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Soft Bottom SAV (eelgrass)

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1 Soft Bottom SAV (eelgrass)
Subtidal Community Soft Bottom SAV (eelgrass)

2 Figure 10.22


4 Subtidal Zone The part of the continental shelf that is always covered by water from the low tide mark to the shelf break (150m or 490 ft)

5 Subtidal Zone Temperature varies from place to place due to its shallowness Bottom still affected by waves, tides and currents Very productive areas – nutrients & light

6 Subtidal Zone Soft Bottom Communites Hard Bottom Communites
Seagrass Beds (NOW) Hard Bottom Communites Kelp Forests (previously viewed)

7 Seagrass Beds Develop in sheltered shallow water
Most species prefer warm waters Turtle Grass Some are found in colder areas Eelgrass (Zostera marina) our local species

8 Figure 13.17




12 Ecological Targets Seagrass Meadows Hard Clams

13 Seagrass Beds Slow down currents Increase the depositing of sediments
Have roots - can absorb nutrients from the sediment

14 Seagrass Beds Important nursery for juvenile animals
Bay scallop on Long Island



17 Fig

18 Figure 13.16 Generalized food web in a seagrass community

19 …go to… SAV ppt SAV/Fire Island ppt SAV/Global Climate Change ppt

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