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Reconciliation in Korean Church and Society Presbyterian College Theological Seminary, Seoul, Korea So Yang Memorial Hall #609 “‘Axis of Evil’: A Misrepresentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Reconciliation in Korean Church and Society Presbyterian College Theological Seminary, Seoul, Korea So Yang Memorial Hall #609 “‘Axis of Evil’: A Misrepresentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconciliation in Korean Church and Society Presbyterian College Theological Seminary, Seoul, Korea So Yang Memorial Hall #609 “‘Axis of Evil’: A Misrepresentation of Christianity” By Marian Gh. Simion May 26, 2008

2 What is Evil? States like these, and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world. By seeking weapons of mass destruction, these regimes pose a grave and growing danger. President George W. Bush The anthropologist is driven to declare the opponent inferior and degenerate; the psychiatrist to publish his diagnosis of the enemy’s disease of mind and spirit. Sigmund Freud Evil is not a living animated essence; it is the condition of the soul opposed to virtue, developed in the careless on account of their falling away from good. Saint Basil the Great

3 “War on Terror” ““ This crusade, this war on terrorism is gonna take awhile. And the American people must be patient. I'm gonna be patient.” George W. Bush

4 The Subliminal Effect


6 Demonizing Adversaries “The anthropologist is driven to declare the opponent inferior and degenerate; the psychiatrist to publish his diagnosis of the enemy’s disease of mind and spirit.” Sigmund Freud

7 American Vulnerabilities Pietism to Libertarian Ideologies Dualist Culture Culture of Fear

8 Dualist Culture

9 Blessing War?

10 Victimization?

11 Creation ex nihilo

12 Angelic World

13 Fall of Angels

14 Evil and the Fall of Angels

15 The Problem of Evil


17 The Last Judgment

18 Depiction of Enemies

19 Reconciliation is the way!

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