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computational methods for microwave medical imaging

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1 computational methods for microwave medical imaging
Ph.D. Thesis Defense Qianqian Fang Thayer School of Engineering Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, 03755 Exam Committee: Professor Paul Meaney Professor Keith Paulsen Professor William Lotko Professor Eric Miller

2 Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense
Outline Overview Forward field modeling accuracy and efficiency Implementation of the FDTD method 3D microwave imaging System and results Reconstruction efficiency Estimation model The adjoint method and the nodal adjoint approximation SVD analysis of the Jacobian matrix Phase singularity and phase unwrapping Scattering nulls Dynamic phase unwrapping in image reconstruction Conclusions Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

3 Characteristics of Dartmouth Microwave imaging system
Tomography, wide-band operating frequency, small target, lossy background, simple antenna Modeling nonlinear scattered field, nonlinear (iterative) parameter estimation Advantage of accessing in vivo data (small animal/patient breast imaging), first clinical microwave imaging system in the US Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

4 Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense
Nonlinearity Nonlinearity between the measurement and the property: Forward problem is nonlinear Inverse problem is nonlinear ? ? Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

5 Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense
Specific aims Improving image reconstruction performance: forward modeling accuracy (3D imaging) and efficiency, explore the balance point, generalized dual-mesh reconstruction quality/efficiency improvement: correctness of the estimation model, multi-frequency measurement data, adjoint method and nodal adjoint approximation In-depth understanding of nonlinear tomography impact of noise, resolution limit, optimization of system configuration Scattering nulls and math of phase unwrapping Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

6 Forward field modeling efficiency
2D scalar FE/BE method: 2D scalar model requires approximations The coupling between the FE/BE equations increases the programming complexity, BE method: accurate (compared with approximated BC), but enlarges the bandwidth of the combined system Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

7 FDTD (Finite Difference-Time Domain) method in microwave tomography
Conceptually straightforward, easy to program Good absorption boundary condition Marching-On-Time feature (MF,initial field) Lower computational complexity Easy to parallelize Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

8 Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense
2D FDTD dual-mesh Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

9 Using FDTD forward modeling in an iterative reconstruction
Start Set initial guess Evaluate forward solution Solve for parameter updates FEM: Assemble A Assemble b Apply BC Solve Ax=b FDTD: Compute update coeff. do t=1:timestep Update E Update H If steady-state? break enddo amp&phase extraction Compare predicted field measured field Evaluate Jacobian no Good enough? yes End Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

10 Computational efficiency comparison
FE/BE (direct method) Matrix size: Half-bandwidth: Banded LU decomposition: flop=2np2+2np Cholesky decomposition: flop=np2+7np+2n+n*flop(sqrt) LDLT decomposition flop=np2+8np+n FDTD: flop=Nsteady*flopiter =56sqrt(2)N(N+2NPML)2cmax/cbk Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

11 Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense
FLOP count vs. mesh size The result may be different if : FE uses an iterative solver uses approximated BC FDTD use polar coordinate separate working volume and PML layer Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

12 Forward field accuracy
2D/3D scalar/3D vector in homogeneous and inhomogeneous cases Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

13 Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense
Path to 3D imaging 2D dielectric property distribution [not true] Infinitely long line source [not true] 2D TM wave [not true] 2D dielectric property distribution [not true] Infinitely long line source 2D TM wave  3D scalar field [not true] 2D dielectric property distribution [not true] Infinitely long line source 2D TM wave  3D scalar field [not true] Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

14 Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense
3D FDTD FDTD+UPML for lossy media Computational efficiency Yee-grid +PML layer Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

15 Optimizations of 3D FDTD
I: High-order FDTD: 4-th order spatial difference Reduction in mesh size  X1/8 (NN/2) FLOPiter count  X6 Conclusion: computational enhancement is not significant. II: Setting initial fields start FDTD time-stepping from the final field of last iteration can reduce steady-state time step to 1/2 or 1/3 III: ADI FDTD+initial fields for high-resolution mesh, it may speed up computation by a factor of (3/6)*CLFNADI / CLFNYEE Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

