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Planet Earth 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7.

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1 Planet Earth 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

2 Basic Facts The Earth is a medium-sized planet with a diameter of 13,000 km It is one of the inner or terrestrial planets It is composed primarily of heavy elements, such as iron, silicon, and oxygen It has much less light elements, such as hydrogen and helium, than the outer planets Earth's orbit around the Sun is nearly circular The Earth is the only planet in our solar system that is neither too hot nor too cold It is warm enough to support liquid water on its surface It is “just right” to sustain life — at least life as we know it 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

3 Basic Properties Some properties of the Earth Semi-major axis 1.00 AU
Orbital period 1.00 year Mass 5.98 x 1024 kg Diameter 12,756 km Escape velocity 11.2 km/s Rotation period 23 h 56 m 4 s Surface area 5.1 x 108 km2 Atmospheric pressure 1.00 bar 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

4 Earth's Interior (1) The interior of the Earth is difficult to study even with today's amazing technology Its composition and structure must be determined indirectly from observation made near or at the surface only Earth’s skin or crust is a layer only a few kilometers deep The Earth is composed largely of metals and silicate rock Most of this material is in a solid state, but some of it is hot enough to be molten 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

5 Earth's Interior (2) The structure of the interior of the Earth has been probed in great detail by measuring the transmission of seismic waves through it Seismic waves are waves that spread through the interior of the Earth from earthquakes or explosions Seismic waves travel through Earth rather like sound waves through a struck bell In a bell, the sound frequencies depend on what material the bell is made of and how it was constructed Similarly, the way seismic vibrations behave depends on the composition and structure of the planet 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

6 Earth’s Internal Layers (1)
The Earth is divided into four main layers: crust, mantle, core, and inner core The crust is the top layer, the part we know best The crust under the oceans, which covers 55% of the surface, is typically about 6 km thick and is composed of volcanic rocks called basalt Basalts are produced by cooling volcanic lava and made primarily of silicon, oxygen, iron, aluminum, and magnesium The continental crust, which covers % of the surface, is 20 to 70 km thick and is mainly composed of another class of volcanic rocks called granite The crust makes up only about % of the Earth’s total mass 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

7 Earth Internal Layers (2)
The mantle is the largest part of the solid Earth, stretching from the base of the crust down to a depth of 2,900 km The mantle is more or less solid, but may deform and flow slowly due to its high pressures and temperatures Below the mantle is Earth’s dense metallic core In addition to iron, it contains nickel and sulfur, all compressed to a very high density The core is 7,000 km in diameter Its outer part is liquid The inner core is 2,400 km in diameter and is probably solid 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

8 Rocks (1) Basalt & granites are two examples of a class of rocks called igneous rocks They are rocks that have cooled from a molten state All volcanically produced rocks are igneous There are two other kinds of rocks Sedimentary rocks are made of fragments of igneous rocks or the shells of living organisms deposited by wind or water and cemented without melting Metamorphic rocks are produced when high temperature or pressure alters igneous rocks physically or chemically These are commonly found on Earth, but not on other planets 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

9 Rocks (2) A fourth group of rocks are called primitive rocks
Their formation dates back to formation of the planet They have largely escaped chemical modification by heating Thus, they represent the original material out of which the planetary system was made No primitive rock is left on the Earth because it was heated early in its history Primitive rocks may be found in comets, asteroids, or small planetary satellites 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

10 Differentiation The separation of the earth interior into layers is an example of differentiation Differentiation observed on Earth is evidence that it was once warm enough for the mantle rocks to melt It allows the heavier metals to sink to the center and form a very dense core 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

11 Earth’s Magnetic Field
Much about Earth's interior can be learned from the Earth's magnetic field Earth behaves in some ways as if a giant bar magnet were inside it The magnet is roughly aligned with the rotational axis of the planet Earth’s magnetic field is generated by moving material in Earth’s liquid metallic core The circulating liquid metal sets up an electric current, which in turn produces a magnetic field 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

