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Transform? What are different ways one can transform?

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Presentation on theme: "Transform? What are different ways one can transform?"— Presentation transcript:

1 transform? What are different ways one can transform?


3 Questions to think about today… 1.What transformations are present in ABC? 2.What role does transformation have in our identity formation? 3.How do we transform ourselves? Remember ‘Magic’s in the Makeup’ lyrics: “So many different faces/Depending on the different phases/My personality changes/I’m a chameleon.’”



6 Missing Identity - AnAngelia Thompson



9 Motoori NorinagaMotoori Norinaga, late 18th century, JapanJapan

10 Self Portrait (The Desperate Man), c. 1843. by Gustave Courbet


12 Pablo Picasso



15 Reminders! Turn in your inspirational quotes American Born Chinese test on Monday. A word about checking out books…

16 Grab a book…. Finish the book. Finish your character guide. If you are done with both, work on your graphic novel project.

17 “American Born Chinese” Jigsaw 1.Move desks into groups of FOUR 2.In each group, count off by FOUR 3.Each group will be assigned 1-2 questions to complete. These will be presented to the class.

18 Group Roles #1  Recorder: Write your group’s answers on the note card #2 & #3  Presenters: You will present the answer to the class #4  Leader: You are in charge of keeping the time, and ensuring that all group members have an equal chance to contribute You have 15 minutes…!

19 Exit Slip What role does transformation play in American Born Chinese?

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