16 3D microwave imaging system
Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

17 Reconstruction accuracy: appropriateness of parameter estimation model
WLS estimator ML estimator OLS estimator ? MAP estimator Gaussian distribution additive noise zero mean constant variance …. Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

18 Reconstruction efficiency
The sensitivity equation method: need to perform forward equation back substitution for (ns X np) times The adjoint method: only matrix-vector multiplications sensitivity equation adjoint method Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

19 Nodal adjoint approximation
Non-conformal dual-meshes: evaluation of the integral is difficult Node i Node j Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

20 Multi-frequency reconstruction
Trade-off in operating frequency: Low High Frequency Ill-posedness Nonlinearity Assumptions: Known (simple) dispersion relationships Measurements at different freq. provide linearly independent information about the target Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

21 SVD analysis of Jacobian
Linear approximation to the inverse of the imaging operator Nodal adjoint form of the Jacobian matrix: Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

22 Singular vectors: basis functions
basis of the image: linear combination of basis of RHS: linear combination of Zernike polynomials Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

23 Singular values: degree of ill-posedness
singular spectrum: measure the information redundancy & the difficulty of solving the problem singular spectrum degree-of-illposedness slope measurement noise ill-posed nature effective rank maximum angular/radial modes image resolution Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

24 Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense
Scattering nulls Definition: the interference between the incidence wave and scattered wave creates null field at certain spatial locations (such as points or curves). Properties: field amplitude is zero, phase is uncertain  ambiguity in phase unwrapping plane wave scattered by cylindrical object at 700MHz Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

25 Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense
3D scattering nulls in R3, the equal-amplitude and out-of-phase point set are 2D surfaces, their intersection is 1D curve. Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

26 Phase unwrapping with the presence of phase singularities
Theorem 1: Let be a continuously real-differentiable function; let  be a path, then the value of phase unwrapping integral is unique. Theorem 2: If the image of a close path  in plane is ’, then, the value of close-path phase unwrapping integral equals to Theorem 3: If W has full rank at every point in the inverse image of z=0, then the close-path phase unwrapping integral equals to Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

27 Static and dynamic phase unwrapping problems
Static phase unwrapping: evaluate the line-integral along a selected unwrapping path over a static phase map; Dynamic phase unwrapping: evaluate static phase unwrapping at a series of phase map frames, the results should satisfy continuation condition. Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

28 Migration of scattering nulls
varying frequency from 600MHz-2.5G varying contrast of the object out-of-phase curves equal-amplitude curves Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

29 Implementation of phase unwrapping in image reconstruction
LMPF algorithm: log-magnitude and unwrapped phase  faster convergence behavior, less artifacts Break down of LMPF algorithm for high-contrast object reconstruction (scattering nulls, intermediate nulls) Dynamic phase unwrapping problem: detect the trajectory of scattering null and adjust the result to satisfy continuation condition. Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

30 Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense
Conclusion FDTD method shows promise 3D imaging is viable with current computational power Adjoint method is critical SVD analysis is useful to show insight about image formation and correlates the important system parameters The phenomenon of scattering null has both theoretical and practical value for both electromagnetics and mathematics Investigation of nonlinear phenomena for imaging is important for Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

31 Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense
Acknowledgement Professor Paul Meaney Professor Keith Paulsen Professor William Lotko Professor Eric Miller Professor Eugene Demidenco Professor Brian Pogue Professor Vladimir Chernov Margaret Fanning Dun Li Sarah Pendergrass Colleen Fox Timothy Raynolds Navin Yagnamurthy Xiaomei Song, Qing Feng, Heng Xu, Chao Sheng, Nirmal Soni, Subhadra Srinivasan, Kyung Park My parents and my girl friend Yinghua Shen Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

32 Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense
Thanks! Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

33 Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense
Questions? Qianqian's PhD Thesis Defense

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