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Presentation on theme: " ARC Linkage Project Grants for 2007 Funding (ARC LP07) Dr Kathy Avent Research Coordinator (Contracts) Monash University Research Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARC Linkage Project Grants for 2007 Funding (ARC LP07) Dr Kathy Avent Research Coordinator (Contracts) Monash University Research Office August 2006

2 2 ARC LP Objectives Encourage/develop long-term strategic research alliances Apply advanced knowledge to problems Provide industry oriented research training and postdoctoral opportunities Support research of benefit to regional and rural communities Produce a pool of world-class researchers Doesn’t support contract research –Must be risk involved

3 3 ARC LP Research Projects Types of research funded: –Pure basic research >fundamental, no immediate direct benefit –Strategic based research >to solve practical problems –Applied research >to find uses for the above

4 4 ARC LP 2 Rounds per year $20K to $500K per annum, 1-5 yrs Partner Organisation (PO) required –Not primarily funded for research –Industry, government, community group Collaborative project with joint benefits and outcomes transferred into practice via PO Cash and in-kind contribution of PO must match $ requested from ARC (min cash 20%)


6 6 Some general notes Instructions to Applicants not released yet GAMS applications not available yet LP = Linkage Project CI = Chief Investigator; PI = Partner Investigator PO = Partner Organisation APDI = named ARC Postdoctoral Research Fellow APAI = Masters/PhD HDR student LIF = Linkage Industry Fellowship

7 7 What makes a successful LP Application? Research team with appropriate experience and relevant track record Well written application addressing selection criteria Full justification of budget Strong collaboration with Partner Org Clear mechanism to put outcomes into practice High cash from Partner Org

8 8 How to involve your Partner Organisation (PO)? Talk early & often about the project Find out their needs/wants Explain the LP timeline & process Undertake contract research first* Understand their organisation & who has “sign-off” authority

9 9 How to involve your Partner Organisation (PO)? Include a Partner Investigator from PO* Students can be supervised by PIs Regular updates/briefings to discuss outcomes Establish Advisory group Recognise when to back out!

10 10 Assessment Process LP07XXXXCOE members Reports Applicant Rejoinder Assessors >$150K <$150K

11 11 The Application GAMSAdded text PART A Admin summary PART B Personnel PART C Project Cost PART D Research Support PART E Project Description PART F Partner Org details

12 12 GAMS: Grant Administration Management System Accessed online via ARC website All CIs and PIs need GAMS Id Ensure personal information is correct Start as soon as forms are available Save often

13 13 Selection Criteria & Project Description Track Record 20% Project Description (PART E 10 pages) Aims & Background Significance & Innovation 25% Approach & Training 20% Partner Organisation commitment 25% National Benefit 10% Communication of Results Description (Role) of Personnel

14 14 Rejoinders Read the assessors reports Prepare a response Wait 24 hours, reconsider first draft! Read the assessors reports AGAIN!

15 15 Rejoinders Address criticisms directly, don’t just discuss assessors comments If assessors make incorrect statements rebut with supporting evidence Seek feedback from colleagues, Partner Organisation and RO

16 16 ARC LP07: 2006 RO Deadlines APPLICATION STATUSRound 2 2006Round 1 2007* ELIGIBILITY & EXEMPTION RULINGSFri 6 th OctFri 16 th Mar APPLICATION SubmissionMon 30 th OctMon 9th April* FINAL APPLICATION Resubmitted with 3 COPIESBefore or on Mon 20 th Nov Before or on Mon 30 th April NOTE: RESEARCH OFFICE CANNOT ENSURE COMPREHENSIVE ELIGIBILITY AND COMPLIANCE ISSUES FOR APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR THE FIRST TIME AFTER: Fri 17 th NovFri 27 th April Applications couriered to the ARCWed 22 nd NovWed 2 nd May

17 17 ARC LP07 Eligibility & Exemption Rulings 1.Clinical Medical or Dental Research Eligibility (FR3.5, 6.4) 2.APDI Eligibility (FR5.5) 3.Researcher Role Eligibility- CI vs PI (FR5.1) 4.Conflict of Interest- CI/APDI only (FR5.6.4) 5.Partner Organisation (FR Appendix 2) a)Organisation type- Eligibility b)20% Cash Exemption Request 6.Other Submitted to RO with required supporting evidence on ARC form by 6 th October 2006

18 18 Track Record 20% PARTS B & D Track record scores are a team average Teams are encouraged, but must be cohesive, preferably complementary Demonstrate that you are the right person or team to do the job Positive and relevant to project

19 19 Significance & Innovation 25% Does the research address an important problem? How will outcomes advance knowledge? Is it related to a NRP? If yes, how? Are project aims and concepts novel and innovative? Will new methods or technologies be developed?

