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1 1 SPECIAL INITIATIVES National Conference on Rabi Campaign September 17-18, 2010 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, HARYANA
2 Created on 1 st November 1966 Geographical Area (GA) 4.42 m ha(1.4% of India) Cultivable Area (CA) 3.76 m ha (85.0% of GA) Cultivated area 3.68 m ha (98.0% of CA) Gross cropped area 6.48m ha Cropping intensity 181.32% Net irrigated area 2.88m ha Farming Families 5.28 lac Small farmers 2.94 lac Marginal Farmers 7.04 lac Others 5.30 lac HARYANA AT A GLANCE Highest Wheat productivity during 2008-09( 4614 Kg/ha) Highest Mustard productivity during 2008-09( 1738 Kg/ha) First in Basmati rice export 2nd Largest contributor of foodgrains to the Central Pool Third largest producer of wheat in India
3 Under-ground Pipeline (UGPL) Laid at one-meter depth ISI marked HDPE/PVC pipes are used Saves about 25% to 30% water and improves crop productivity Saves energy, reduces operational cost Cost per hectare Rs. 25,000/-
4 Water carried directly to fields Additional area irrigated Avoids seepage and evapo- transpiration losses Target to cover 40,000 ha during 2010-11
5 Area covered = 39,581 ha. Area Planned to cover = 40,000 ha Subsidy @ 50% of the cost or Rs.60,000 per beneficiary Area ha
6 Sprinkler Irrigation System Subsidy @ 50% or Rs.7,500 per ha upto maximum 5 ha Total 1,04,483 sprinkler sets subsidized so far
7 Impact of Sprinkler Irrigation Increase in cropping intensity Change in cropping pattern 35- 40% saving of water. Saving of energy. Low incidence of diseases and insect/pest. Additional area under irrigation. Plan to cover additional area of 66,000 hectare during 2010-11
8 Drip Irrigation
9 Introduced in sugarcane & cotton crop – 2010-11 –Sugarcane 150 hect. –Cotton 350 hect. Conjunctive use of water and fertigation Improvement in crop productivity & quality Subsidy @ 90% of the cost under MI Drip Irrigation System
10 Laser Land Leveler Saves 20-25% irrigation water Improves input-use efficiency Improves crop productivity by 5 to 10% Subsidy @ 50% of the cost or Rs.50,000 per implement Operation on custom hiring basis (120 Nos.) Cost of Machine Rs. 2,50,000/-
11 Steps taken to check depletion of ground-water “The Haryana Preservation of Sub-Soil Water Act, 2009” enacted which –Prohibits raising of paddy nursery before 15 th of May & transplanting of paddy before 15 th of June Accelerated ground-water re-charging scheme being implemented for Govt. buildings to recharge ground-water
12 Promotion of Sugarcane Crop Technology Mission on Sugarcane set up during 2010-11 Provision of Rs. 373.00 Lakh made Incentives on breeder seed and foundation seed nurseries Assistance @ Rs. 500 per acre on seed treatment Assistance @ Rs. 2000 per acre on critical inputs Assistance @ Rs. 4000 per acre for hiring pit digging machine and labour charges Assistance @ Rs. 800 for multiple ratoon management Subsidy on Power Tiller, trench planter and tractor mounted power sprayer Seed subsidy @ Rs. 1500 per Acre on autumn planting Promotion of new method of planting –Ring Pit method –Trench method –Inter-cropping Promotion of mechanization in Sugarcane Remunerative State Advised Price (SAP) Contd---
13 Ring Pit Method of Planting Productivity -Traditional method- 684 qtl/ha - Ring pit method - 1,287 qtl/ha -Highest Yield - 2,185 qtl/ha
14 Impact Area under sugarcane crop increased from 72,000 hectare during 2009-10 to 1.05 lakh hectare during 2010-11 season. Area under Autumn Planting increased from 19,000 acres during 2009-10 to 50,000 acres during 2010-11. Productivity increased from 570 qtl/ha in 2008-09 to 721 qtl/ha during 2009-10.
