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Eric Allender Rutgers University Cracks in the Defenses: Scouting Out Approaches on Circuit Lower Bounds CSR 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Eric Allender Rutgers University Cracks in the Defenses: Scouting Out Approaches on Circuit Lower Bounds CSR 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eric Allender Rutgers University Cracks in the Defenses: Scouting Out Approaches on Circuit Lower Bounds CSR 2008

2 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? < 2 >< 2 > Introduction  How far are we from proving circuit lower bounds?  I have no idea!  There is a lot of pessimism, based on – The lack of any good circuit lower bounds – The [Razborov,Rudich] “natural proofs” obstacle  Today, we’ll make some observations that may cause some of you to be less pessimistic.

3 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? < 3 >< 3 > But First…Why Circuits?  2 Basic models of computation – Programs (one program – works for every input length) – Circuits (different circuit for each input length)  One crucial difference: circuit lower bounds can be used to prove intractability results for fixed input sizes.  Program run-time lower bounds can’t.

4 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? < 4 >< 4 > An example: the Game of Checkers  Computing strategies for Checkers requires exponential time. – More precisely, given an n -by- n Checkers board with checkers on it, no program can compute an optimal next move in fewer than c 2 n – d steps, for some constants c and d. – n -by- n Checkers is complete for EXP.

5 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? < 5 >< 5 > An example: the Game of Checkers  Computing strategies for Checkers requires exponential time. – More precisely, given an n -by- n Checkers board with checkers on it, no program can compute an optimal next move in fewer than c 2 n – d steps, for some constants c and d. – Thus any program solving this problem must run very slowly on large inputs. This is the essence of asymptotic analysis.

6 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? < 6 >< 6 > An example: the Game of Checkers  Computing strategies for Checkers requires exponential time. – More precisely, given an n -by- n Checkers board with checkers on it, no program can compute an optimal next move in fewer than c 2 n – d steps, for some constants c and d. – This is a much stronger statement about complexity than we are able to prove for most problems (such as NP-complete problems).

7 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? < 7 >< 7 > An example: the Game of Checkers  Computing strategies for Checkers requires exponential time. – More precisely, given an n -by- n Checkers board with checkers on it, no program can compute an optimal next move in fewer than c 2 n – d steps, for some constants c and d. – but…Conceivably, there is a hand-held device that computes optimal moves, even for Checker boards of size 1000-by-1000! – …because we don’t know if EXP is in P/poly (the class of problems with small circuits).

8 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? < 8 >< 8 > An Example of what can be done, given a circuit size lower bound  Theorem: Any circuit that takes as input a logical formula (in WS1S) of length 616 and produces as output a correct answer, saying if the formula is valid or not, has at least 10 123 gates. (Stockmeyer, 1974)  (Proof sketch): There is a problem requiring exponential circuit size that is efficiently reducible to WS1S.

9 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? < 9 >< 9 > An Example of what can be done, given a circuit size lower bound  Theorem: Any circuit that takes as input a logical formula (in WS1S) of length 616 and produces as output a correct answer, saying if the formula is valid or not, has at least 10 123 gates. (Stockmeyer, 1974)  What we need: Similar lower bounds, but for problems in NP such as SAT or FACTORING.  We would even be glad to get lower bounds for restricted classes of circuits.

10 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Big Complexity Classes  NP PP .. ..  NC  L (Deterministic Logspace)

11 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds?  TC 0 O(1)-Depth Circuits of MAJ gates  AC 0 [6]  NC 1 Log-Depth Circuits  AC 0 can’t compute Mod 2 [FSS,A]  AC 0 O(1)-Depth Circuits of AND/OR gates The Main Objects of Interest: Small Complexity Classes

12 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds?  TC 0 O(1)-Depth Circuits of MAJ gates  AC 0 [6]  NC 1 Log-Depth Circuits  AC 0 can’t compute Mod 2 [FSS,A]  AC 0 O(1)-Depth Circuits of AND/OR gates The Main Objects of Interest: Small Complexity Classes

