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Inventing A Really Bad Sort: It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time Jim Huggins Kettering University

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1 Inventing A Really Bad Sort: It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time Jim Huggins Kettering University

2 Bless me, Father Knuth, for I have sinned …

3 The Set-Up Writing questions for take-home exam for Advanced Algorithms course (sophomore) Desired: an algorithm which: does something useful is simple to analyze hasn’t been done before on the web

4 Inspiration: StoogeSort public void StoogeSort(int[] arr, int start, int stop) { if (arr[start] > arr[stop]) { int swap = arr[start]; arr[start] = arr[stop]; arr[stop] = swap; } if (start+1 >= stop) return; int third = (stop - start + 1) / 3; StoogeSort(arr, start, stop-third); // First two-thirds StoogeSort(arr, start+third, stop); // Last two-thirds StoogeSort(arr, start, stop-third); // First two-thirds } Comparison count: T(n) = 3T(⅔n) + 1; T(0)=0, T(1)=0, T(2) = 1 T(n) = Θ(n log 3/2 3 ) ≈ Θ(n 2.7 )

5 My Idea: GoofySort public void goofySort (int[] array, int start, int stop) { if (start>=stop) return; goofySort(array, start, stop-1); // first n-1 items if (array[stop-1] > array[stop]) { int swap = array[stop-1]; // swap last item array[stop-1] = array[stop]; array[stop] = swap; goofySort(array, start, stop-1); // first n-1 items }// again } An added bonus: different behavior in best case, worst case. (More questions!)

6 Analysis of GoofySort: Best Case public void goofySort (int[] array, int start, int stop) { if (start>=stop) return; goofySort(array, start, stop-1); if (array[stop-1] > array[stop]) { // best case: false int swap = array[stop-1]; array[stop-1] = array[stop]; array[stop] = swap; goofySort(array, start, stop-1); } Comparison count: T(n) = T(n-1) + 1, T(1) = 0 T(n) = O(n)

7 Analysis of GoofySort: Worst Case public void goofySort (int[] array, int start, int stop) { if (start>=stop) return; goofySort(array, start, stop-1); if (array[stop-1] > array[stop]) { // worst case: true int swap = array[stop-1]; array[stop-1] = array[stop]; array[stop] = swap; goofySort(array, start, stop-1); } Comparison count: T(n) = 2T(n-1) + 1, T(1) = 0 T(n) = O(2 n )

8 “Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it.”

9 And so, to avoid embarrassment … Coded the algorithm in Java Tested with a variety of random inputs Tested with a variety of list sizes 20, 30, 40, … And it all works! Great! (What could possibly go wrong?)

10 Actual Student Answers: T(n) = O(n 3 ) T(n) = T(n-1) + O(n 2 ) = O(n 3 ) T(n) = T(n-1) + Σ 1 n i = ? T(n) = O(2 n ) –One bright student, at least!

11 Preparing to hand them back… Preparing my rant … –“you completely missed the point” –“we did this in class … ” –“I even tested this on lots of inputs...” And then I remember: –If this is really exponential time, how did I run it on an input of size 40? –@#@!. What if I’m wrong and they’re right?

12 Bentley: Three Beautiful Quicksorts Paraphrasing: “If you double the input size, and the instruction count quadruples, you’ve got a quadratic algorithm.” (Watch the Google TechTalk … it’s neat.)

13 Racing to the computer nT(n)ratio 1087 207618.74 4066098.68 80549078.31 Take the average over 100 random runs … @#$!. It looks like it’s cubic!

14 How could this be cubic? public void goofySort (int[] array, int start, int stop) { if (start>=stop) return; goofySort(array, start, stop-1); if (array[stop-1] > array[stop]) { int swap = array[stop-1]; array[stop-1] = array[stop]; array[stop] = swap; goofySort(array, start, stop-1); } The first recursive call is always bad; the array could be completely unordered The second recursive call is always good; all but the last item are ordered

15 How badly cubic? What’s the worst case input? –Reverse sorted, right? At this point, I don’t trust myself, so … –Generate all permutations on a list of size n We just covered this in class! (Lucky this is an algorithms course!) –Verified: worst case happens in reverse order

16 So, what’s the worst-case time? Do a bunch of input sizes … … and putz around with a calculator … The closed-form formula appears to be: T(n) = n(n-1)(n-2)/6 + (n-1) So this does appear to be cubic after all. (Now, how do I prove it?)

17 A quick overview of the proof T(n) = 1 + T(n-1) + GT(n-1); T(1) = 0 GT(n) = (n-1) + GT(n-1); GT(1) = 0 … GT(n) = n(n-1)/2 T(n) = 1 + T(n-1) + (n-1)(n-2)/2; T(1) = 0 … T(n) = (n-1) + n(n-1)(n-2)/6 (see me for the full proof … it’s not that bad)

18 Aftermath Deep apologies to the students –They were gracious Q: “How did y’all know it was cubic?” A: “We ran it and it looked cubic.” –They had no idea how to proceed … so they did the empirical analysis first to find the “right” answer!

19 “Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it.”

20 “Beware of bugs in the above analysis; I have only proved it correct, not verified it empirically.”

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