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Fabby Tumiwa Exec. Director Institute for Essential Services Reform PSI APRECON, Sydney, 17-21 October 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Fabby Tumiwa Exec. Director Institute for Essential Services Reform PSI APRECON, Sydney, 17-21 October 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fabby Tumiwa Exec. Director Institute for Essential Services Reform PSI APRECON, Sydney, 17-21 October 2011

2  Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a multilateral development bank operating in Asia & Pacific region.  HQ in Manila, Philippines, Country Representative Offices in most of Capital of ADB’s Developing Member Countries; total 2900 staff.  ADB provides financial assistance to its DMCs through loans, technical assistance (TA), guarantees and equity investment  2 main operation offices: public sector investment and private sector investment CountryVoting Power (%) Japan14.47 China6.15 India6.05 Australia5.55 Indonesia5.27 Canada5.05 USA5.02 South Korea4.87 Germany4.23 France2.41 Share-holder and Voting Power in ADB

3  ADB transformation in policy and operation  Long Term Strategic Framework – Strategy 2020.  Private sector development  Strengthening its “poverty alleviation” rhetoric  New financing modalities “retroactive financing, MFF, leveraging private finance, etc.  Function as financial institution and knowledge bank.  Developing Trade Finance Program.  Operational fund (2010): $ 17.5 bn – including $ 3.5 bn from co-financing partner.  Key Sector: Agricultural, Natural Resources, Energy, Road and ICT, Water and Sanitation, Municipal Infrastructure Services, Health and Social Protection, Finance, Industry and Trade.

4 Non-Engagement Abolishment of ADB Non-Cooperation Critical-engagement Constructive cooperation Reforming ADB NGO FORUM ON ADB

5  Access to information about the ADB’s operations;  Public participation in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of ADB projects  The social and environmental impacts of ADB programs and projects, and the Bank’s accountability for those impacts  The ADB’s private sector lending  The ADB’s role in regional and sub-regional economic cooperation/regional integration

6  Civil Society concern on ADB has emerged since late 1980s  NGO Forum on ADB is an Asian-led NGOs/CSOs coalition to monitor ADB’s policies and projects development and implementation, and its operation in the region.  Started as NGO WG on ADB in 1988, re-organized as Forum in 1997, registered with new structure in 2001 in the Phippines, with secretariat in Manila.  More than 100 organizational members from countries in Asia and Europe, and USA.

7  Reaching out affected-community  Connect and channeling problem projects at the community level to the policy/decision making in the government and ADB’s management and shareholders.  Focusing on: project’s direct and indirect impact (environment, public health, corruption, etc), participation of affected community in project cycles.



10  Using ADB’s policies and mechanism in-place:  Accountability Mechanism  Provides an independent forum for people adversely affected by ADB assisted projects to voice complaints and seek resolution of problems  Public Communication Policy (PCP)  Ensuring transparency and access of information  Information disclosure to affected community early  Disclosure compliance: handling information request from outside, making information available timely, etc.  Safeguards Policy Statements on Environment, Indigenous People, and Involuntary Resettlement  Safeguarding environmental and social impact on ADB’s funded projects.  Independent Evaluation for Development Effectiveness  Carried out by semi-autonomous evaluation body.

11  Knowing your “enemy”.  Getting relevant and accurate information is a key.  Engage as early as possible.  Strong campaign profile is necessary to raise ADB’s attention.  Develop rational arguments based on hard-proof data.  Consistency and endurance for long- term campaign.  Looking for and building trust with internal allies.  Do not forget your own government.

12  Asia Development Bank:  NGO Forum on ADB:  Bank Information Center (BIC):  PSIRU:  International Rivers Network: development-bank/ development-bank/

13  EITI involves the reconciliation of company payments with government receipts by an independent administrator and disclosure of that information to the public.  The objective of the EITI is to ensure that accurate figures about revenues are publicly available, to identify any potential discrepancies between payments & receipts and to investigate and address the underlying causes.  In 2009 ADB Energy Policy, the Bank stated that they endorsed EITI but little has been doing to do so. Source: EITI factsheet

14 Email: fabby@iesr.or.idEmail: Twitter: fabfebster Website:

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