13 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds?  TC 0 O(1)-Depth Circuits of MAJ gates  NC 1 Log-Depth Circuits  AC 0 [2] can’t compute Mod 3 [R,S]  AC 0 [2]  AC 0 O(1)-Depth Circuits of AND/OR gates The Main Objects of Interest: Small Complexity Classes

14 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds?  NC 1 Log-Depth Circuits  TC 0 O(1)-Depth Circuits of MAJ gates  AC 0 [6]  AC 0 [2]  AC 0 O(1)-Depth Circuits of AND/OR gates The Main Objects of Interest: Small Complexity Classes

15 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds?  NC 1 poly-size formulae  TC 0 O(1)-Depth Circuits of MAJ gates  AC 0 [6]  AC 0 [2]  AC 0 O(1)-Depth Circuits of AND/OR gates The Main Objects of Interest: Small Complexity Classes

16 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds?  NP has complete sets (under polynomial time reducibility ≤ P )  These small classes have complete sets, too (under ≤ AC° ) Complete Problems

17 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Reductions  A ≤ AC° B means that there is a constant-depth circuit computing A that has the usual AND and OR gates, and also has ‘oracle gates’ for B. B

18 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds?  NC 1  TC 0  AC 0 [6]  AC 0 [2]  AC 0 Complete Problems  sorting, multiplication, division  [Naor,Reingold] Pseudorandom Generator

19 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds?  NC 1  TC 0  AC 0 [6]  AC 0 [2]  AC 0 Complete Problems  BFE: Balanced Boolean Formula Evaluation (AND,OR,XOR)  Word problem over S 5

20 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? The Word Problem Over S 5  A regular set complete for NC 1 =

21 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Complexity Classes are not Invented – They’re Discovered  NP (SAT, Clique, TSP,…)  P (Linear Programming, CVP, …)  NL (Connectivity, Shortest Paths, 2SAT, …)  L (Undirected Connectivity, Acyclicity, …)  NC 1 (BFE, Regular Sets)  TC 0 (Sorting, Multiplication, Division) We’re interested in NC 1 (for instance) not because we want to build formulae for these functions…

22 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Complexity Classes are not Invented – They’re Discovered  NP (SAT, Clique, TSP,…)  P (Linear Programming, CVP, …)  NL (Connectivity, Shortest Paths, 2SAT, …)  L (Undirected Connectivity, Acyclicity, …)  NC 1 (BFE, Regular Sets)  TC 0 (Sorting, Multiplication, Division) … but because we want to know if the blocks of this partition are distinct.

23 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Complexity Classes are not Invented – They’re Discovered  NP (SAT, Clique, TSP,…)  P (Linear Programming, CVP, …)  NL (Connectivity, Shortest Paths, 2SAT, …)  L (Undirected Connectivity, Acyclicity, …)  NC 1 (BFE, Regular Sets)  TC 0 (Sorting, Multiplication, Division) These classes are real. They’re important.

24 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? How far are we in this talk?  We’ve explained why circuit lower bounds are important.  …even for restricted classes of circuits.  What is currently known about these classes?

25 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Longstanding Open Problems  Is P = NP?  Is AC 0 [6] = NP?  Is depth 3 AC 0 [6] = NP? We’ll focus on questions such as : Is BFE in TC 0 ? Is BFE in AC 0 [6]?

26 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds?  Conventional Wisdom: Not Close At All!  No new superpolynomial size lower bounds in over two decades.  Razborov and Rudich: Any “natural” argument proving a lower bound against a circuit class C yields a proof that C can’t compute a pseudorandom function generator.  Since the [Naor, Reingold] generator is computable in TC 0, this is bad news.

