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Graduate Research Strategies for Social Work Making the Most of CSUS Library Resources Summer 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Graduate Research Strategies for Social Work Making the Most of CSUS Library Resources Summer 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graduate Research Strategies for Social Work Making the Most of CSUS Library Resources Summer 2006

2 Linda J. Goff 2 Your Personal Librarians Bill Kristie 278-5662 Social Work Librarian Linda Goff 278-5981 Head of Instructional Services Reza Peigahi 278-5246 Instruction Librarian

3 Linda J. Goff 3 Create SacLink Free internet account from CSUS. See Library Checklist for MSW Students in packet. For more information about UCCS services (free software etc.) go to Create Library PIN

4 Linda J. Goff 4 EUREKA Library Catalog Start with Advanced Keyword. Determine subject headings. Following tracings to additional terms. Use limit feature for SW theses.

5 Linda J. Goff 5 Create Library PIN to keep track of your library books Go to “My Library Account.” Use to place holds on items with due dates.

6 for Graduate Students Research Strategies…

7 Linda J. Goff 7 Standard Research Steps Determine Information Need Locate/Retrieve Relevant Information Access Information Using Technology Evaluate Information Use Information Ethically Communicate the Information

8 Linda J. Goff 8 Define Research Topic State your topic as a question. Identify key concepts and vocabulary. Narrow or broaden your topic. Maintain a list of term that work best for your topic and add to it as you go. Follow “ tracings ” from within EUREKA or databases. This strategy works whether you ’ re writing a brief paper or your thesis.

9 Linda J. Goff 9 Plagiarism is taken seriously by the Division of Social Work Click the Plagiarism Information link on Library Home page for campus policy and valuable links. Take UCLA Bruin Success with Less Stress tutorial if you have questions about fair use and copyright issues.UCLA Bruin Success with Less Stress

10 Linda J. Goff 10 Social Work Resources Research Guides – Social WorkSocial Work Guides to SW Literature & Web. Handbooks, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries and Directories. Periodical Abstracts & Databases. Writing Guides: Literature Review

11 Linda J. Goff 11 Start Here: From Library Home Page, click on “ Research Guides” and scroll to find: Social Work

12 Linda J. Goff 12 Encyclopedia of Social Work Published by National Association of Social Workers. 19th edition, 1995, 1997 and 2003 supplements. First published in 1929. Overview articles focus on Social Work theory & practice.

13 Linda J. Goff 13 “Domestic Violence” Liane V. Davis Overview Scope of the problem Theories Practice Cites experts

14 Linda J. Goff 14 Determine Authority Liane V. Davis, PhD, ACSW, LSCSW, Assoc. Prof. University of Kansas, School of Social Welfare, Lawrence, KS 66045. 3 self-citations in bibliography. Look in NASW Register of Clinical Social Workers.

15 Linda J. Goff 15 Citation Format (Straus & Gelles, 1986) (Stark & Flitcraft, 1988) (Straus & Gelles, 1990)

16 Linda J. Goff 16 ReferencesReferences Straus, M.A. & Gelles, R.J. (1986). Societal change and change in family violence from 1975 to 1985 as revealed by two national surveys. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 48, 465-479.

17 Linda J. Goff 17 Other Reference Books Social Work Dictionary. Social Work Almanac. Community Services Directory Sacramento, California. Social Work Desk Reference. Encyclopedia of Associations.

18 Linda J. Goff 18 Statistical Sources Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Statistical Handbook on Women in America. Statistical Record of Children. Children Now County Data Book. Public Welfare in California.

19 Specialized tools for Social Work Finding Articles…

20 Linda J. Goff 20 Characteristics of Scholarly Journals Publishes original research and/or announce research in-progress. Include articles with bibliographies or footnotes/endnotes. Published by a learned society or professional association. Articles “refereed” by experts.

21 Linda J. Goff 21 Electronic or Paper? You must use BOTH for a comprehensive lit review!

22 Linda J. Goff 22 Social Work Abstracts (paper) Published by NASW. We have SWR&A 1977-93; SWA 1994-current. Reviews 450 journals, with 2,000 citations annually. Contains citations and abstracts of articles.

23 Linda J. Goff 23 Social Services Abstracts (electronic) Current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development. Dates back to 1980 and is updated monthly.

24 Linda J. Goff 24 Social Sciences Citation Index Both Paper (1977-2005.) & Electronic ( 1999 to date). Indexes the citations in bibliographies in more than 3,000 journals.

25 Linda J. Goff 25 Social Science Citation Index is useful because... Covers material from all Social Sciences. Keyword finds non-standard terms. Identifies seminal research. Demonstrates the relation- ship between scholars.

26 Linda J. Goff 26 Other Useful Databases WorldCat - 40 million books Ethnic NewsWatch - news GenderWatch - impact of gender Books In Print – newest books GPO – US government sources

27 Linda J. Goff 27 A Word to the Wise! You will have to search many catalogs, paper indexes and online databases to do a comprehensive literature review for your thesis. Most databases have their own searching system and rules, BUT …

28 Library Electronic Resources

29 Linda J. Goff 29 Library Database Types Most are “bibliographic” providing just a citation or citation with abstract to locate the journal or book at CSUS, or through Interlibrary Loan. Many databases have “full text” articles that can be emailed, downloaded or printed.

