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The proliferation of social media Word of Mouth– before and after… Crisis communication networks– Nature article.

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Presentation on theme: "The proliferation of social media Word of Mouth– before and after… Crisis communication networks– Nature article."— Presentation transcript:



3 The proliferation of social media




7 Word of Mouth– before and after… Crisis communication networks– Nature article

8 Bad news travels fast

9 How media information goes “viral” your-business-should-be-using-social-media/

10 Digital crisis Communications Study


12 “A social media crisis is a crisis issue that arises in or is amplified by social media, and results in negative mainstream media coverage, a change in business process, or financial loss”

13 Digital crisis Communications Study



16 social media crises resulting in significant change by the companies crises resulting in a change (of some lesser magnitude) by the companies crises impacting the short- term finances of companies

17 Social media crises on the rise



20 The widespread use of social media (e.g., blogging, websites, texting, etc.) enables rapid adverse reactions among diverse groups to business crises. The same media enables businesses to monitor such rumors and information, identify information channels, and respond to crises The use of social media requires understanding, strategy, planning and testing Yet– a study by Herder and Ethos Business Law (2009) found 51% of senior managers, marketing and HR executives fear social media could be detrimental to employee productivity, and almost half believe that it could damage company reputation.Herder and Ethos Business Law Only 13% of companies have included social media in their crisis management plans! Social media for crisis management?

21 Social Media Crisis Management

22 media-marketing-reduces-reputation-crisis-costs-by-33/

23 Social Media Monitoring

24 Brand Monitoring

25 Top 20 social media monitoring vendors for business




29 Stage 2: Planning & prevention– Organization actions Identify prominent online influencers/opinion leaders Utilize new media technologies to establish online monitoring alert system Create a hidden or “dark” website Consider tone and language of online world Adopt a global mindset Develop online crisis manual & test it Stage 3: Crisis– Situational variables Urgency of the situation Characteristics of the publics Potential threats Potential costs & benefits to the organization Organizational actions Tailor streamlined crisis response for both online and mainstream media Respond within 4 hours if possible Get CEO or member from dominant coalition to personally address stakeholders Upfront coverage of crisis information on homepage with feedback feature Links to third party endorsement Tap on “dark” site if necessary Stage 1: Issues management– Predisposing variables Size of organization Corporate culture Business exposure PR access to dominant coalition Dominant coalition enlightenment Organizational actions Control development of company’s website Update e-mailing lists and contact databases Implement media monitoring service for online media Register all possible domain names Familiarize corporate communications team with the virtual world Stage 4: Post-crisis– Organizational actions Continue tracking the issue on mainstream and online media Continue to post updates on the crisis via company website Evaluate the crisis and review how company responded Define strategies to rebuild company’s reputation

30 Social media & crisis management (7:48) Social media & crisis management Crisis management and social media (3:11) Crisis management and social media Social media, crisis and reputation management (6: 59) Social media, crisis and reputation management Social media crisis and how companies can cope (6:47) Social media crisis and how companies can cope Social media before and after the crisis (7:33) Social media before and after the crisis How to respond to negative comments on blogs and social media (2:53) How to respond to negative comments on blogs and social media Youtube minilectures & examples Dell’s response to bloggers Nestles Facebook disaster Innovis Health uses media during flood crisis END

31 Questions for class discussion How would you present the need for a social media component in your organization’s crisis planning? Do you have an example of social media related to crisis management in your workplace or one you are familiar with? Describe how your organization could develop a social media presence & monitoring. Include which media, what kind of presence, how monitored and used, staffing, and when to respond. Identify a specific crisis that could be escalated on social media. Describe step by step what you might do in using social media to mitigate the impact How might you evaluate the utility of using social media in your crisis management plan?

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