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Jet Propagation and Mach-Cone Formation in (3+1)-dimensional Ideal Hydrodynamics Barbara Betz Thanks goes to: Miklos Gyulassy, Igor Mishustin, Jorge Noronha,

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Presentation on theme: "Jet Propagation and Mach-Cone Formation in (3+1)-dimensional Ideal Hydrodynamics Barbara Betz Thanks goes to: Miklos Gyulassy, Igor Mishustin, Jorge Noronha,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jet Propagation and Mach-Cone Formation in (3+1)-dimensional Ideal Hydrodynamics Barbara Betz Thanks goes to: Miklos Gyulassy, Igor Mishustin, Jorge Noronha, Dirk Rischke, Philip Rau, Horst Stöcker, and Giorgio Torrieri Phys. Lett. B 675, 340 (2009), Phys. Rev. C 79, 034902 (2009), arXiv: 0907.2516 [nucl-th]

2 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 215/09/2009 Explore The Matter Created in HIC Data described by hydrodynamics Jets are suppressed System is dense and opaque P. Romatschke et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99,172301 (2007) Fluid behaviour STAR, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) 072304 4 < p T trigger < 6 GeV/c p T assoc > 2 GeV/c Can energy lost by jets tell us something about medium properties?

3 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 315/09/2009 PHENIX, Phys. Rev. C 77, 011901 (2008) Au+Au / p+p = 200 GeV Redistribution of energy to lower p T - particles Generation of Mach cone pattern Re-appearance of the away-side for low and intermediate p T assoc Mach cone angle sensitive to EoS: STAR, Nucl. Phys. A 774, 129 (2006) 4 < p T trigger < 6 GeV/c 0.15 < p T assoc < 4 GeV/c Reflect interaction of jet with medium Jet - Studies in HIC I

4 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 415/09/2009 Experimental data show superposition of Mach cone structure and deflected jets J. Ulery [STAR], Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 16, 2005 (2007) Deflected jetMach Cone Jet - Studies in HIC II Is the double-peaked structure due to a Mach cone formation? p trig T =3 – 4 GeV, p assoc T =1 – 2 GeV

5 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 515/09/2009 The Theory Part

6 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 615/09/2009 Ideal Hydrodynamics Medium created in a HIC can be described using hydrodynamics Hydrodynamics represents (local) conservation of energy-momentum (local) charge For ideal hydrodynamics in local thermodynamical equilibrium Equation of State,,,

7 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 715/09/2009 Modelling of Jets Jet deposition mechanism unclear Jets can be modelled using hydrodynamics: STAR PRL 95 (2005) 152301 not the source term of the jet residue of energy and momentum given by the jet

8 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 815/09/2009 Cooper-Frye Freeze-out: The Caveat: Freeze-out Prescription Assumption of isochronous/isothermal freeze-out No interaction afterwards mainly flow driven

9 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 915/09/2009 The Punch-Through Jet

10 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 1015/09/2009 t=4.5/v fm v=0.999 Punch – Through Jet I Applying a static medium and an ideal Gas EoS for massless gluons Maximal fluid response BB et al., Phys. Rev. C 79, 034902 (2009) Assume: Near-side jet is not modified by medium

11 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 1115/09/2009 t=4.5/v fm v=0.999 Punch – Through Jet II Mach cone for sound waves Diffusion wake

12 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 1215/09/2009 Punch – Through Jet III Diffusion wake causes peak in jet direction Normalized, background-subtracted isochronous Cooper-Frye at mid-rapidity Energy Flow Distribution Assuming: Particles in subvolume will be emitted into the same direction p T = 5 GeV BB et al., Phys. Rev. C 79, 034902 (2009)

13 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 1315/09/2009 The Stopped Jet

14 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 1415/09/2009 Stopped Jet I Applying a static medium and an ideal Gas EoS for massless gluons Assume: Near-side jet is not modified by medium Maximal fluid response Jet decelerating from v=0.999 according to Bethe-Bloch formalism Simplest back-reaction from the medium Bragg Peak adjusts path length BB et al., Phys. Rev. C 79, 034902 (2009)

15 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 1515/09/2009 Diffusion wake causes peak in jet direction p T = 5 GeV BB et al., Phys. Rev. C 79, 034902 (2009) Stopped Jet II t=4.5/v fm

16 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 1615/09/2009 Stopped Jet III Jet stops after t=4.5/v fm Vorticity conservation t FO =4.5/v fmt FO =6.5/v fmt FO =8.5/v fm Diffusion wake still present BB et al., Phys. Rev. C 79, 034902 (2009)

