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1 Nephi 11-12 Nephi’s Witness. 1 Nephi 11:1 Receiving a Witness Nephi does three things: “desired to know” believed “that the Lord was able to make them.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Nephi 11-12 Nephi’s Witness. 1 Nephi 11:1 Receiving a Witness Nephi does three things: “desired to know” believed “that the Lord was able to make them."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Nephi 11-12 Nephi’s Witness

2 1 Nephi 11:1 Receiving a Witness Nephi does three things: “desired to know” believed “that the Lord was able to make them known” “sat pondering in [his] heart”

3 “I was caught away in the Spirit of the Lord, yea, into an exceedingly high mountain, which I had never before seen, and upon which I never had before set my foot.”

4 The Interview “What desirest thou” ? “I desire to behold the things which my father saw” “Believest thou” ? “thou knowest that I believe” The Confirmation and Blessing “Blessed art thou…because thou believest in the Son of the most high God” 1 Nephi 11:2-6

5 1 Nephi 11:7-36;12 He sees the Vision of the Tree of Life. He desires an interpretation of his father’s dream. Expands and Interprets He sees the life and mission of Jesus Christ. He is given keys to understand the significance of the dream. He then sees the history of his people and those of his brothers; obedience vs. disobedience. Sees the restoration of the Gospel and of his people.

6 The Reality of Visions Evidence of a Seer Look, looked Behold, beheld Saw, see Know Bear record

7 1 Nephi 11:24-26, 32 The Tree and the Cross “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16) Living Waters See Exodus 15:23-26; John 4:9-14; Isaiah 12:3 (2 Nephi 22:3); Isaiah 55:1 (2 Nephi 9:50); John 7:37

8 Izapa Stela 5

9 Medieval Tree of Life: Sephirot of Jewish Kabbalah





14 The Pomegranate Fruit of the Tree of Life

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