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Stakeholder’s Workshop St Lucia National Forest Demarcation & Bio-Physical Resource Inventory August 19 th, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Stakeholder’s Workshop St Lucia National Forest Demarcation & Bio-Physical Resource Inventory August 19 th, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stakeholder’s Workshop St Lucia National Forest Demarcation & Bio-Physical Resource Inventory August 19 th, 2008

2 Goals of the Workshop  Provide the first level of participation for stakeholders  Provide an initial opportunity for stakeholders to take ownership of the project  Assist in identification of interested stakeholders  Obtain feedback from stakeholders on the proposed procedures  Identify any real world differences between the project assumptions and stakeholder perception.  Gain support from key stakeholders for the work plan  Consolidate relationships with stakeholders through joint participation  Demonstrate transparency at the onset of the project

3 Nine key Project purposes  To survey and demarcate and realign the Forests Reserves boundaries, inter alia incorporating the newly acquired crown lands, in order to facilitate better protection and management;  To create an updated data base of Forest Reserve boundary lines (digital and hard copy data, to reside at Forestry Department and Lands and Surveys Department) and measure the quality, quantity and distribution - inclusive of yield and volume - of timber and non-timber resources, and to compile statistics of their availability at the range, watershed and national level.  To assess the status of the forest ecosystem, assessment of biodiversity (species richness and diversity) and all existing vegetation type at the watershed, range, and national level.

4 Nine key Project purposes  To advise on the most optimal means/measures for the sustainable management (utilization and conservation) of forest resources  To recommend relevant silvicultural and utilization prescriptions necessary for planning and management of forest resources  To assess all existing forestry related database, and to create an updated monitoring system for producing forest resource state and change estimates;

5 Nine key Project purposes  To provide spatial and statistical data for estimating the nature, magnitude, geographical scope, in relation to Timber and NTFP yield and volume, biodiversity, carbon storage, and processes  To conduct a training programme to develop the capacity of a cadre of persons in forests resource assessment and inventory method and forests management system using, scientific and modern technology  To recommend and implement an effective, efficient and appropriate forest management system for Saint Lucia.

6 Members of the Project Team  Dr Robert Tennent, Project Team Leader  Inventory/FMIS specialist  Full time  Responsible for project management, forest inventory, and FMIS development

7 Members of the Project Team  Mr Earl Cenac, Principle Surveyor  St Lucian  Long term expert, 14 months during course of project  Responsible for forest boundary survey

8 Members of the Project Team  Dr Jenny Daltry, Conservation Biologist  Long term expert  Responsible for biodiversity survey and forest classification  Seven months input over various visits

9 Members of the Project Team  Mr Vijay Datadin, GIS and Data Management Specialist  Long term  Responsible for GIS mapping, forest cover typing, and advising on data management  Six month input over 3-4 visits

10 Members of the Project Team  Non-key experts  Survey Technician  Survey Draftsman  Still to be Identified  Biologist  Zoologist  Consultant home office Project Director Mr. Jorma Peltonen  Providing support to project implementation

11 Forest Inventory/FMIS Dr. Robert Tennent  Identify training needs  Conduct inventory training  Identify forest cover strata  Develop sampling design  Conduct sampling (Jan 09 to May 09)  Analyze results  Develop FMIS  Develop management plans

12 Biophysical inventory Dr Jenny Daltry  Presented by Mr Jorma Peltonen

13 Boundary demarcation Mr Earl Cenac  Presented by Mr Cenac

14 GIS and Mapping Mr. Vijay Datadin  Presented by Dr Robert Tennent oGIS support services to project oProduction of maps oInclude bio-physical inventory data oLink to FMIS oWork closely with FD GIS staff

15 Project Phases  Work plan  Project milestones

16 Inception phase

17 Implementation phase Result 1 - boundaries

18 Implementation phase Result 2 - maps

19 Implementation phase Result 3 – forest resource

20 Implementation phase Result 4 – botany

21 Implementation phase Result 5 – wildlife

22 Implementation phase Result 6 – forest management

23 Implementation phase Result 7 – prescriptions

24 Implementation phase Result 8 – resource monitoring

25 Implementation phase Result 9 – forest resources

26 Implementation phase Result 10 – trained people

27 Implementation phase Result 11 – FMIS

28 Milestones

29 Incidentals budget EC$300,000 Office equipment Project computer system Field vehicle hire Field vehicle fuel Per diems Private car mileage allowances Office consumables

30 Project computer system  FMIS computer  Microsoft Access 2007  Office printer  GIS computer  Arc GIS (latest version)  Map plotter  Backup, network, and security accessories

31 Discussion  Areas for improvement of work plan  Feedback on project activities timing  Areas for cooperation  Indicators  Any other topics

32 Inception report  Initial draft to be finalized after workshop to include workshop feedback  Revised draft to be presented to Forestry Department Thursday 21 st August  Feedback from Forestry Department by Wednesday 27 th August  Inception report presented to Banana Industry Trust Friday 29 th August

33 Thank you for your contribution

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