12 Earth’s Magnetosphere (1)
The Earth's magnetic field extends into surrounding space and traps small quantities of electric charges, such as electrons, that roam about the solar system Within this region, called the magnetosphere, Earth’s field dominates over the weak interplanetary magnetic field extending outward from the Sun Cross-sectional view of Earth’s magnetosphere as revealed by spacecraft missions 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

13 Earth’s Magnetosphere (2)
It was discovered in 1958 by instruments on the first U.S. Earth satellite, Explorer 1 This satellite recorded the ions (charged particles) trapped in the inner part of the magnetosphere This region has a fairly complex structure It is composed of more than one layer or part The layer discovered in 1958 is called Van Allen Belts after the physicist who built the instrumentation for Explorer 1 and correctly interpreted its measurements 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

14 Solar Wind Charges trapped in the magnetosphere flow outward from the Sun Phenomenon is called solar wind Flow of charged particles from the Sun is large Trapped by the Earth’s magnetosphere Their flow produces a deformation of magnetic field lines Elongation far beyond Earth pointing away from the Sun Magnetosphere typically extends  to km - 10 earth radii - from the earth - towards the Sun Away from the sun, sizeable magnetic fields are measurable at a distance as large as the Moon's 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

15 Geology Study of processes that shape the crust
Although a fairly mature science, it is not until very recently that geologists were successful in understanding how landforms are created 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

16 Plate Tectonics (1) A theory that explains how slow motions of the earth mantle move large segments of the crust Resulting in slow drifting of the continents Formation of mountains and other large scale geological features Earth's crust and mantle divided into ~12 major plates fit together like the pieces of a puzzle Plates observed to move slowly relative to one another In some places, such as the Atlantic ocean, the plates are moving apart, elsewhere they are forced together

17 Plate Tectonics (2) Driving power of the plates motion is provided by slow convection of the mantle Convection: a process by which heat escapes from the interior of the mantle and produces and upward of warmer materials while cooler materials found above slowly sink down 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

18 Plate Motion The plates’ motion brings them to collide into one another and brings about dramatic changes on the surface of the Earth Basically four types of interactions are observed between the crustal plates: They can pull apart One plate can burrow under another The can slide alongside each other They can jam into each other 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

19 Rift Zones Plates pull apart from each other along rift zone
An important rift zone is found in the Mid-Atlantic ridge Few rift zones are also found on land E.g. central African rift - these rifts shall eventually break apart the African continent Most of the rift zones are however found in the oceans 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

20 Subduction Zones The point of contact where two plates come together is called subduction zone Continental masses cannot be subducted but the thinner oceanic plates can be “easily” pushed down into the upper mantle Subduction zones often marked by an ocean trench Subducted plates forced down into regions of high temperature+pressure, eventually melts several hundred kilometers below the surface 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

21 Crust Regeneration Calculations of the rate at which the sea floor is spreading reveal the approximate age of oceanic crust 60000 km of active rifts identified Average separation of 4 cm per year Correspond to an added area of 2 km2 per year Enough to renew the entire oceanic crust in about 100 million years Less than 3% the age of the planet Oceans are a fairly recent feature of the planet 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

22 Fault Zones Crustal plates slide parallel to each another  along much of their lengths Boundaries so formed lead to the formation of cracks or faults Along active fault zones, the motion of one plate relative to the other may amount to several centimeters per year - basically the same as the spreading along the rifts 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

23 San Andreas Fault On the boundary between the Pacific and North American plates Runs from the Gulf of California to the Pacific Ocean northwest of San Francisco Pacific plate (west side) moves north carrying along Los Angeles, San Diego, and parts of Southern California In a few million years, LA will be an island off the coast of San Francisco 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

24 Beware of Faults! Plates slide roughly alongside each other
The creeping motions of the plates builds up stresses in the crust The stresses are eventually released in sudden, violent slippages, a.k.a. earthquakes Average motion of the plates is constant The longer the interval between earthquakes the greater the stress and the larger the energy released when the surface finally moves 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

