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Characteristics of Pedagogical Models in the Mobile Teaching-Studying-Learning (TSL) Environments: Preliminary Findings of the I-Trace Project

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Presentation on theme: "Characteristics of Pedagogical Models in the Mobile Teaching-Studying-Learning (TSL) Environments: Preliminary Findings of the I-Trace Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Characteristics of Pedagogical Models in the Mobile Teaching-Studying-Learning (TSL) Environments: Preliminary Findings of the I-Trace Project Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen Helsinki University PLT 2007 Catania, Italy, May 23th–25th

2 Contents 1.I-Trace Project 2.Theoretical Background 3.Research Questions 4.Methods, Data Collection and Implementation of the Study 5.Some Preliminary Findings 6.Conclusions Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen 2007

3 1 I-Trace Project (2005–2007)  Interactive Tracing and Graphical Annotation in Pen-based E-learning  Aims to develop and evaluate the new generation of hand-held computers and input devices, especially pen-based learning technologies (PBLT) and mobility in educational context for future TSL needs  Co-run by universities of Catania, Roma, Naples, and Helsinki, and the Technical Universities of Bucarest and Cluj-Napoca, and Eedo Knowledgeware Corporation  Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen 2007

4 2a Theoretical Background  Pedagogical model—Plan or model by which it is possible to direct the planning of instruction and design teaching and studying materials (Joyce & Weil, 1980)  Decisions and activities in the TSL situation are often based more on everyday information emerging from intuition and experience than the research information (Kansanen et al., 2000; Jyrhämä, 2002)  More freedom of choice and skill to choose the most effective pedagogical solution, when having the know-how from theory and different pedagogical models  With the aid of pedagogical models, it is possible to find means for the design of research-based, reflective and high-quality network- based mobile learning environment Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen 2007

5 TSL Process and Some Pedagogical Models in Mobile Network-based Learning Environment Meaningful Learning Exploratory Teaching Reciprocal Teaching Group Investigation Teaching Through Simulations Master-Novice Teaching Socratic Teaching Reflected Cultural Shared Integrated Adopted Internalised Autonomous (Co)con- structed Participatory Engaged Critical Well- structured MNBE Cultural Dialogic Critical Communal Contextual Reflective Individual Cumulative Game-based Experiential Multimodal Responsible A C T I O N Reflective Teaching Purposive Studying See e.g. Vahtivuori-Hänninen et al., 2004 Reflects Collaborates Set goals Acts actively Feels responsible Explores Discusses Integrates Builds knowledge

6 2b Theoretical Background  Mobile learning can be defined learning and communication, in which different tools and mobile technologies are used (Tella, 2005)  As mobile technologies, all different mobile, ‘portable’ and ‘hand-size’ multi­media communicators, smart telephones, PDA gadgets etc.  Wireless, mediated communication between people  mobility regarded as movability  In mobile learning environment, mobile tools can be seen as a range of tools that support thought and activity and are well suited to a particular TSL situation and activity. Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen 2007

7 3a Research task  Clarify the conceptions of teachers and students with respect to mobile teaching and studying using pen-based learning technology  Improve ICT- and network-based dentistry education  Create useful and appropriate pedagogical models for ICT- and network-based mobile TSL  Test the educational benefits, usability and functionality of both a software application for teaching cephalometry and of a mobile tablet PC in teaching dentistry Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen 2007

8 3b Preliminary research questions 1.How, from the students’ viewpoint, do the teaching methods used support students’ learning and studying? 2.What characteristics of the pedagogical models can be seen in the study module? 3.What are the students’ perceptions of the usability of the software and platform? 4.How, from the students’ perspectives, does mobility is implemented and support studying and learning? Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen 2007

