious design “Adjusted” = CMP effects considered CMP induced variation is as important as random device variation (assuming ITRS bounds )
Introduction and study goals
Outline Introduction and study goals Impact of fill insertion and fill patterns Impact of dishing/erosion on RC parasitics Impact on interconnect design Bandwidth optimization Delay minimization CMP variation vs. random device variation Conclusions
Design without considering these variations
Conclusions Dummy fill can cause very large coupling capacitance variation w.r.t. nominal Dishing and erosion cause substantial resistance increase, but have limited impact on coupling Design without considering these variations Overestimates interconnect bandwidth Underestimates interconnect delay CMP-aware design can improve design quality Ongoing directions Integration of multi-layer CMP modeling into flow CMP-aware fill pattern synthesis, then single-interconnect wire and buffer sizing, then full routing
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