25 More about San Andreas The San Andreas Fault, near Parkfield, has slipped every 22 years during the past century moving an average of about 1 m each time In contrast, the average interval between major Earthquakes in the Los Angeles region is about 140 years the average motion is about 7 m 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

26 Mountain Building When two continental masses are brought together by the motion of the crustal plates, they are forced against each other  under great pressure The surface buckles and folds forcing  some of the rock deep below the surface and others to raise to large heights (sometimes many kilometers!) This is how mountain ranges are formed on Earth  The Alps result from the interaction of the African Plate with the European plate We will see, however, that other mechanisms lead to formation of mountains on other planets 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

27 Volcanoes Volcanoes mark the location where molten rock, called magma, rises from the upper mantle through the crust  Volcanoes are formed numerously along oceanic rift zones where rising hot material pushes plates away from one another Volcanic activity is also observed in subduction zones In both cases, the volcanic activity brings to the surface large amount of materials from the upper mantle 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

28 More about Volcanoes Volcanic activity also found near mantle "hot spots" areas far from plate boundaries but where heat rises from the interior of the planet.  Best known hot spot lies under Hawaii Supplies in magma three active volcanoes - two of which are on land, and the third in the ocean.  It is estimated that the Hawaiian hot spot has been active for at least 100 million years. Shaping the Pacific plate, the hot spot has generated a 3500-km long chain of volcanic islands 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

29 Earth’s Atmosphere Provides the air we breathe
The air of the atmosphere exerts a constant pressure (on the ground) The atmosphere pressure at sea level is used to define the pressure unit called bar Humans have existed mostly at sea level and are thus accustomed to such a pressure The total mass of the atmosphere is ~ 5x1018 kg Although this sounds like a lot, it constitutes only one millionth of the total mass of the Earth Yet it composition is quite vital to us humans and other living creatures on the surface of this Earth 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

30 Structure of Earth’s Atmosphere
1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

31 Troposphere Altitude range: Sea level - 9 miles
Densest area of the atmosphere Most weather occurs and almost all aircraft fly in this region Temperatures drop as elevation increases Warm air, heated on the surface, rises and is replaced by descending currents of cooler air The circulation generates clouds and other manifestations of weather As one rises through the troposphere, one finds the temperature drops rapidly with increasing elevation The temperature is near 50oC below freezing at the top of the troposphere 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

32 Stratosphere Altitude range: Dry and less dense
miles Dry and less dense The air in this layer moves horizontally and does not move up and down within it Temperatures here increase with elevation Near the top of the stratosphere, one finds a layer of ozone (O3) Ozone is a good absorber of ultraviolet light It thus protects the surface from the sun's ultraviolet radiation and makes it possible for life to exist on the planet 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

33 Mesosphere Altitude range:
miles ( km) Temperatures fall as low as -93 degrees Celsius in this region Chemicals are in an excited state, as they absorb energy from the sun 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

34 Ionosphere Altitude range: 62 - 124 miles.
This region is characterized by the presence of plasma. Its boundaries vary according to solar activity. 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

35 Thermosphere Altitude range:
miles ( km) Temperatures increase with altitude due to the sun's energy, reaching as high as 1,727 degrees Celsius Auroras, caused by the sun's particles striking the earth's atmosphere, occur at this level 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

36 Exosphere Altitude range:
miles ( km) The region begins at the top to the thermosphere and continues until it merges with interplanetary gases, or space The prime components, hydrogen and helium, are present at extremely low densities 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

37 About Ozone Increasing evidence atmospheric ozone is being destroyed
Agents of destruction are industrial compounds called CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) Each year, a large ozone forms above the Antarctic continent By now, the ozone loss has progressed into the temperate zone The production of CFCs has been banned by international agreement These chemicals are however destroyed slowly and are still  often released in the atmosphere One can thus expect further reduction of the ozone layer in the next century 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

