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Welcome to: Back to School Night Featuring: Room 2- Kindergarten With: Mrs. Newton
T ONIGHT ’ S A GENDA Attendance Typical Day Daily Work Folders vs. Thursday Folders Literacy Math Enrichment Behavior Policy Volunteers Miscellaneous Contacting Mrs. Newton
A TTENDANCE I want to see your child’s smiling face! 3 Hour day Come every day! Send a note, email, or call about absences Absentee Number: 703.957.4391 Ellen Austin: (She needs to know too ) The standard and patterns we set in kindergarten transcend through the remainder of their schooling
A T YPICAL D AY IN K INDERGARTEN Socializing and play time upon arrival. Some work. Morning/Afternoon Meeting: calendar, jobs, days week/months year, date, money, days in kindergarten Read-Aloud: listening to a story Shared Reading: daily routine, big poem, sight words Literacy Groups/Centers: daily, small group reading/ individual work focusing on: fine motor skills, writing, creativity, ABC’s, etc. Math: Investigation- 1/week, whole group lesson Centers- 2/week, exploration
A T YPICAL D AY C ONTINUED … Science/SS: 2-3/week, theme based. Whole group/individual/hands-on, etc. Recess/Milk: 15 min. NO food snacks! Specialties: -Library & Computer Lab: 1/week -Guidance/SEARCH: 1/every other week Class schedule- available online!
D AILY VS.T HURSDAY F OLDERS F OLDERS Come home every day! Include daily work May be a note/reminder Empty all contents Return every day! Come home on Thursdays Important papers from the school/county Monthly newsletter/Import ant weekly reminders Please return Friday (with signed papers)!
L ITERACY Consistency in K-2 Alphabet/Chunk Charts Components: Shared Reading/Big Books Daily Literacy Centers Guided Reading Groups Daily Read-Alouds Independent Reading Writer’s Workshop
P RE -R EADING S KILLS … Letter Identification Sound Identification Rhyming Recognizing words with the same beginning sound Recognizing environmental print Inventive spelling Left to right, top to bottom, spaces, etc. Use picture clues
M ATH Investigations Student discovery Hands-On Patterns, shapes, counting, time, measurement, money, addition, subtraction Math focus: once week, 30 min. lesson Math centers: two days week, 30 min.
E NRICHMENT No homework in kindergarten Enrichment Calendar -be sent home in Thursday folders & available online -connections between home and school -not mandatory Sunshine Math -enrichment worksheet -begins end Feb./beginning March -not a requirement! Curiosity “Cave” -once month, educational games
B EHAVIOR P OLICY My Expectations- signed classroom rules, school rules, & lessons beyond the classroom walls Positive reinforcement Chutes & Ladders Behavior Board: Pink: Star Student Reward jar! Purple: Role Model. 1 round of Operation Light Blue: Showing Pride. Earn a sticker! Ready to Learn! Yellow: I need to SLOW DOWN and focus on my work Orange: Logical Consequence/ kindness jar Red: Parent Contact -note home, sign and return the next day *What if this doesn’t work for my child?
V OLUNTEERS ! Room Parent 1 per class organize a class directory in September, plan class parties, assist in coordinating events with the PTA, work as a point of contact between PTA and classroom parents, decorate, collect information, etc. Party Parents 2 per class. 3 parties for year Donate supplies, help set-up/decorate, participate in activities during party Computer Lab Assistants listen to teacher explain computer lesson, help students as needed as well as printing each student’s paper (if applicable) Guess Who? Mystery Reader 1 per month. First Friday of each month 3 clues; come read a story! Other Opportunities Field trips Sight word/literacy centers Creating things for our room (centers) If you want to be a part of our room, I want your help!
M ISCELLANEOUS Birthdays "In an effort to keep all children safe and healthy, Loudoun County Public Schools has recently produced guidelines that do not allow any food to be brought in for a child's birthday. Additionally, non-food gifts of any kind, including pencils, stickers, balloons, floral arrangements, etc. should not be brought to school for a child's birthday. Parents are encouraged to purchase books for the classroom, donate a book to the library, provide games in your child’s name to his/her class or curiosity cave, or make a donation towards our courtyard gardens as a way of celebrating. In addition, each child will continue to have his/her name announced on the Morning News Show and will get a birthday pencil from the office. We recognize that this is a significant change, but please realize that it is for the safety of all students. Your cooperation in following the new LCPS guideline is appreciated."
M ISCELLANEOUS C ONTINUED.. Bring in favorite book, pencil, and choose their job for the day! Dress Girls: shorts/stockings under skirts, no flip flops! Field trip information coming soon! At home: READ, READ, READ!! Ask daily questions
C ONTACTING M RS. N EWTON Email: *Please be patient with emails. I will reply to you as soon as possible, but I rarely have an opportunity, if any, to check my email during the school day. School Phone:703-957-4390 Absentee Line: 703-957-4391 *I look forward to an amazing school year!
THANK YOU Thank you for your time tonight! Our collaboration will be key in creating a successful year. Please remember to sign up for Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences and any volunteer opportunities you are interested in!
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