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Leadership theory – a psychological perspective Early models Personality Organizational aspects Transformational/developmental leadership Indirect leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership theory – a psychological perspective Early models Personality Organizational aspects Transformational/developmental leadership Indirect leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership theory – a psychological perspective Early models Personality Organizational aspects Transformational/developmental leadership Indirect leadership

2 Personality traits Initiating structure & consideration Task behavior & relationship behavior –Situational leadership

3 Dissatisfaction medium low medium high Low consideration Medium consideration High consideration Structure

4 Personality dimensions Personality traits Habits Single thoughts, emotions, and actions

5 Big Five Emotional stability Extraversion Openness to experience Agreeableness Conscientiousness

6 Organizational characteristics Complexity - Horizontal differentiation - Vertical differentiation - Physical differentiation Formalization Interdependence between subsystems and processes Dependence on external world

7 My ideal leader Think of leaders in your past (or present), either inside or outside of your organization, who have had a profound effect or influence on your development, or the development of others. The leader may be someone you worked for, or a coach, a parent, a sibling, etc. Please identify specific behaviors that would characterize this person’s leadership style!




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