9 4a Research Methods and Data Collecting  Both qualitative and quantitative methods  Ethnographic research  (Virtual) ethnography  Characteristics of ethnographic research, new methodological demands by mobile network-based environment, researcher’s role, data collection with the aid of different technological tools  Holistic approach, data collection focuses on getting all-inclusive picture of the target group (Hammersley, 1990)  Long-term process evaluation, tacit knowledge  Participating and watching closely the process of the study community in F2F and on the web environment  Web-based questionnaire for the students (N=12) of the pilot course in cephalometry, arranged at the the institute of dentistry of Helsinki University in the Spring 2007 (3 ECTS) Interviews of the students (N=11)  Classification, qualitative content analysis, and statistical analysis of the data Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen 2007

10 4b Implementation 1.Three contact units—orientation (students got acquainted with the working method and net environment through collaborative learning practice), checkpoint meeting and debriefing, plus two net-based units 2.Students split up into pairs with one Tablet PC 3.Pairs designed their schedule and working plan for the net- based units. 4.The first task in the net-based unit was to get acquainted with the learning environment. Students used BSCW with their tablet PCs together to comment their experiences and problems with the Web-Trace cephalometry software. Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen 2007

11 4c Implementation 5.In the F2F meeting students traced ten cephalometry cases 6.In the second net-based unit they could trace and evaluate as many cases as they like to, in addition to these ten obligatory cases. 7.Teachers provided feedback on the pairs’ process (comments for questions) 8.Pairs reported on their work and problems in BSCW groupware 9.Debriefing Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen 2007

12 Info about Cephalometric tracing Web- questionnaire F2 F NBE e t h n o g r a p h i c r e s e a r c h Orientation lecture F2F meeting I 14.2.2007 solving problems ja summing up what have been learned so far Evaluation, sharing experiences and closing up the seminar Questions and problems to BSCW Getting familiar with the tablet pc, software and BSCW Getting familiar with the software, tutorial Progress of the Cephalometry Course F2F Meeting III 7.3.2007 Students design their own schedules NBE study phase I 15.2.–27.2.2007 F2F meeting II 28.2.2007 NBE study phase II 29.2–6.3. Training of the test pictures Questions and problems to BSCW Test I: Tracing the test pictures Test II: Tracing the test pictures Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen 2007

13 5a Some Preliminary Findings RQ 1 & 2  Study method used was found an interesting and beneficial way to study and learn  Characteristics of the individual study model were emphasized when considering of the pedagogical models  Drawing with the digital pen was found an effective way to learn X-ray anatomy and cephalometry  Web-Trace case library was found good and fostered and encouraged to drill again different case images and new anatomical shapes  The factors which promoted new skills most were: 1) drawing the pictures independently, 2) a clear and well-implemented pedagogical course structure and 3) a good-quality tutorial of the software  Lack of elements of the collaboration models or group investigation model  Instead of a real collaboration, a communicative and reciprocal teaching model and peer support was implemented in the face-to-face meetings Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen 2007

14 5b Some Preliminary Findings RQ 4  Students experienced to be free to work wherever and whenever they wanted, at home or at the university or at their friends’ places  Studying dentistry very much based on practical skills and competences, which must be trained in the the real-life situations  sceptisism about the full potential of the mobile learning environment in dentistry  Movability and the mobile devices were found very promising and useful to support TSL process in the near future Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen 2007

15 5c Some Preliminary Findings RQ 3  Software was very inspiring and the primary reactions of the users were positive  Usability and quality of the tutorial was found very good  Students had much technical difficulties with the software  Wireless connection was too slow for the fluent use of Web- trace software  Evaluation tool worked well only occasionally—approximately 20% to 25% of the X-rays opened and could be evaluated easily by the students Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen 2007

16 6 Conlusions  Creation of the new teaching and studying culture  A higher theoretical level is demanded when designing mobile NBE than face-to-face teaching  Engagement and tight collaboration between different levels of TSL organization and partners is crucial  Enough resources and time available for teachers’ guidance is needed  New methods and network-based mobile learning environment motivated students  Mobile learning and the educational use of PBLT seemed to be a possible way to organize studying in more student-oriented way and support teaching and guidance in network-based environments Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen 2007




20 Thank You! For more information: Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen Media Education Centre Helsinki University

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