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Munics Problem-Based Learning in Computer Science Jürgen Hartmut Koch and Gunnar Teege Technische Universität München, Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "Munics Problem-Based Learning in Computer Science Jürgen Hartmut Koch and Gunnar Teege Technische Universität München, Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 Munics Problem-Based Learning in Computer Science Jürgen Hartmut Koch and Gunnar Teege Technische Universität München, Germany

2 J. Koch and G. Teege, Technische Universität München2 / 15 Problem Education in computer science in Germany does not fulfill the demands of computer science professionals: Knowledge remains passive.Knowledge remains passive. Knowledge can not easily be applied to solve concrete problems.Knowledge can not easily be applied to solve concrete problems. Aim of Munics: Support students in acquiring applicable knowledge.Support students in acquiring applicable knowledge.

3 J. Koch and G. Teege, Technische Universität München3 / 15 Pedagogic Concept Problem-Based Learning: Working on an authentic problem.Working on an authentic problem. Learning as an active and self-directed process.Learning as an active and self-directed process. Support and guidance.Support and guidance. Learning as a process of social interaction.Learning as a process of social interaction.

4 J. Koch and G. Teege, Technische Universität München4 / 15 Munics - An Overview Lecture Notes in the Web Interactive Problem Context Support for Cooperative Learning Generic Tools to Support Problem Solving Process

5 J. Koch and G. Teege, Technische Universität München5 / 15 Authentic Problem Example for a typical class of problems: Design of a university course catalog.Design of a university course catalog.Goals: Teaching how to apply theoretical knowledge on real world problems.Teaching how to apply theoretical knowledge on real world problems. Presenting our students the “ nuts and bolts ” of distributed systems, esp. Groupware systems.Presenting our students the “ nuts and bolts ” of distributed systems, esp. Groupware systems.

6 J. Koch and G. Teege, Technische Universität München6 / 15 Interactive Problem Context / 1 What is it ? Multimedia adventure, designed for interactive use.Multimedia adventure, designed for interactive use. Students do interviews with the people working at the university department.Students do interviews with the people working at the university department. Videos to keep the process of information gathering close to real life.Videos to keep the process of information gathering close to real life.

7 J. Koch and G. Teege, Technische Universität München7 / 15 Interactive Problem Context / 2

8 J. Koch and G. Teege, Technische Universität München8 / 15 Interactive Problem Context / 3 Why Interactive Problem Context ? Students are free to choose their interview partner. No predefined order.Students are free to choose their interview partner. No predefined order. Students must decide on which topic they need more information.Students must decide on which topic they need more information. Students must filter out important details.Students must filter out important details.

9 J. Koch and G. Teege, Technische Universität München9 / 15 Exercises Examples for exercises: “ Analyze the current workflow at the Department of Empirical Pedagogics and write a short report. ”“ Analyze the current workflow at the Department of Empirical Pedagogics and write a short report. ” “ Use the Modeler Tool to visualize the current workflow. Identify bottlenecks. ”“ Use the Modeler Tool to visualize the current workflow. Identify bottlenecks. ” “ Develop a concept to enhance the currently applied workflow. ”“ Develop a concept to enhance the currently applied workflow. ”

10 J. Koch and G. Teege, Technische Universität München10 / 15 Support of Learning Groups Tools for communication and coordination provided by Munics: Chat-Tool.Chat-Tool. Shared Blackboard.Shared Blackboard. Document Repository.Document Repository. Special services to provide basic support for learning groups in every Munics tool.

11 J. Koch and G. Teege, Technische Universität München11 / 15 Modeler Tool / 1 Purpose: Allows the students to model and analyze the flow of information and work.Allows the students to model and analyze the flow of information and work.Here: Analyze and enhance the flow of information at the Department of Empirical Pedagogics at Universität Garmisch.Analyze and enhance the flow of information at the Department of Empirical Pedagogics at Universität Garmisch.

12 J. Koch and G. Teege, Technische Universität München12 / 15 Modeler Tool / 2

13 J. Koch and G. Teege, Technische Universität München13 / 15 Modeler Tool / 3 Support for learning groups: All learning group members share a common view.All learning group members share a common view. All learning group members work on the same data.All learning group members work on the same data. Immediate update as soon as a component gets modified.

14 J. Koch and G. Teege, Technische Universität München14 / 15 Future Directions First evaluation in July ‘99. Results will be available in fall ’99.Results will be available in fall ’99. First use of Munics in lecture “ CSCW Systems ” in spring 2000.

15 J. Koch and G. Teege, Technische Universität München15 / 15 If you have any questions........please feel free to contact us! Pedagogics:Pedagogics: Pamela Tröndle, LMU München Email: troendpa @ Computer Science:Computer Science: Jürgen Hartmut Koch, TU München Email: kochj @ Project Homepage:Project Homepage:

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