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The Science with RHIC and Its Upgrade W.A. Zajc Columbia University IUPAP WG-9 Symposium July 2-3, 2010, TRIUMF 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc With my explicit thanks to E. Aschenauer, A. Deshpande, J. Dunlop, W. Fischer, J. Nagle, E. O’Brien, K. Rajagopal, T. Roser, S. Vigdor ; and implicit thanks to all my colleagues at RHIC
Assertion 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
Fact l QCD is our prototypical non-Abelian gauge theory Amenable to experimental study at both strong and weak coupling Deep connections to other gauge theories l RHIC is the only facility dedicated to the study of QCD In the thermal regime Using perturbative probes to study non-perturbative phenomena 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
U.S. Long Range Planning in Nuclear Science l A source of considerable community pride l Something we’re good at l The plans are ‘resource burdened’ l We’ve been at it for a long time: 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc 19831989199620022007
We’re Good at It and Have Been For a Long Time l A case in point – the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) l 1983 Plan: “We identify a relativistic heavy ion collider as the highest priority for the next major facility to be constructed, with the potential for addressing a new scientific frontier of fundamental importance.” l 2000: RHIC begins operations l 2005: Announcement of major discoveries at RHIC 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
Discovery 2005 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
2007 Long Range Plan Recommendation #4 The experiments at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider have discovered a new state of matter at extreme temperature and density — a quark-gluon plasma that exhibits unexpected, almost perfect liquid dynamical behavior. We recommend implementation of the RHIC II luminosity upgrade, together with detector improvements, to determine the properties of this new state of matter. We recommend implementation of the RHIC II luminosity upgrade, together with detector improvements, to determine the properties of this new state of matter. 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc The RHIC Discovery
A RHIC Mission 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc The RHIC Discovery RHIC’s Bounty
A RHIC Mission Understand the spin structure of the proton 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc qqqqqqqq GGGG LgLgLgLg qLqqLqqLqqLq qqqq
RHIC Spin l RHIC is the world’s only polarized proton collider: 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
RHIC Spin l RHIC is the world’s only polarized proton collider: 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
RHIC Spin l RHIC is the world’s only polarized proton collider. l Use pQCD to study how the proton spin is distributed among its constituents: 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
pQCD at RHIC (I) 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc STAR: PRL97, 252001 (2006) PHENIX: PRD76 051106 (2007) l Establishing the validity of pQCD at RHIC energies essential to both the spin and the heavy ion programs:
pQCD at RHIC (II) l Spin: pQCD is absolutely essential for reliable, quantitative extraction of polarized distribution functions (next slide) l Heavy ions: pQCD is absolutely essential for reliable, quantitative measurement of “jet quenching” 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
Gluon Contribution G to Proton Spin 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc RHIC g(x) g + (x) – g - (x) g(x) g + (x) – g - (x) In global analysis, RHIC data already play dominant role in constraining g(x) for x < 0.2 : In global analysis, RHIC data already play dominant role in constraining g(x) for x < 0.2 : l Future measurements with > x10 increase in integrated luminosity Greatly reduced errors in putative(?) negative g(x) Photons, heavy flavor Di-hadron, jet-jet, -jet to provide direct measurement of g(x) x-dependence 2001 2005 2008 2012 ?