27 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? More Modest Goals  Problems requiring formulae of size n 3 [Håstad]  Problems requiring branching programs of size nearly n loglog n [Beame, Saks, Sun, Vee]  Problems requiring depth d TC 0 circuits of size n 1+ c [Impagliazzo, Paturi, Saks]  Time-Space Tradeoffs [Fortnow, Lipton, Van Melkebeek, Viglas]  There is little feeling that these results bring us any closer to separating complexity classes.

28 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds?  How close are the following two statements?  TC 0 Circuits for BFE must be of size n 1+Ω(1)  For some c >0, TC 0 Circuits for BFE must be of size n 1+ c. How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds?

29 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds?  How close are the following two statements?  TC 0 Circuits for BFE must be of size n 1+Ω(1)  For some c >0, TC 0 Circuits for BFE must be of size n 1+ c How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? This is known [IPS’97] This implies TC 0 ≠ NC 1 [A, Koucky]

30 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Self-Reducibility  A set B is said to be “self-reducible” if B ≤ P B

31 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Self-Reducibility  A set B is said to be “self-reducible” if B ≤ P B via a reduction that, on input x, does not ask about whether x is in B.  Very well-studied notion.  For example, φ is in SAT if and only if (φ 0 is in SAT) or (φ 1 is in SAT)

32 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Self-Reducibility  Many of the important problems in (or near) NC 1 have a special self-reducibility property:

33 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Self-Reducibility  Many of the important problems in (or near) NC 1 have a special self-reducibility property: Instances of length n are AC 0 -Turing (or TC 0 - Turing) reducible to instances of length n ½ via reductions of linear size.  Examples: – BFE – the word problem over S 5 – MAJORITY – Iterated Product of 3-by-3 Integer Matrices

34 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Self Reducibility  BFE A subformula near the root Subformulae near inputs

35 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Self Reducibility S5S5

36 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Self Reducibility  The self-reduction of S 5, on inputs of size n, uses ( n ½ + 1) oracle gates of size n ½.  Thus if S 5 has TC 0 circuits of size n k, it also has circuits of size ( n ½ + 1) n k/ 2 = O(n (k+ 1)/2 ).  Similar arguments hold for other classes (such as AC 0 [6] and NC 1 ).  More complicated self-reductions can be presented for MAJORITY and Iterated Product of 3-by-3 matrices.

37 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? A Corollary  If BFE has TC 0 or AC 0 [6] circuits, then it has such circuits of nearly linear size.  If S 5 has TC 0 or AC 0 [6] circuits, then it has such circuits of nearly linear size.  If MAJ has AC 0 [6] circuits, then it has such circuits of nearly linear size. (Etc.)  Thus, e.g., to separate NC 1 from TC 0, it suffices to show that BFE requires TC 0 circuits of size n 1.0000001.

38 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? A Corollary  If BFE has TC 0 or AC 0 [6] circuits, then it has such circuits of nearly linear size.  If S 5 has TC 0 or AC 0 [6] circuits, then it has such circuits of nearly linear size.  If MAJ has AC 0 [6] circuits, then it has such circuits of nearly linear size. (Etc.)  How widespread is this phenomenon? Is it true for SAT? (I.e., can we show NP ≠ TC 0 by proving that SAT requires TC 0 circuits of size n 1.0000001 ?)

39 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Limitations of Self-Reducibility  Any problem for which instances of length n are TC 0 -Turing reducible to instances of length n ½ via poly-size reductions lies in NC.  Thus there is no obvious way to apply these techniques to SAT or to problems complete for P.  …but perhaps, rather than showing directly that SAT has this strong form of self- reducibility, one can argue that if SAT is in TC 0 then it has TC 0 circuits of nearly-linear size.

40 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Limitations of Self-Reducibility  Any problem for which instances of length n are TC 0 -Turing reducible to instances of length n ½ via poly-size reductions lies in NC.