30 Linda J. Goff 30 Databases by Subject Page Provides a discipline based subject guide to Electronic Resources, recommended by the CSUS Librarians. Use this list to determine which are the best databases to search for Social Work topics:

31 Linda J. Goff 31

32 Linda J. Goff 32 You can search any database if you understand... Keyword vs. controlled vocabulary. Boolean search language. Limiting. Proximity searching. and...

33 Linda J. Goff 33 READ THE SCREEN ! READTHESCREEN if you...

34 Linda J. Goff 34 Help screens Most databases provide screens with detailed instructions on how to search most effectively. It is always a good idea to read help screens before you begin your search in a new database !!! Clues to look for: Guide,Help, Search Tips, ?, Tips or QuikBib.

35 Linda J. Goff 35 Boolean Operators AND requires both terms appear in the items that are retrieved. OR requires either term appear in the items that are retrieved. NOT excludes a term.

36 Linda J. Goff 36 Boolean Search Strategy c a a b a AND b a OR c a NOT b family and violence family or domestic family NOT violence a b b

37 Linda J. Goff 37 Keyword Searching Simplest form of searching. Computer looks for records that match the words typed, not the ideas represented by the words. Some are “phrase searches”. Results can be by displayed by date or relevance.

38 Linda J. Goff 38 Controlled Vocabulary Uses subject headings to give better, more refined, search results. Computer looks for records that match the ideas represented by the words. Terms are standardized. Subject headings are often active links. Click to do a new search under the correct heading and expand your search terms list.

39 Linda J. Goff 39 Advanced/Expert Searching Available in many databases. Allows boolean searching instead of just key word or subject. Often contains thesaurus of descriptors used. Best for frequent searchers. (This means YOU!).

40 Linda J. Goff 40 Combined Searches In advanced or expert mode you can combine your search sets using boolean search terms. You can also search in combined databases, e.g., CSA (Criminal Justice Abstracts, Social Services Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts.) PROSPECTOR can do even more.

41 Linda J. Goff 41 Finding the articles Full-text in the database you are searching. Link from database to SFX. EUREKA (print or link to full-text). Journal Locator List. PROSPECTOR “Find Journal.”

42 Linda J. Goff 42 Journal Locator List Links citation to full text of journal in another database, if available.

43 Linda J. Goff 43 Shows available options : Link to EUREKA Link to Full text

44 Linda J. Goff 44 Follow the links Shows available options: Link to EUREKA Link to Full text Locus

45 Linda J. Goff 45 Search under Journal name to determine which database may have it in full text.

46 Linda J. Goff 46 Interlibrary Services If CSUS does not own a book or journal you need we can borrow it for you. Click on Interlibrary Loan Services from the Library home page and create an ILLiad account.

47 Linda J. Goff 47 New PROSPECTOR searching PROSPECTOR is a federated search tool that searches across multiple databases and web sources. PROSPECTOR will allow you to customized “My Space” and select the sources you search regularly.

48 Linda J. Goff 48

49 Linda J. Goff 49

50 Linda J. Goff 50

51 Linda J. Goff 51 READ THE SCREEN ! READTHESCREEN Don’t forget !

52 Linda J. Goff 52 *Remote Access Access is 24/7. SacLink account required if you use a non-CSUS Internet Service Provider (aol etc.). Instructions under Off-Campus Access to Library E-Resources.. Off-Campus Access to Library E-Resources

53 Linda J. Goff 53 Important URLs Campus Home Page Library Home Page Databases & Periodical Indexes PROSPECTOR

54 Linda J. Goff 54 If you have questions about lab computers or your own: UCCS 278-7337, or go to AIRC 2005. Ask Lab assistants. Or go to:

55 Evaluation – an Ongoing Process

56 Linda J. Goff 56 Evaluation Checklist Authority – are they experts? How do you know? Scope - is it comprehensive or one-sided? Currency – when was it last updated? Purpose - is it clear? Accuracy - how does it compare to other data you have found? Web Usability – do the links work?

57 Linda J. Goff 57 Style Manuals CSUS Guide for Thesis/Project Format, forms etc. Division of Social Work Thesis/ Project Format Requirements, Graduate Handbook etc. Publication Manual of the APA, 5 th Ed.

58 Linda J. Goff 58 Make a research appointment with your favorite Librarian! Avoid frustration!

59 Linda J. Goff 59 Please Complete online Evaluation From Library Home Page, click on Instructional Services. Click on Online Evaluation for Library Instruction. Use pull-down menu to find librarian’s name. Complete and submit. Thank you!

60 Linda J. Goff 60 Your Personal Librarians Bill Kristie 278-5662 Social Work Librarian Linda Goff 278-5981 Head of Instructional Services Reza Peigahi 278-5246 Instruction Librarian LJG 7/21/2006

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