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An Overview of Early Childhood Development Teddi Deka, Ph.D. Missouri Western State University.

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Presentation on theme: "An Overview of Early Childhood Development Teddi Deka, Ph.D. Missouri Western State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Overview of Early Childhood Development Teddi Deka, Ph.D. Missouri Western State University

2 I. What is Development?  Change Growth, Senescence  From Genetics (nature) Caring (nurture) Environment  Influenced by Domains Contexts  Following a Sequence based on Averages Ranges

3 Domains and Contexts of Development  Exercise: What is one question about child development that you would like to ask?

4 Physical Social / Emotional Cognitive Domains of Development

5 Contexts of Development HistoricalSocioeconomicCultural

6 Averages and Ranges

7 II. Average Development in the Cognitive Domain  Of interest to early childhood providers: How does the child think/solve problems? What types of problems interest the child? How can I improve the child’s ability to think/solve problems?

8 How Does the Child Think / Solve Problems?  Theories of Child Development Jean Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental Theory Lev Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory Theory of Mind




12 Problems that interest the young child  There are not right or wrong answers  The adult won’t get mad or anxious  It is fun  It involves play  It involves creativity (coloring, little scientist)  The task is bright or loud or irritating  The task is repetitive

13 III. Average Development in the Social / Emotional Domain  Of interest to early childhood providers: What is typical social development? What is typical emotional development? How to I discourage aggression? How do I discipline?

14 Typical Social / Emotional Development  Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory  Emotion and Control

15 Emotional Development TemperamentEasyDifficultSlow to Warm Up Shyness √ Aggression √ fearfulness √ Attention √ Sociability √

16 InstrumentalPhysicalVerbalRelational Most Prevalent ToddlerChildhood Adolescence Gender Difference s Boys Girls StabilityLessMoreLessMore Types of Aggression

17 From 1 to 5, children should consistently improve on:  Emotion Regulation  Emotion Display  Hostile Aggression  Empathy  Sympathy

18 Improving on Aggression, Discipline and Prosocial Behavior  Handout: Recommendations

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