20 20 Approach & Training 20% Are the methods, design, concept and analyses well designed and appropriate to aims? How appropriate is the budget? If an APAI is included- –Is the project suitable? –Is the intellectual content and scale ok

21 21 National Benefit 10% What economic and/social benefits for Australia are possible outcomes? Is there a link to NRP? Or more than one? Focus on Outcomes –Expertise –International collaboration –Contribution to culture –Benefit to end users –Interest/benefit to person in the street

22 22 Partner Organisation Commitment 25% Evidence of genuine commitment- –$$$$$$$$ “money talks” –Valid time and resource contributions –Supervision of APAI –Access to equipment, data –Ongoing input into project & outcomes –Establishment of advisory group or steering committee

23 23 ARC LP07 Budgets!!! FAQs: How much cash should I ask for from the ARC? How much cash do I need from Partner Organisation?

24 24 ARC LP Budgets If request from ARC is >$50,000 pa the PO cash MUST be min 20% (>35% better) PO contribution must match $ for $ total request from ARC For each APAI there MUST be $6000 cash + $6000 cash/in-kind per year For ARC request of $500,000 pa the PO contribution MUST be 50% cash

25 25 ARC LP07 Budget Example 1: APAI only ARCPartner cash Partner In-kind APAI year 1$25,118$6,000 APAI year 2$25,118$6,000 APAI year 3$25,118$6,000 Total$75,354$18,000

26 26 ARC LP07 Budget Example 2: Project costs only ARCPartner cash Partner In-kind ** Year 1$45,000 Year 2$135,000 Year 3$65,000 Total$245,000$49,000*$196,000 *20% cash minimum, in practice aim for >35% to increase success ($86K) ** calculated using Appendix 5 of Funding Rules (p44-46)

27 27 ARC LP07 Budget Example 3: APAI and Project costs ARCPartner cash Partner In-kind APAI 3 yrs$75,354$18,000 Project costs$245,000$49,000$196,000 Total$320,354$67,000$214,000

28 28 Researcher Roles & Eligibility: Chief Investigator (CI) by 1 Jan 2007 for Round 1 2006 a)Reside predominantly in Aus, temp/perm residence b)Either: i.Be an employee and derive at least 50% of salary from Eligible Organisation ii.Hold adjunct appt or honorary, without substantive or paid appt elsewhere c)No conflict of interest (*exemption request) i.No direct/indirect financial interest in PO ii.Not hold position paid or unpaid with PO d)Not receive any salary from ARC funding (*LIF exception)

29 29 Researcher Roles & Eligibility: Partner Investigator (PI) a)Not be eligible to be CI b)Be employed and derive >50% salary from NON Eligible Organisation c)Secure contribution from organisation for project d)Not receive funding from ARC for project (unless LIF) e)Take significant intellectual responsibility f)Cannot be CI & PI

30 30 Researcher Roles & Eligibility: Australian Postdoctoral Fellow (APDI) a)Reside predominantly in Aus, temp/perm residence b)No conflict of interest (*exemption request) AND a)Experience: i.Have no more than 3yrs postdoc research experience ii.Been awarded PhD not more than 3 yrs ago iii.will submit within 6 months of LP closing date b)Not held ARC fellowship previously c)Make full-time commitment to project

31 31 Partner Organisation: Eligibility Refer to Appendix 2 Funding Rules a)A private sector organisation b)A private non-profit organisation; or c)A Govt organisation (where funds committed to project have not been appropriated either for internal research- related activities or for any other purpose of research, evaluation and/or consultancy)

32 32 Australian Postgraduate Award Industry (APAI) Eligibility a)Be Aus/NZ citizen or Aus permanent resident b)Be enrolled in F/T HDR at Eligible Organisation c)Have appropriate Hons or 2A undergrad d)Not receive similar stipend from Commonwealth e)Not already have completed HDR at same or higher level f)Not previously held APAI unless terminated within 6 months of award

33 33 Linkage Industry Fellowship (LIF) Temporary transfer of CI or PI between organisations For 3-12 months Maximum value of $100,000 Only one per application Funding Rules 3.7

34 34 Useful links and information LP07 LP07 mailing list: email with subscribe LP07 mailing list in subject nformation/arc/arc-linkageprojects-round1.html nformation/arc/arc-linkageprojects-round1.html LP07 Contacts: GAMS: Prisca Cradick 53074 General Queries: Edwina Goh 51193 & Prisca Cradick 53074 Detailed & Budget Queries: Kathy Avent 20131 (good luck, its better to use email!)

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