41 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Limitations of Self-Reducibility  Any problem for which instances of length n are TC 0 -Turing reducible to instances of length n ½ via poly-size reductions lies in NC. d levels of oracle gates

42 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Limitations of Self-Reducibility  Any problem for which instances of length n are TC 0 -Turing reducible to instances of length n ½ via poly-size reductions lies in NC. d 2 levels of oracle gates

43 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Limitations of Self-Reducibility  Any problem for which instances of length n are TC 0 -Turing reducible to instances of length n ½ via poly-size reductions lies in NC. d 3 levels of oracle gates After log log rounds, the depth is log O(1) n

44 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Prospects for Progress  We have seen that existing techniques prove bounds that are “nearly” good enough to separate NC 1 and TC 0. Some of these proofs are “natural”.  Don’t the results of [Razborov & Rudich] indicate that further progress will require very different approaches?  Not necessarily!

45 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Prospects for Progress  The [Razborov & Rudich] framework of natural proofs assumes that a “natural” proof of a lower bound will make use of a combinatorial property that (among other things) is shared by a large fraction of the functions on n bits.  In contrast, we are making use of a self- reducibility property that allows us to boost a n 1+ ε lower bound to a superpolynomial lower bound. This self-reducibility property holds for only a vanishingly small fraction of all functions.

46 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Prospects for Progress  These observations are simple, but …  they have forever changed the way that we look at quadratic (and smaller) lower bounds.  We are not claiming to have found a way around the obstacles identified by [Razborov & Rudich]. (Such a claim will have to wait until someone proves that NC 1 ≠ TC 0.) But we do believe that this avenue deserves further exploration.

47 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Other Avenues for Progress  Diagonalization + Algebraic Tools  The Mulmuley-Sohoni Approach  Lower Bounds via Derandomization

48 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Diagonalization  The archtype of a “relativizable” proof technique – unable to prove P ≠ NP, or even NEXP not contained in P/poly.  Non-relativizing proof techniques have been developed, using algebraic techniques that were useful in analyzing interactive and probabilistically checkable proof systems.  These proof techniques “algebrize” [Aaronson, Wigderson], and hence also cannot prove that NEXP is not contained in P/poly.

49 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Diagonalization + Algebraic Techniques  There is no evidence that these techniques are unable to prove that NEXP is not contained in TC 0.  …but there is also no evidence that they can.  Even “simple” results such as “ AC 0 can’t compute Mod 2 ” are not known to be provable using these techniques.

50 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Other Avenues for Progress  Diagonalization + Algebraic Tools  The Mulmuley-Sohoni Approach  Lower Bounds via Derandomization

51 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Lower Bounds via Derandomization  [Nisan, Wigderson] showed that probabilistic AC 0 can be simulated in “quasipolynomial” time.  Agrawal observes that, if one could improve “quasipolynomial” to “polynomial”, then there is a problem in E (= DTIME(2 O(n) )) that requires AC 0 circuits of size 2 Ω (n).  He then outlines a program, of how one might build on this result, to separate P from NP.

52 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Lower Bounds via Derandomization  [Nisan, Wigderson] showed that probabilistic AC 0 can be simulated in “quasipolynomial” time.  Agrawal observes that, if one could improve “quasipolynomial” to “polynomial”, then there is a problem in E (= DTIME(2 O(n) )) that requires AC 0 circuits of size 2 Ω (n).  How hard might it be to prove this first step?

53 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Lower Bounds via Derandomization  [Nisan, Wigderson] showed that probabilistic AC 0 can be simulated in “quasipolynomial” time.  Agrawal observes that, if one could improve “quasipolynomial” to “polynomial”, then there is a problem in E (= DTIME(2 O(n) )) that requires AC 0 circuits of size 2 Ω (n).  Neither the Natural Proofs framework, nor the notions of Relativization and Algebrization explain why this should be difficult.

54 Eric Allender: How Close Are We to Proving Circuit Lower Bounds? Conclusions  Circuit lower bounds are necessary. – Program run-time lower bounds do not yield bounds for fixed input sizes.  We even need circuit lower bounds for small circuit classes.  Seemingly-modest improvements to existing lower bounds would yield exciting separations of complexity classes.  There may be cause for renewed optimism.

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