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Stephen Milton Undulator System 14 November, 2004 Undulator System Overview Stephen Milton.

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Presentation on theme: "Stephen Milton Undulator System 14 November, 2004 Undulator System Overview Stephen Milton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stephen Milton Undulator System 14 November, 2004 Undulator System Overview Stephen Milton

2 Undulator System 14 November, 2004 Undulator Systems WBS 1.4

3 Stephen Milton Undulator System 14 November, 2004 Undulator Hall Schematic Baseline Layout

4 Stephen Milton Undulator System 14 November, 2004 LCLS Organization @ L2

5 Stephen Milton Undulator System 14 November, 2004 Management: Organization APS J.M. Gibson Assoc. Lab. Director LCLS Undulator S. Milton Project Director LCLS Project J. Galayda Project Director Accel. Systems. Div. R. Gerig Division Director Exp. Facilities Div. E. Gluskin Division Director APS Operations Div. W. Ruzicka Division Director D. Walters Vacuum/Diagnostics CAM M. White Magnet Systems CAM J. Stein Controls CAM R.Ruland/MMF J. Welch/Fixed Support CAM H.D. Nuhn Undulator System Physicist

6 Stephen Milton Undulator System 14 November, 2004 Fully Characterized Prototype

7 Stephen Milton Undulator System 14 November, 2004 Undulator: Prototype Status Value Engineered Thoroughly Most recently Wingless poles Aluminum magnet block/pole holder simplification All measurement tested Including before and after transporting

8 Stephen Milton Undulator System 14 November, 2004 3-D CAD Rendering of the Prototype

9 Stephen Milton Undulator System 14 November, 2004 Acquisition/Delivery Plan Undulators Prototyped and Thoroughly Tested Long-Lead Procurements Ti Strongback Magnet Blocks Magnets Poles 1 st Article in industry before production run (FY05) Assemble in industry Deliver to SLAC MMF Measure/tune at SLAC Handover of responsibility to SLAC following successful tuning Install

10 Stephen Milton Undulator System 14 November, 2004 Undulator: Status of LLPs Statement of Work Complete for Ti stongback Near complete for the poles and the magnet blocks Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOps) Requests for interest released Will be used to qualify vendors See other’s talks for many more details

11 Stephen Milton Undulator System 14 November, 2004 Continuing Resolution ??? For the purpose of this review don’t worry about it.

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