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Introduction. Equity Part of MFE 230G Tuesday August 12, 200810 am - noon, 1:30 pm - 3:30 pmS480 –Introduction: –Basic Mathematics for Portfolio Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction. Equity Part of MFE 230G Tuesday August 12, 200810 am - noon, 1:30 pm - 3:30 pmS480 –Introduction: –Basic Mathematics for Portfolio Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction

2 Equity Part of MFE 230G Tuesday August 12, 200810 am - noon, 1:30 pm - 3:30 pmS480 –Introduction: –Basic Mathematics for Portfolio Management –Framework (Chapters 2, 4-6) Tuesday August 19, 200810 am - noon, 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm F320 –Risk Modeling (Chapter 3) –Valuation (Chapter 9,7) –Behavioral Finance and Equity Investing Tuesday August 26, 2008 10 am – noon, 1:30pm – 3:30 pm C210 –Transactions Costs (Chapter 16) –Forecasting (Chapters 10,11) –Information Analysis (Chapter 12) Tuesday September 2, 200810 am - noon, 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm TBD –Portfolio Construction (Chapters 14, 15) –Capacity –Performance Analysis (Chapter 17) Thursday, September 25, 20086:00 pm – 8:00 pm –Review Session Tuesday, October 7, 2008noon – 3:00 pm –Final Exam

3 Course Logistics Instructor: Ronald Kahn –Global Head of Equity Research, BGI –Former Director of Research, BARRA – –415-597-2266 GSI: Hari Phatak –Office: F633 (510-642-5295) – –Office hours: TBD Text: Active Portfolio Management, Grinold and Kahn. Plus some additional papers distributed in class. Homework, weekly quiz, final exam (combined with Currency part of course).

4 Investment Management Business Investors –Pension Plans and other retirement savings pools. –Endowments and foundations. –Retail, HNW, 401K,… Investment Managers (“buy side”) Broker Dealers (“sell side”) ERISA

5 Barclays Global Investors One of the world’s leading investment managers. Leader in “scientific investing” –Largest research group devoted to the type of investing you will study in this course. Developed first index fund in 1970’s. We manage index funds, quantitative active funds, hedge funds. –Equity, fixed income, currency, commodity Introduction2.ppt

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