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Introduction(s) to new media fdm 20c: introduction to digital media lecture 02.10.2008 warren sack / film & digital media department / university of california,

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction(s) to new media fdm 20c: introduction to digital media lecture 02.10.2008 warren sack / film & digital media department / university of california,"— Presentation transcript:

1 introduction(s) to new media fdm 20c: introduction to digital media lecture 02.10.2008 warren sack / film & digital media department / university of california, santa cruz

2 outline for today definitions of “media” and “digital” murray and manovich’s definitions of “new media” demo videos from apple computer more discussion and demonstration for project one

3 my definition of media when technologies connect or separate people, they become media.

4 winston churchill on architecture “we shape our buildings and then they shape us.”

5 marshall mcluhan on media “we make our media and then they make us.”

6 my definition of digital digital = computer

7 but, computers can take many different material forms “computer technology” does not necessarily start as silicon and gold; “computer technology” does not necessarily need to be implemented as hardware or software.

8 george boole: “an investigation into the laws of thought” (1847)

9 charles babbage, “difference engine” (1848)

10 the two building blocks of computers 1.switches: a steering element that can combine multiple signals into a single signal 2.connectors: the connecting element must have the ability to branch, so that a single output can feed many inputs. see w. daniel hillis, the pattern on the stone: the simple ideas that make computers work (especially “chapter 1: nuts and bolts”)

11 an or block built with hydraulic valves source: hillis, p. 14

12 hillis’ tinker toy computer

13 claude shannon: “a symbolic analysis of relay switching circuits” (1939)

14 definitions of new media janet murray lev manovich...and --through murray and manovich -- noah wardrip-fruin and nick montfort

15 some preliminary questions who is noah wardrip-fruin? who is nick montfort? who is lev manovich? who is janet murray? what does “pullulating” mean?

16 janet murray’s definition of new media new media are a single medium: the digital medium (p. 3) humanists v. engineers (p. 4-5) –their convergence in learning (p. 5) representational power of the computer derives from four qualities (p. 6): –procedural –participatory –encyclopedic –spatial

17 lev manovich’s definition of new media new media: “parallel tendencies in modern art and computing technology after world war ii” (p. 15) borges v. bush new media technologies: “computer programming, graphical interface, hypertext, multimedia, wired and wireless computing” (p. 15) “these technologies themselves have become the greatest art works of today.” (p. 15)

18 lev manovich’s definition of new media (continued) media v. cyberculture media as computer technology used as a distribution platform media as digital data controlled by software media as the mix between existing cultural conventions and the conventions of software media as the aesthetics that accompanies the early stage of every new modern media and communication technology media as faster execution of algorithms previously executed manually or through other technologies media as the encoding of modernist avant-garde; new media as metamedia media as parallel articulation of similar ideas in post-wwii art and modern computing

19 Demo tapes Xerox “monks” commercial Apple 1984 Super Bowl ad Apple 1987 “Knowledge Navigator” Apple ads 2006-now

20 project one: create a hypertext html sftp due: tuesday, october 7th

21 next time topic: hypertext

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