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Writing across boundaries an ESRC-funded project for thinking and writing about writing and thinking COMPONENTS OF THE TALK 1.Introduction 2.Exploration.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing across boundaries an ESRC-funded project for thinking and writing about writing and thinking COMPONENTS OF THE TALK 1.Introduction 2.Exploration."— Presentation transcript:

1 writing across boundaries an ESRC-funded project for thinking and writing about writing and thinking COMPONENTS OF THE TALK 1.Introduction 2.Exploration 3.Evaluation 4.Application

2 writing across boundaries a website for reflecting on writing

3 the language of a discipline features the communication of an exclusive community a liberation from commonsense BUT a constraint from “pure reason” the boundary markers of a “chosen people”

4 some aspects of writing writing as “deskwork”, a continuation of research AS PROCESS its mutuality with data-work its mutuality with data-work AS STRUCTURE the creation of a narrative the creation of a narrative AS OUTCOME AS OUTCOME the representation of sense-experience the representation of sense-experience

5 the cycle of understanding theory language practice

6 foundations of a discipline concepts communication field

7 why writing across boundaries might have intellectual value HOME OR PRISON ? academic disciplines as territories with underlying values and unique languages, with institutional, economic, technical and personal boundaries. DISCIPLINE AS NURTURE membership of a cultural community shaped by certain patterns of behaviours, relationships and concepts THE ENVIRONMENT OF INTELLECTUAL DEBATE thought and writing as a socio-cultural environment in which participants transform themselves and their relationships; writing as a multiple mode of thought, action and emotion

8 aspects of writing re-visited drafting, plotting, ordering information the data-theory relationship narrative, rhetoric and representation “hints and tips” on writing (not just “writing up” your data)

9 ordering information 1.The conventions of presentation 2.The jargon of the discipline 3.The politico-cultural constraints and values 4.Methodology and supporting technologies 5.The mundanity or creativity of the author

10 Narrative as the representation of events Elements of: The data The plot The authorial identity The reader Narrative as a complex relation with the world and our shared selves

11 Some remarks on representation 1.What is representation in writing? 2.Modes in representation 3.The function of theory in representation(s) 4.Styles and forms in representation

12 The function of creativity Writing as: 1.Preparation 2.Incubation 3.Insight 4.Verification See Wallas (1926)

13 writing across boundaries again Creative (v) Formulaic 1.The generation of new concepts 2.The application of old concepts to fresh data 3.Importing concepts from other disciplines into new contexts and applications

14 Revisionism Revisionist methodologies Revisionist language The Conflict of the Faculties (1798), Foucault and Kant Post disciplinarity in response to new problems

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