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3 Some definitions of partnerships: where we are Vertical partnership Horizontal partnership EC State Regions Local Authorities ADMINISTRATIONS Economic and social Partners (ESPs) Europen National Regional Local (+ other players) LOCAL DEVELOPMENT EQUAL DPs Institutional partnerships ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PARTNERSHIPS National Support Framework Operational Programmes
Part 1 - The TA to Economic and Social partners
5 The Italian context At national level: –from the ’90s strong partnership on welfare and distribution policy; –Policy management strictly in the hands of PA (with the exception of continuous training) At regional level traditional North / South differences in partnership: –Central role / Marginal role of ESPs –Formal and structured / informal and occasional models of partnership In objective 1 regions: –Actors (PA and ESPs) are often weak; –Direct political relationships prevail on partnership; –Recent trend for more participation and more attention to partnership from PA
6 The causes of the TA After a wide involvement in the initial phase, in 2003 the integration of ESPs in programming was very weak, specially at regional level: –Poor contribution of ESPs to the decision making; –Difficult dialogue between PA and ESPs; –Potential conflict of interest and not representative agreements; –Lack of continuity; –Distance between programmes and territories. Negative effects on the overall development strategy (oriented to making active and developing local resources) and diffused de- responsibility among the different actors
7 Brief history of the Italian experience In 2003 an agreement between the National Authority and more than 30 associations identified the need for a support to partnership; In 2005 the Technical Assistance (TA) to Economic and Social Partners (ESPs) in objectives 1 regions was launched; In these years the TA supports the ESPs in participating to the regional and sectoral programmes; Every 6 months a Steering Committee, including administrations and with the majority of social partners, address and verify the TA; In June 2008 the TA will end, but it will be replicated in the new programming period; At the moment, it is a pilot experience in EU and it is appreciated as a best practices.
8 The administrative design of the TA ESPs can not directly manage resources and would scatter them in many single associations ; The National Managing Authorities of the CSF launched a call for tender and selected Ismeri Europa A Steering Committee, including NMA, objective 1 Regions and some representatives of the ESPs addresses and controls the activities of TA (based on six-months plans); The President of the Steering Committee is a representative of the ESPs; ESPs have the majority in the Steering Committee
9 The main objectives of the TA 1.Promote a stable and organised relationship between PAs and ESPs; 2.Increase the skills of the ESPs in structural funds procedures and rules; 3.Support the ESPs in territorial animation and transmission of knowledge; 4.Define and introduce a new partnership model more efficient and easy to manage.
10 Main activities of the TA A - Knowledge Development of favorable conditions for partnership B – Competences – Stimulation and growth of competence C- Communication and back office Studies and reinforcement of partnership models, National-regional linkages, “State of art” Seminars, workshops and direct support in decision making at regional level Improvement of information flows for ESPs and production of specific documents LINESSERVICES Put in place a functioning model of partnership increase competences and know-how of ESPs Promoting shared partnership models OBJECTIVES
11 Some tools Partnership meeting – ESPs and Managing Authority plan together the next activities of the TA on the basis of their needs and objectives Workshops – presentation and discussion with ESPs of a critical theme (sectoral strategy, programme advancement, etc.), possibly involving the responsible department in the PA Vademecum – summary of interventions and documents oriented to improve ESPs activity (examples of themes: aids of state, evaluation, use of the national resources, etc.) Direct support (suivi) to ESPs – specific analyses and dossier preparation before a meeting or for supporting a proposal of the ESPs (frequently used in the new programming)
12 Some results Constant and direct involvement of about 200-250 representatives of ESPs and about 15-20 regional and national departments; General improvement in the relationships between PA and ESPs Increased participation of weaker ESPs and territorial diffusion of knowledge A high number of documents and guides are available and diffused Social and Economic partnership was an important focus of the new programming debate; Definition of a new partnership model adopted in the NSF
Part 2 - Identification of a partnership model
14 Background of the partnership model EU do not provide / propose partnership models Existing regulations refer to national practices, whereas the Monitoring Committee do not provide a real arena for ESPs participation Existing regional/national acts some time recognise partnership, but generally do not provide rules and organisation model
15 Partnership in the National Support Framework Involvement of ESPs in the whole decision-making process (planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluation); Promotion of Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) between PA and ESPs on “the rules of the game” and codes of conduct among associations; Reinforcement of the ESPs responsibilities More attention to results of partnership Starting off an in-depth dialogue – at least once a year - about the cohesion policy at political level
16 The approach to the model Incremental approach: –Starting from current experience in order to integrate and improve it; –Making the most of less developed scenarios, without changing advanced ones; –Paying attention to innovation to testify to a lack of continuity
17 Basic conception 5 principles: 1.Inclusion 2.Information and advertising 3.Integration 4.Organization 5.Concreteness 6 elements: 1.The role of ESPs in Structural Funds; 2.The representation of stakeholders; 3.The contents of partnership; 4.Operation; 5.Organisation; 6.Information flows to support partnership.
18 Factor 5 – Organisation The partnership is organised at three main levels: –Political level –Coordination of partnership activities –Operational and technical level Three innovative solutions are introduced: –The Partnership Forum, needing a wide representation –The Pilot Committee responsible for organizing and verifying the activities of the partnership –The Partnership Office, within the administration and devoted to partnership The OP Monitoring Committee doesn’t have any new tasks; it reports about the activity of the partnership
19 Factor 5 - Flowchart of relationships Forum Pilot Committee (mixed office) Other ways to acquire knowledge Thematic Table MOUs Partnership’s Office Proposal on general programming Course trend of partners hip activities Annual Report of partnership’s activities Political Level Common Tasks The partnership’s Agenda The managing Authority’s Calendar Technical Support Partnership Activities Control Coordination level Common work plan and control Proposal for sectorial programming and Operational suggestions. operational suggestions Operational level Proposals for implementation
20 Considerations on the organization The organization should be the same for ESF and ERDF The Partnership Office is a staff function, (not necessary a service with many officials). It witnesses the effort of the PA; The Pilot Committee provides for a wide participation of ESPs, and for this: –It is flexible (can assume different shapes according to the context); –It manages and facilitates dialogue in an unbiased manner; –It supervises over activities and reports to the Forum. In some Italian regions, almost all these structures are already in place
Part 3 - Conclusions and lessons
22 Lessons TA to ESPs is not a simple task (political influences, tackling different capacity levels, high number and often conflicting associations, continuous changes in the PA agenda, etc.) … but it is useful (results are positive and the experience will continue) Partnership needs systemic framework and organisation (connecting political and technical levels; promoting territorial diffusion of the partnership method); ESPs need support, but they have not to change their function (becoming “expert”) Instruments have to be adapted to the context and the habits (i.e ESPs are not intensive web users)
23 Conclusions 1.This experience promoted capacity building in the Italian Objective 1 regions; 2.TA to ESPs is useful everywhere and can be diffused, but it has to be adapted; 3.The first client of the TA should be the ESPs, not the managing authorities, which have to cooperate and benefit of it; 4.Support to the PA is also necessary (how to “get” knowledge from ESPs, how to organise work in a partnership environment, how to interact with political representatives, etc.).
24 ISMERI EUROPA ASSISTENZA TECNICA AL PARTENARIATO EX OB.1 VIA C. MIRABELLO, 17 00195 ROMA Sede centrale: G.G. BELLI, 39 00193 ROMA TEL.06.87 44 0752/32168121 PROJECT MANAGER: Andrea Naldini COORDINATOR: Rosario Caravano STAFF: Rosario Caravano Barbara Befani Clelia Cipolla Emanuele Coletti Carlo Miccadei Marco Pompili
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