15 Soil Health Improvement Promotion of green manuring –Seed of dhaincha crop on 90% subsidy –96,000 hect. covered under green manuring during 2009-10 –Plan to cover 1.00 lakh hect. during 2010-11 Promotion of summer moong Soil health cards –8.60 lakh Soil Health Cards distributed so far –Plan to distribute SHCs to all farmers by 11 th Plan –Balance use of Fertilizers
16 Soil testing service being provided free of cost to the farmers. STLs have been strengthened to a large extent with modern equipments. Micronutrient testing facilities created in 13 STLs out of 30. 4 new static STLs and 3 Mobile STLs are being established under National Project on Management of Soil Health and Fertility To monitor Nitrate concentration in ground water Complete Automation in the STLs The functioning of all the STLs has been computerized. One ICP ( auto analyser ) has been installed in the central Lab at Karnal. Two more are being installed during 2010-11. Capable to analyse 300 samples a day for all the parameters in one go. Traditionally 60-70 samples can be analysed by any of the STL. SOIL TESTING SERVICES- INITIATIVES
17 ICP - SPECTROMETER Analysis of P, K, S Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, B Ca, Mg Cost of Machine Rs. 40 lakh
18 CREATION OF LOCATION SPECIFIC INFORMATION (GPS-based) Use of GIS and Remote Sensing Applications For preparation of Fertility maps of village level information To identify the extent and distribution of saline and alkaline soils Web based Application – Inter-active maps On-line Soil Health Cards on the departmental web-page ( Dissemination of information to the individuals free of cost DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION
19 Declining Trend of Potash Awareness campaigns are being organised to educate the farmers about the application of potassic fertilizer and micro-nutrients
23 E Extent & Distribution of SALINE SOILS in District ROHTAK
24 Timely sowing of wheat crop. * Increase in productivity by 5 to 10% Less weed infestation. * Saves Rs. 2,000/hectare Saving of water -15-20% by * I mproves Soil health avoiding pre-sowing irrigation. Prevents burning of crop residue thereby reduces pollution Area covered 2009-10 6.00 lakh hect. Zero Till Seed Drill Promotion of Farm Implements Cost of Machine Rs. 30,000/-
25 Rotavator Better decomposition of crop residue Saving in fuel and labour Moisture conservation less weed infestation Subsidy @ 50% of the cost or Rs.30,000 per machine Plan to subsidize 2000 rotavators during 2010-11 Area covered -1 lac hectare Cost of Machine Rs. 70,000/-
26 Straw Reaper Converts crop residue into fodder Avoids burning of stubbles Collection of additional grain Subsidy @ 50% of the cost or Rs.40,000 per implement Plan to subsidize 1,000 straw reapers Cost of Machine Rs. 1,25,000/-
27 Reaper Binder Harvesting and binding of crop in single operation. Harvest wheat, paddy, oats, barley and other grain crops of height up to 85 to 110 cm. Field capacity is 1 acre/hr. Subsidy @ 40,000/- per machine Cost of Machine Approx. 2.75 Lakhs.
28 Paddy Transplanter This machine is used for transplanting of rice from mat nurseries to the field. It reduces drudgery of labour and health risks. Transplants rice in arranged rows Ensures uniform spacing and plant density Subsidy @ Rs 50,000/- per machine Covers one acre in 2-3 hours. Machine costs Approx Rs. 2.0 lakh.
29 Other Important Steps Decision to treat 100 % certified seed produced by State and private seed producing agencies is being implemented Assistance – Flood affected Farmers - Seed of Toria, hybrid Bajra and Jowar provided free of cost - Seed of Basmati Rice and Moong/ Urd on 75% subsidy - Seed of Hybrid Maize on 90% subsidy KRISHI SAMVAD- a dedicated monthly magazine on Agriculture being supplied free of cost to all the panchayats Community Radio Station at Hisar Constitution of Haryana Kisan Ayog to study problems affecting agriculture and suggest solutions thereof
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