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Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 1 Thoughts on Industrialization - Funk Thoughts on Industrialization Warren Funk, Director Institute of SRF Science & Technology Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Presented at the Fermilab Accelerator Advisory Committee Review of the Superconducting Module & Test Facility May 10 – 12, 2005

2 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 2 Thoughts on Industrialization - Funk 2 Industrialization – a domestic view Process that transforms an emerging technology into a commodity, i.e. vendors will exist who can deliver a complete ILC cryomodule to a performance spec (only a few labs can do this today). This will require:  Development of robust processing techniques  Production/manufacturing engineering for greater automation  Value engineering for reduced cost Manufacture and sale must result in profit for the vendor Demand predictability sufficient to support accurate 3-year planning. Absent a stable market, incentivization required. Must lead to functionally identical, plug-replaceable modules from multiple vendors Must be open to a process that yields an optimized design that may be significantly different from present concepts

3 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 3 Thoughts on Industrialization - Funk 3 Industrialization – what it is not! Cookie-cutter solution for all regions and all vendors Industry-supplied components integrated by labs Achievable solely through large government (even international) projects Easy

4 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 4 Thoughts on Industrialization - Funk 4 Elliptical Cavity Production - Reflections on Scale Existing: –HEPL SCA, MACSE, S- Dalinac, HERA, TRISTAN, CEBAF, TESLA, SNS –Planned: –Proton Driver, XFEL, various proposed ERL- based FELs Cavity numbers illustrate problem scale. A daunting task! Major industrial participation a must Capable labs need to make their infrastructure available to industry for development of SRF industrial capability Planned accelerator-based facilities must be used as an industrial development opportunity

5 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 5 Thoughts on Industrialization - Funk 5 Further Reflections on Scale: Skills & Facilities Skills:  Scientific (cavities, surfaces, RF, cryogenics, beams, materials, …)  Engineering (clean processes, mechanical, RF, diagnostics, computers, vacuum, …)  Technical Staff (electrical, electronic, RF, instrumentation, mechanical, vacuum, cryogenic, metrology, chemistry, assembly, alignment, …) Facilities:  Structure development (codes, RF labs, copper model shops, …)  Specialty fabrication (acid etching, brazing, sputtering, e-beam welding, Nb fabrication tools, new process deposition systems, …)  Cavity processing (clean rooms, high-pressure ultra-pure water rinse, particulate-free UHV pumping, emerging cleaning techniques and surface treatments, ultrasonic cleaning, …)  Cavity testing (clean assembly tooling, diagnostic instrumentation, RF controls and DAQ, …)  Materials and surface analysis (SIMS, SAMS, SFEM, TEM, SEM, XPS, MOM, profilometer, …)  Cavity string assembly (particulate-free UHV pumping, high-pressure ultra-pure water rinse, …)  Cryomodule component prototyping (quick turnaround cryomodule simulator - CECHIA)  Cryomodule assembly (parts staging, component welding, tooling, inventory management, …)  Cryomodule and RF controls testing – without beam (RF power & controls, cryogens, …)  Data and information management (procedure/traveler/database integration)

6 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 6 Thoughts on Industrialization - Funk 6 Do We Know What We Want Industry To Do? Broadly, yes: Cavity production processes to achieve gradient (>35 MV/m) and Q 0 (> 5 x 10 9 ) established by the TESLA collaboration (~25% of cost):  High RRR niobium  High temperature (800 ºC) bakeout to remove hydrogen  Electropolish  High-pressure, ultra-pure water rinse  Low temperature (120 ºC) bakeout to modify surface properties  Clean assembly procedures Satisfactory Fundamental Power Coupler design has been developed and demonstrated (25%) Cryomodule design developed and prototyped (50%) Build these to spec! Substantial cost reductions are required to fulfill promises made in published (and unpublished) cost estimates! We need to go from building hand-crafted Lamborghinis to building Chevy Malibus, Hondas Civics or Opel Corsas. Design simplification is a must!

7 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 7 Thoughts on Industrialization - Funk 7 How Ready are We to Begin Construction? Cavity construction sequencing is ‘traditional’, i.e. suited for low quantity production runs typical of R&D or small projects (100s, not tens of thousands)  TESLA collaboration has identified one equipment modification (use of a load- lock facility on the e-beam welder) that substantially increases throughput and reduces cost. Others will be found, if systematically pursued.  Cavity costs are about 25% of the cryomodule cost Fundamental Power Coupler requirements are demanding; the design is complex and relatively expensive.  FPC costs are about 25% of the cryomodule cost Cryomodule design is also ‘traditional’, i.e. not designed for mass production, assembly is complex and requires a lot of touch labor  50 %, most of it labor. Achieving linac production costs assumed in the various ‘estimates’ will require reductions from current US experience of a factor of ~4 Not very

8 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 8 Thoughts on Industrialization - Funk 8 An Evolutionary Approach - I Phase I  Set up SRF manufacturing development center(s) (MDC)  How many? One per region?  Define aggressive development program and objectives  Collaborate/contract with University centers for manufacturing R&D  Hire consultants on clean fabrication processes (feed into design of centers)  Exploit SBIR/STTR and CRADA mechanisms for maximum industrial participation at small scale  Court large companies  Small scale industrial involvement also through Industrial Fellowships? Service contracts? Discussions between US labs and industry initiated. Opportunity for labs to generate community support.

9 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 9 Thoughts on Industrialization - Funk 9 An Evolutionary Approach - II Phase II  Execute aggressive development program in MDCs  Contract with industry for elements of development program (including program management?)  Exploit industry/university links to rapidly develop skilled manpower  Identify candidates for full industrialization Phase III  Procure pre-production prototypes from industry – several companies (parallel or leader-follower?)  Small scale production should now be going on in a number of places around the world. Make sure best results from everywhere are incorporated into the final design – need to deal with competition issues Phase IV  Place contracts for the first pre-production runs. Order from multiple companies in each region  Evaluate results of pre-production runs and issue follow-on production orders to best producers

10 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 10 Thoughts on Industrialization - Funk 10 Summary To achieve the full benefit of industrialization, labs must find and mentor companies capable of taking over the integration role – then get out of the way Time is extremely short– need to get started now using approved and planned projects as industrial development vehicles Increase in scale and reduction in unit cost daunting: full industrialization is the only practical approach – be prepared and accepting of design changes that reduce production cost and increase production yield. US industrial development will require incentives US labs have begun process, working through collaborations and partnerships. SMTF must be a major participant.

11 Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 11 Thoughts on Industrialization - Funk 11 Backup Material

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