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Strategic Planning at UNO 1907-1997 90 years of strategic thinking in 90 seconds!!! Give or take a few seconds…

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1 Strategic Planning at UNO 1907-1997 90 years of strategic thinking in 90 seconds!!! Give or take a few seconds…

2 Top 10 Strategic Decisions in UNO History For the period 1907-1997

3 Number 10 In 1940, all first year students were required to wear freshman beanies… Later this rule was repealed and the administration decided to leave fashion up to the discretion of the students This policy proved unwise during the fashion disaster of the 1970’s when leisure suits were in vogue

4 Number 9 When selecting a new university mascot to replace the “Indians,” the students wisely voted for “Mavericks” Other nominees were the GTOs and the Pintos

5 Number 8 In 1907, university planners projected that “over 200 pupils” graduated annually from Omaha High School. Another 200 pupils graduated from Brownell Hall and Council Bluffs schools. Less than 10% of these pupils pursued their education farther. “Omaha is, therefore, still virgin soil in large measure for the development of educational enterprise.”

6 Number 7 On May 1, 1997 Athletic Director Don Leahy announced the start of UNO’s Division I NCAA Hockey Team

7 Number 6 In the fall of 1936, the Regents of what was then the Municipal University of Omaha purchased twenty acres of land on West Dodge Street just north of Elmwood Park, thus moving the campus from its original location at 24 th & Pratt. The Regents anticipated the future need to offer students dorm rooms with golf course views

8 Number 5 In the mid-1970’s, a new library was built at a cost of over $5 million Great care was taken in selecting interior materials as the lovely orange carpeting still remains as a reminder of those psychedelic times

9 Number 4 In 1967, Acting-President Kirk E. Naylor and the Regents decided to seek a FINAL solution to the University’s financial problems by merging Omaha University with the University of Nebraska. In a special election, Omaha voters approved the merger by a four to one margin. Tremendous growth followed…

10 Number 3 Through out UNO’s history, the university has struggled with severe financial constraints In the fall of 1916, the Regents agreed to raise tuition by 33% Tuition increased from $60 per year to $80 per year

11 Number 2 In 1968, twelve “shocking blue” “temporary” buildings were added to the campus to cope with rapidly increasing enrollment. These “temporary” buildings remained until the parking structure was built.

12 NUMBER 1….. In 1907, the university prospectus positioned what was to become UNO as a “metropolitan university” stating: The school could also aid in the study of “the social and civic problems of our civilization” since it would be located in an urban setting where those very problems existed.

13 Strategic Planning at UNO Has been present since our founding Has taken many different shapes and forms Has positioned the university well for success

14 From “A History of the University of Nebraska at Omaha” “What has been most remarkable in the school’s history is that whatever its name, wherever it has been located, the mission of the University has never changed. The founders created the school to serve the people of Omaha and that goal remains the primary objective today.”

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