38 Weather and Climate All planets with atmospheres have weather
Weather is simply the name given to the circulation of air through the atmosphere Climate is a term used to describe the evolution of weather through long periods of time: decades or centuries Changes in climate are typically difficult to detect over short periods of time. However, their accumulating effects can be sizeable and sometimes quite dramatic 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

39 About the Weather The energy that power this motion is derived primarily from the sunlight that heats the Earth's surface  As the planet rotates, and orbits the Sun, the slower seasonal changes cause variations in the amount of heat of sunlight striking the different parts of the planet The heat then proceeds to redistribute itself from warmer to cooler areas giving rise to various weather patterns 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

40 Hurricane Elena In the Gulf of Mexico on Sept 1, 1985
Wind speeds were in excess of 110 miles per hour Eventually made landfall near Gulfport, Mississippi

41 Origin of Life Early Earth atmosphere is believed to contain abundant carbon dioxide but no oxygen gas  In the absence of oxygen, many complex chemical reactions are possible that lead to the production of amino acids, proteins, and many other chemical building blocks of life Genetic studies of the many million species that now live on Earth suggest that they are related to one another This led to the idea that all terrestrial life descends from a single common microbial ancestor 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

42 Evolution of Life Blue-algae consume carbon dioxide and produce oxygen as a waste product  They use the energy from sunlight, in a process called photosynthesis to develop and grow They are thought to have proliferated and eventually evolved into what we know today as plants 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

43 Appearance of Oxygen in the Atmosphere
Studies suggest that oxygen started to accumulate in the atmosphere some 2 billion years ago Led to formation of the Earth's ozone layer Layer produced a shield under which more complex life could evolve and develop Life is believed to arise from the vast oceans and venture into solid grounds In this scenario, as animals evolved in environment increasingly rich in oxygen, they were able to develop techniques for breathing oxygen directly from the atmosphere (primitive lungs appeared) 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

44 Role of Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Sunlight striking the surface is absorbed heats the surface layers re-emitted as infrared/heat radiation Atmospheric CO2 transparent to visible light does not impede sunlight to reach the surface CO2 opaque to infrared energy behaves as a blanket, trapping the heat in the atmosphere and impeding the flow back of energy back to space This is called the greenhouse effect 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

45 Greenhouse Effect On average, as much heat reaches Earth’s surface from the atmospheric greenhouse effect as from direct sunlight This explains why night-time temperatures are only slightly lower than daytime temperatures life is actually possible on this planet 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

46 Global Warming (1) Estimated that greenhouse effect elevates the surface temperature by about 23°C on the average Without this effect, the average temperature would be below freezing Earth would be covered with ice Global ice age An increase of atmospheric CO2  implies that the atmospheric temperature would rise to much higher average values and then endanger life on our planet 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

47 Global Warming (2) Modern society increasingly depends on energy
Energy production is accomplished by burning fossil fuels which when burned release carbon dioxide The problem is exacerbated by ongoing destruction of tropical forests in Asia, Africa, and South America Atmospheric CO2 has increased by about 25% in the last 100 years It is rising at a frightening pace of 0.5% per year CO2 level will soon reach twice the value it had before the industrial revolution Consequences are complex, not completely known Sophisticated and elaborate computer models are used Conclusions are not firm at this point 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

48 Why is there no clear evidence of craters on Earth?

49 Suggested Answer Geological activity!

50 Earth Craters Evidence of fairly recent impacts can be found on our planet's surface The best studied case took place on June 30, 1908, near the Tunguska River in Siberia, Russia  8 km above the ground Flattened more than a thousand square kilometers of forest Blast wave spread around the world and was recorded by instruments designed to record changed in atmospheric pressure 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

51 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

52 Arizona Meteor Crater Impact thought to have occured 50,000 years ago
Iron-nickel meteorite Hurtling at about 40, miles per hour Northern Arizona Explosive force greater than 20 million tons of TNT Estimated size of meteor about 150 feet across Weigh several hundred thousand tons Crater 700 feet deep, 4000 feet across Today: crater is 550 feet deep, and 2.4 miles in circumference 1 February 2005 AST 2010: Chapter 7

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