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Lesson 2 Technology: Federated Searching Explained.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 2 Technology: Federated Searching Explained."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 2 Technology: Federated Searching Explained

2 How It Plays Out Searcher enters a single search into the federated search engine women and sports

3 What does the user see? A single research entry point A familiar interface A consistent search syntax

4 How It Plays Out Federated search engine translates query into syntax of multiple resources wom#n and sport* women and sports (woman or women) and sport! women and sports

5 How do they do it? Federated search engines translate single search query into syntax of multiple databases using: Z39.50 XML Gateways HTTP Protocol “Others”

6 How It Plays Out Individual resources execute search based on the query supplied by the federated search engine wom#n and sport* (woman or women) and sport! women and sports

7 Multiple database searched E-Journals Abstracting and indexing databases E-Books Web Online catalog(s) Any other searchable online source

8 What does the user see? A friendly message indicating a search is in process

9 How It Plays Out Federated search engine aggregates results Results +

10 How It Plays Out Searcher receives a single list of all the results form all the resources searched by the federated search engine Results

11 What does the user see? Combined results of the search:

12 Value added in results Federated search engines deliver results from multiple databases in a single list: Standardized format De-duped – Duplicate results from multiple source removed Connect to fulltext using link resolvers Relevancy ranked

13 What does the user see? A single, combined list of results:

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