17 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 1715/09/2009 Mechanisms of Energy Loss

18 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 1815/09/2009 Diffusion Wake contribution Jets in AdS/CFT I P. Chesler and L. Yaffe, Phys. Rev. D 78, 045013 (2008) Mach cone in coordinate space S. Gubser et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 012301 (2008) Pointing vector perturbation Energy density perturbation Attention: No clear Mach cone signal

19 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 1915/09/2009 Non-Mach correlations caused by Neck region Jets in AdS/CFT II J. Noronha et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 102301 (2009)

20 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 2015/09/2009 Jets in pQCD I Mach cone in coordinate space R. Neufeld et al, Phys. Rev. C 78, 041901 (2008) Considering a static medium and linearized hydrodynamics for a punch-though jet Mach cone signal & Diffusion Wake

21 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 2115/09/2009 Jets in pQCD II Mach cone in coordinate space Contour plots of magnitude of perturbed momentum density Strong flow in jet direction R. Neufeld et al., Phys. Rev. C 79, 054909 (2009)

22 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 2215/09/2009 Heavy Quark Jets in pQCD vs AdS/CFT I Idea: Compare weakly and strongly coupled models Using heavy quark punch-through jet pQCD: Neufeld et al. source for a heavy quark AdS/CFT: Stress tables provided by S. Gubser, A. Yarom and S. Pufu with Applying ideal hydrodynamics for a static medium and an ideal gas EoS of massless gluons Assume that the near-side jet is not modified by the medium BB et al., Phys. Lett. B 675, 340 (2009) t=4.5/v fm Neufeld et al, Phys. Rev. C 78, 041901 (2008)

23 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 2315/09/2009 No Mach-like peaks: Isochronous freezeout needed to compare pQCD and AdS/CFT Normalized, background-subtracted isochronous Cooper-Frye at mid-rapidity p T = 3.14 GeV Strong influence of the Neck region J. Noronha et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 102301 (2009) BB et al., Phys. Lett. B 675, 340 (2009) Heavy Quark Jets in pQCD vs AdS/CFT II

24 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 2415/09/2009 The Expanding Medium

25 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 2515/09/2009 Expanding Medium I Consider different jet paths b=0 Apply Glauber initial conditions and an ideal Gas EoS for massless gluons Focus on radial flow contribution Experimental results based on many events A. K. Chaudhuri, Phys. Rev. C 75, 057902 (2007), A. K. Chaudhuri, Phys. Rev. C 77, 027901 (2008) L. Satarov et al, Phys. Lett. B 627, 64 (2005)

26 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 2615/09/2009 Expanding Medium II Jet deposition stopped  E tot = 5 or 10 GeV T trig p T trig = 3.5 and 7.5 GeV  T < T crit = 130 MeV Isochronous Cooper-Frye Freeze-out when T all cells < T crit = 130 MeV Two-particle correlation: f(  ) represents the near-side jet Normalized, background-subtracted Cooper-Frye Freeze-out at mid-rapidity Jet 150 E tot = 5 GeV

27 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 2715/09/2009 Expanding Medium III E tot = 5 GeV broad away-side peak double peaked structure due to non-central jets T trig p T trig = 3.5 GeV BB et al., arXiv:0907.2516 [nucl-th] PHENIX, Phys. Rev. C 77, 011901 (2008)

28 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 2815/09/2009 Expanding Medium IV E tot = 10 GeV Strong impact of the Diffusion wake broad away-side peak double peaked structure due to non-central jets Causes smaller dip for p T =2 GeV PHENIX, Phys. Rev. C 77, 011901 (2008) T trig p T trig = 7.5 GeV

29 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 2915/09/2009 Expanding Medium V E tot = 5 GeV broad away-side peak Pure energy depositionNo conical distribution in expanding medium Jet 180: No peaks on away-side T trig p T trig = 3.5 GeV

30 Barbara Betz Trento Workshop on Flow and Dissipation 3015/09/2009 Summary  Diffusion wake dominates the freezeout distribution in a static medium  Different impact of pQCD and AdS/CFT source terms  Radial flow affects the results by deflecting Mach cones and interacting with the Diffusion wake  Diffusion wake contribution depends on path length of the jet  Away-side peaks: non-central jets have to be included  Pure energy deposition: No conical structure in expanding medium always created if dM/dx > threshold clear difference between static & expanding medium effect of the Neck region non-linear hydrodynamics is fundamental for quantitative studies of jets in medium

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