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Table Dancer Team Members: Ryan Gray Dale Williams Emeric Rochford Dan Beard.

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Presentation on theme: "Table Dancer Team Members: Ryan Gray Dale Williams Emeric Rochford Dan Beard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Table Dancer Team Members: Ryan Gray Dale Williams Emeric Rochford Dan Beard

2 Primary Objective Design a machine to navigate the perimeter of a tabletop. Navigate table with no direct user input Complete a predetermined number of labs before stopping

3 Basic Approach. HC08 microcontroller Dual motor controller Twin motor propulsion Touch based sensor navigation (left, right) Optical lap counter IR on/off control

4 Block Diagram

5 GANT CHART Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4 Week5Week 6Week 7 Week 8 Brainstorm Research Prototype / Test Build Troubleshoo t / Re-test Present

6 Progress To Date Rough chassis design Possess basic drive train components Basic state diagram for motor controller

7 Program Overview

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