Angular Momentum Contributions to Proton Spin l Observation of large single spin transverse asymmetries at large |x F | at RHIC: l Potential to understand orbital motion of partons in the proton l In particular Test “non-universality” of Sivers function Clear prediction of sign change between DIS and Drell-Yan (D-Y to be measured at RHIC, luminosity hungry!) 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
Sea Quark Contribution to Proton Spin l Via “self-analyzing” W production (!) l 2009: 500 Gev run: proof of principle (~10 pb -1 ) l First spin results (!) l Future: 10 pb -1 300 pb -1 PHENIX trigger STAR GEM tracker 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
A RHIC Mission 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
A RHIC Mission 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc The RHIC Discovery “Perfect Liquid” behavior of the quark-gluon plasma
Expectations circa 2000 As encoded in the Nuclear Physics Wall Chart, RHIC would create a quark-gluon plasma; a “gas” of weakly interacting quarks and gluons 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
2010 – First Temperature Measurement 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc l PHENIX, PRL 104:132301, 2010 l T i ~ 300-500 MeV
Clearly in Deconfined Regime l T i ~ 400 MeV quark and gluon d.o.f. “dominant” 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
But - The Quark-Gluon Plasma is Not a Gas l Prejudice circa 2000: Protons and neutrons would ‘sublimate’ to a gas of quarks and gluons Much like dry ice l Discovery circa 2005 The quark-gluon plasma is a nearly perfect liquid Something like regular ice to water 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
Long Range Plan Recommendation The experiments at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider have discovered a new state of matter at extreme temperature and density — a quark-gluon plasma that exhibits unexpected, almost perfect liquid dynamical behavior. We recommend implementation of the RHIC II luminosity upgrade, together with detector improvements, to determine the properties of this new state of matter. We recommend implementation of the RHIC II luminosity upgrade, together with detector improvements, to determine the properties of this new state of matter. 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
Perfect Fluids l Perfect fluids are characterized by low viscosity. l Low viscosity requires strong coupling. 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
Perfect Fluids l Perfect fluids are characterized by low viscosity. l Low viscosity requires strong coupling. l Precisely the region studied with RHIC energies. 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
RHIC and the Phases of Nuclear Matter 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
Heavy Ions at the LHC l Offers an unprecedented increase in energy: RHIC s NN = 0.2 TeV LHC s NN = 5.5 TeV 5.5 / 0.2 = 27.5 (!) l Estimate for change in initial temperature T i : T i (LHC) = (27.5) 1/4 T i (RHIC) ~ 2.3 T i (RHIC) N.B.: LHC matter will still evolve through ‘RHIC’ temperature regime 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
RHIC and LHC 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc RHICLHC
Two Scenarios l Scenario 1: Matter at LHC similar to RHIC LHC will study with much higher Q 2 probes o New observables new discoveries RHIC will study with greater flexibility in o Running time, energies and species o Baseline (p+p) measurements o Control (p+A, d+A) measurements l Scenario 2: LHC weakly-coupled, RHIC strongly-coupled LHC will probe fundamentally new regime RHIC uniquely able to study strongly-coupled QGP 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
The Future RHIC Program l “We recommend implementation of the RHIC II luminosity upgrade… Underway! (technological breakthrough) o ~1/7 the cost o ~ 4 years early l …together with detector improvements … Underway l …to determine the properties of this new state of matter.” Thermodynamics, equation of state of perfect liquid Search for the critical point in its phase diagram 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
The “RHIC II” Luminosity Upgrade l 1/7 the cost and 4 early ? l 1/7 the cost and 4 years early ? l Yes ! Breakthrough – stochastic cooling in a bunched collider 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc Y h+v pickups B h+v kickers B h+v pickups Y h+v kickers
The “RHIC II” Luminosity Upgrade l 1/7 the cost and 4 early ? l 1/7 the cost and 4 years early ? l Yes ! Breakthrough – stochastic cooling in a bunched collider 2010: RHIC operates at ~ 10 x design luminosity Full stochastic cooling (2012) provides 20 x design luminosity 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc 14 Jan 2010
