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Strategic Restructuring Framework

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1 Strategic Restructuring Framework
Comparative Case Study

2 Strategic Restructuring Model
Dependent variable: technology diffusion (TD) Independent variables: Structures (social, political, economic) Institutions (orgs & persistent patterns of roles and incentives) Politics (esp. elite individuals’ strategic behaviors) Govt. Policies (a mix of 4 policy balances: priv-pub initiative, competition-monopoly, foreign-domestic, centralized-decentralized)

3 Key tenets of SRS The info revolution is more institutional & political than technical Economic structures explain about 2/3 of TD Institutional differences affect incentives for TD & political discourse around TD Strategic decisions/actions by elite individuals & groups are driven by mixed motives and shape TD Govt policy balances are intervening variables in TD, between structure & institutions and TD as enacted by ICT users

4 Characteristics of Institutions in LDCs
Top-heavy in power Patrimonial: patron-client ties are key Over-staffed with underskilled, underexperienced people

5 Interinstitutional features in LDCs
Limited contact/relations with customers/clients Risk-averse behavior Susceptibility to external pressures for employment & contracts

6 Interinstitutional Dynamics & TD
Interactive effects among clusters of institutions are determinative in TD Institutional responses to TD reflect earlier decisions, but are not entirely predictable or inevitable An unpredictable threshold effect seems to occur as institutions mature & interact, e.g. at WSIS

7 Elite Individuals’ Motives (p. 81-82)
Meet their orgs’ goals & responsibilities Promote & advance the use of ICTs Preserve & extend their current authority & positions Protect the interests & authority of the current regime in power Protect the nation from foreign threats Delay or block TD that threatens to empower their political opposition Advance interests of country through TD Advance own interest by positioning themselves to influence future TD Battle state control to achieve wider TD Refrain from overly antagonizing the current regime

8 Comparative Case Analysis
Few cases/Many facets: Indepth study Captures complex, often contradictory dynamics Costly & time-consuming Allows framework to be generalized, but not necessarily findings

9 Group discussion Observations from each country
Structures Institutions Politics Govt. Policy Balances Comparisons across the 3 countries

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