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Unit 3 Section B Tasks for this class: Revision Listening Practice Quiz Assignments.

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2 Unit 3 Section B

3 Tasks for this class: Revision Listening Practice Quiz Assignments

4 I. Old to New old clearly only at times give and receive tell pity break surprise go out  elderly  apparently  sole  occasionally  exchange  inform  sympathy  interrupt  startle  exit

5 for (L3) ask to see; need Translation The situation calls for immediate action. This job calls for a lot of patience. Key 当前的情况需要立即采取行动。 做这个工作需要极大的耐心。 II. Word Using

6 2. set out (L9) set forth; set off; start a journey Translation 全体村民已出发去寻找失踪的小孩。 Key All the villagers have set out to look for the missing child.

7 3. inform (L29) tell sb.; give sb. knowledge Translation Newspapers inform their readers on what is happening in the world. He has not yet informed me of his plans for holidays. Key 报纸向读者们报道世界上正在发生的情况。 他尚未把他的度假计划告诉我。

8 4. turn out (L42) happen to be; be found to be in the end Translation 我们昨天碰到的人原来是我们的校长。 Key The guy we met yesterday turned out to be our president.

9 " Turn out " has other meanings. Translation Turn the light out (= Turn the light off) before you leave. Huge crowds turned out to see the foreign visitors. This factory can turn out 100 cars a day. Keys 你离开前, 请把灯关了。 一大群人蜂拥而出, 去看外宾。 这家工厂每天生产 100 辆汽车。

10 You are going to hear 5 sentences. Each will be read three times. Write down the sentences according to the dictation. Dictation Test Yourself

11 1.You decide the speed of walking and I will try to change my speed and keep up to yours. Key Test Yourself-----Dictation Back

12 2. I think of him when I express feelings of unhappiness about unimportant things. Key Test Yourself-----Dictation Back

13 3. The dying man did not say anything, only kept his son’s hand tightly in his own hand for the greater part of the night. Key Test Yourself-----Dictation Back

14 4. It was found in the end that there had been two Marines with the same name and similar numbers in the camp. Key Test Yourself-----Dictation Back

15 5. In finding out the key ideas for sentences, it is of primary importance to separate the key ideas from the details which would tell us about when, what kind, where. Key Test Yourself-----Dictation Back

16 Quiz Unit-Unit 3

17 Play LIn ead

18 Assignments 1. Finish Ex. XIV and XV online. Submit the answers. Deadline: Sunday 9 p.m. 2. Listening practice online. Submit the answers. Deadline: Sunday 9 p.m.

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