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CRIS/CERIF based model of research results granularity, circulation and usage in Socionet Sergey Parinov, Prof., Leading Researcher of Central Economics.

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Presentation on theme: "CRIS/CERIF based model of research results granularity, circulation and usage in Socionet Sergey Parinov, Prof., Leading Researcher of Central Economics."— Presentation transcript:

1 CRIS/CERIF based model of research results granularity, circulation and usage in Socionet Sergey Parinov, Prof., Leading Researcher of Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of RAS Moscow, Russia

2 Socionet is a CRIS, driven be a research community Socionet data model is compatible with CERIF2008 Socionet is designed as a virtual multidiscipline research environment for all types of research actors based on an Open Science concept Currently it is a system of (only main subsystems of –Information hub (IH) as a federation of IRs, RePEc archives and other sources with standardized metadata output for software agents (by RSS, OAI-PMH, etc.) –Research data and information space (DIS) as a visualization of full IH contents for human agents –Online workbench to submit single materials, whole collections and archives, to create networks of semantic linkages between DIS objects –Monitoring and scientometric module, which produce a professional signal system and an information model of a research community

3 An input flow of new materials and usage level

4 Current challenges of Russian research community We have had not bad average level of research actors’ activity, but we are not happy with average level of research results usage One of main current goals is an improvement of circulation of research in order to make research results usage more efficient

5 Collecting selected articles’ fragments as citations Using citations to produce new articles Corpus of research articles Current model of circulation of research Selection of reusable objects from articles Maintaining of a personal collection of citations Citations’ set of a researcher 1 Citations’ set of a researcher 2 Articles that using res. results in not formalized style

6 Suggested model of circulation of research Corpus of reusable objects Global searching, selection of citations Universal interface to use citations New article as a semantic ‘network’ Corpus of research articles Any researcher can suggest new objects Collections of standardized objects - potential citations A competition of citations to be used in an article Semantic links between the article and citations by granularity of articles

7 New data type for reusable research information objects We create a new one ‘citation’ additionally to 16 data types in Socionet A list of existed data types, e.g. for ‘economics’: 58Chapters and Sections in Books (chapter) (date: 2009-11-04, mod: 3, docs: 11767) 2629Working Papers (paper) (date: 2009-11-04, new: 276, mod: 159, docs: 286750) 2Personal Data of Authors (person) (date: 2009-11-04, new: 18, mod: 273, docs: 28524) 2Organizations Data (institution) (date: 2009-11-04, new: 2, mod: 8, docs: 11423) 1001Collection of Journal Articles (article) (date: 2009-11-04, new: 335, mod: 5, docs: 475742) 114Collection of Books (book) (date: 2009-11-04, new: 26, docs: 4213) 22Software for Research (software) (date: 2009-11-03, docs: 1841) 1Scientific Classifiication (scheme) (date: 2009-10-21, docs: 943) 2Scientific Reviews and Comments (comment) (date: 2009-07-22, docs: 8) 1Theses and Abstracts (thesis) (date: 2007-06-20, docs: 6) 1Collection of Selected Materials (secondary) (date: 2006-09-06, docs: 8)

8 Structure of ‘citation’ data object A text fragment selected to be re-used as an object of research DIS Title of the object Link to source article (or proper bibliographical data of the source) Terms of usage and recommendation for potential users

9 Granularity of research articles Articles’ authors or any other researchers: –select text fragments for potential re-using from existed research articles –create ‘citation’ type objects by filling in an online form according suggested structure of fields –submit it to Socionet DIS for public usage –such granularity can be done in advance (e.g. by authors of existed articles) or when a researcher has a necessity to create citations

10 Collections of ‘citation’ objects within Socionet DIS Any researcher can submit: –single potential citations to centralized collections have included into DIS –own thematic collections of reusable objects to present it into DIS Socionet DIS provides: –navigation and searching over all objects –all possible statistics on citations usage

11 A tool for research writers to use citation objects Using Socionet Online Workbench writers can: –search needed citations for their articles over all collections of citation objects existed in DIS –if no, they can submit new citations to the DIS –inspect statistics whom/how selected citations have been used and take the best from a list –include the citation as linked object into the article and configure a semantic values for the linkage

12 Semantic values of a link between an article and a citation Semantic values as usage characteristics: –the citation is a basement for my result –the citation approves (or is approved by) my result –the citation illustrates of (or has logical connection with) my result –the citation is wrong or disproved by my result General comments to selected semantic values

13 Benefits for research community Visible collections of research reusable objects Better competition of research result to be used and cited Clear picture about types of research results’ usage and transparent usage statistics Better functioning of circulation of research

14 Conclusion The virtual research environment can be useful only as universal international approach, no serious future for isolated Russian CRIS of research community Keeping on results of OAI and OAR initiatives the next international initiative for global research community should be established The new initiative should propose a CRIS based model to organize efficiently research results granulating, circulating and using We are looking for people and organizations interested in developing of this or similar approach to granularity, circulation and usage of research results

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