Building On Success l First decade of RHIC Operations: dramatic successes 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc Operated modes (beam energies): Au–Au 3.8, 4.6, 5.8, 10, 32, 65, 100 GeV/n d–Au* 100 GeV/n Cu–Cu11, 31, 100 GeV/n p –p 11, 31, 100, 250 GeV Planned or possible future modes: Au – Au2.5 GeV/n (~ AGS cm energy) p – Au*100 GeV/n (*asymmetric rigidity) Achieved peak luminosities (100 GeV, nucl.-pair): Au–Au 155 10 30 cm -2 s -1 p –p 50 10 30 cm -2 s -1 Other large hadron colliders (scaled to 100 GeV): Tevatron (p – pbar) 35 10 30 cm -2 s -1 LHC (p – p, design)140 10 30 cm -2 s -1 Initial Discoveries pb -1
“… together with detector improvements …” l Underway. l Examples: PHENIX o Muon trigger (W’s) o VTX (central Si) o FVTX (forward Si) STAR o Forward GEM tracker (W’s) o Heavy Flavor Tracker 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
“… to determine the properties of this new state of matter.” l Example: How strong is the coupling ? l Surprising discovery: heavy flavor (charm, perhaps bottom) Loses energy in medium Flows with the medium despite M HF >> T QGP despite M HF >> T QGP l The Si Vertex upgrades + “RHIC II” luminosities will separate the contributions of b and c quarks to this result 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
QCD Condensed Matter l “Perfect Liquid” – a new state of matter (energy) One that emerges from a fundamental Lagrangian The ultimate condensed matter physics No (?) dependence on ‘accidental’ scales like m e /m p. l “RHIC II” goal: to measure medium properties l Examples: Debye screening length Equation of state Jet quenching ( dE/dx ) Shear viscosity Bulk viscosity 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
l The ultimate “outreach” of the ultimate condensed matter physics Conjectured quantum bound of 1 / 4 Conjectured quantum bound of 1 / 4 l We need to firmly establish RHIC point(s) Shear Viscosity 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
Current Status of /s Extraction l To do: l Vary ss Mass Probe (c, b) Shape ( 238 U ) l All enabled by upgraded RHIC 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc Chaudhuri, arXiv:010.0979 Luzum and Romatschke, arXiv:0804:4015 Chaudhuri, arXiv:0909.0391
The Phases of QCD 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc l Transition to QGP at highest RHIC energy is “infinite order” l First-order phase transition expected at lower energy. l WHERE ?
The QCD Critical Point 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc l The landscape’s key feature. l RHIC uniquely bridges GSI LHC
The QCD Critical Point 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc l The landscape’s key feature. l RHIC uniquely bridges GSI LHC l Requires RHIC to be run as low energy collider l Search via non-monotonic trends in fluctuations l Search underway l Precision may await further luminosity upgrades
A RHIC Mission 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc The RHIC Discovery
A RHIC Mission 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc The RHIC Discovery RHIC’s Bounty Potential to study even more than what has been presented here.
Gluon Saturation 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc l Glue dominates the low-x structure of nucleons: l In nuclei, saturation scale Q s 2 ~ A 1/3 Q 0 2. l Naturally studied in p+A and/or d+A collisions Upgrades to STAR and PHENIX enable “3 rd ” RHIC program dedicated to saturation physics l Natural connection to Initial state in A+A at RHIC (and LHC) Electron Ion Collider (see talk by A. Deshpande)
QCD Surprises l Local strong parity violation ? 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc STAR PRL 103:251601,2009
Local Strong Parity Violation? l Requires Strong magnetic field (~10 17 G) Deconfined quarks (plausible) QCD topological charge (TBD) l Discovery requires Elimination of all mundane effects Excitation function Study in o Isobaric pairs (e.g., 96 44 Ru and 96 40 Zr) o Asymmetric collisions (e.g., Cu+Au) 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
The Big Picture l The strongly-coupled fluid at RHIC has created unique ties to other fields: 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc AdS/QCD Perfect liquid AdS/CFT Prediction of /s bound AdS/CMT Cold atomic gases Strongly correlated electrons
The Bigger Picture l The AdS/CFT correspondence forges a fascinating link between Semi-classical gravity Strongly-coupled gauge theories l In some sense, it ‘works best’ when Coupling is as strong as possible System is thermal l RHIC ! 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
Summary l RHIC’s unparalleled versatility Has led to major discoveries Provides a dedicated environment for study of o Thermal QCD o Spin structure of proton o Saturation physics l Recent advances in Luminosity and accelerator capability Detector upgrades establish a future program of extraordinary promise. establish a future program of extraordinary promise. 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
Thank You ! With my explicit thanks to E. Aschenauer, A. Deshpande, J. Dunlop, W. Fischer, J. Nagle, E. O’Brien, K. Rajagopal, T. Roser, S. Vigdor ; and implicit thanks to all my colleagues at RHIC 02-Jul-10 W.A. Zajc
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